Study Guide- Imperialism, WWI


  • Define
  • George Washington’s Farewell Address (isolationism)
  • 3 reasons to expand
  • Annex (define)
  • Alfred Thayer Mahan- theory about naval power?
  • New Navy
  • Coaling Stations
  • Anti-Imperialism


  • Sugar (Importance? What group owned the plantations?)
  • Voting rights (Who could vote?)
  • Tariff
  • Queen Liliuokalani
  • Stanford Dole
  • Hawaiian Revolution (Who was responsible?)
  • Pres. Cleveland Reaction
  • Annexation (Year? What changed as to why the US annexed the Republic of Ha?)

Spanish/American War (military strength, weakness, cause of casualties)

  • Cuba Libre
  • Yellow Journalism
  • USS Maine
  • Teller Amendment (define, controversy)
  • Platt Amendment
  • Colonies Annexed during war

US Empire

  • Philippines
  • Emilio Aguinaldo
  • Philippine Insurrection (briefly explain)
  • Why did some Americans not want to annex Phil?
  • President Cleveland, Mark Twain- Why were they anti-imperialism
  • Nativist Argument
  • Panama Canal (Why did the US need the canal?)
  • Country Panama liberated from?
  • Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty
  • Roosevelt Corollary
  • Bad Neighbor Policy
  • Dollar Diplomacy- Taft’s foreign policy to use money to sway Latin American countries to support US goals in their nations
  • Missionary Diplomacy- Wilson foreign policy in Latin America, idea the US knew what was best for Latin America
  • China
  • Sphere’s of Influence
  • Open Door Policy
  • Boxer Rebellion
  • 2nd Open Door Policy

WWI Study Guide

  • Causes of WWI
  • MAIN (?)
  • Archduke Franz Ferdinand
  • US drawn into w
  • Zimmerman Note
  • Unlimited Submarine Warfare
  • Lusitania
  • Russia surrenders
  • “War to End War”, “Make the World Safe for Democracy”
  • War at Home (Was the US ready for war? Explain; What did Americans feel the US primary role would be in war?)
  • Propaganda (define)
  • Committee on Public Opinion/George Creel (define)
  • What was the problem
  • Civil Liberties
  • Sedition Act
  • Espionage Act
  • Schenck v US
  • War Machine Economy
  • War Labor Board
  • War Industries Board
  • Food Administration
  • Great Migration (define, impact on Af/Am?)
  • Women role in War effort
  • 19th Amendment
  • End of the War
  • Big 4 (goal of Wilson vs. the European countries)
  • 14 Points
  • League of Nations
  • Demilitarization
  • Self Determination
  • Treaty of Versailles (how did the TofV lead to problems)
  • Reparations
  • War-Guilt Clause
  • Lost land
  • Ratification (Did US join League of Nations? WHY
  • Article X
  • Republican reservations (what were the afraid of losing?)
  • Henry Cabot Lodge
  • Wilson’s failing