Flow Chart of Causation in the Early Republic

Events / Date / President
- Constitution replaces ineffective Articles of Confederation / 1789 / George Washington
(no party affiliation)
- Reports on Public Credit
- Assumption of Debt
- Excise Taxes / 1790
- Reports on Public Credit
- Whiskey Tax
- First Bank of the U.S. established to deal with monetary policy
- Tariffs Proposed (not passed) / 1791
- Washington’s Proclamation of Neutrality in response to French Revolution
- Citizen Genêt Affair in response to Neutrality / 1793
- Whiskey Rebellion in response to Whiskey Tax / 1794
- Jay’s Treaty in response to failures of Treaty of Paris
- Pinckney’s Treaty (Treaty of San Lorenzo) to clarify U.S. possessions and access to the Mississippi River / 1795
- Washington’s Farewell Address
- Election of Adams with Jefferson as VP / 1796
- XYZ Affair as a result of growing conflict with France because of Jay’s Treaty and Citizen Genêt Affair; causes Quasi War (1798-1800) / 1797 / John Adams
- Alien & Sedition Acts because of “trouble with France (and Britain)”
- Virginia and Kentucky Resolves as a result of Alien & Sedition Acts / 1798
- JQ Adams negotiates resolution to problems with France ending justifiability of Alien & Sedition Acts / 1799
- “Revolution of 1800”
- Democratic-Republicans into power as a result of Federalist policies / 1800
- Midnight Appointments as a result of Federalists’ fears of Democratic-Republican control / 1801
- First Barbary War begins (ends 1805)
- Marbury v. Madison decision (a result of Midnight Appointments) establishes judicial review / 1801 / Thomas Jefferson
- Louisiana Purchase / 1803
- 12th Amendment (response to elections of 1796 and 1800) / 1804
- Non-Importation Act as a result of Napoleonic Wars disrupting American shipping / 1806
- Leopard and Chesapeake Incident as a result of conflict with Britain over trade with France during Napoleonic Wars
- Embargo Act as a response to Leopard and Chesapeake Incident
- Federalists in North assert right to nullify Embargo of 1807 / 1807
- Federalist influenced Congress repeals Embargo / 1809 / James Madison
- Macon’s Bill No.2 in response to end of Embargo of 1807 allows for opening of trade with either France or Britain; Madison chooses France / 1810
- Charter of the First National Bank Expires / 1811
- War of 1812 begins (ends 1814) under pressure from War Hawks as a result of British failures to live up to Treaty of Paris and Jay’s Treaty / 1812
- Hartford Convention as a result of sectional conflict during War of 1812
- War of 1812 ends (Treaty of Ghent) / 1814
- Battle of New Orleans elevates Andrew Jackson to hero figure
- Second Barbary War as a result of unprotected merchant ships in the Mediterranean during the War of 1812 / 1815
- Federalist Party dissolves as a result of growing internal conflict and inability to effectively meet the needs of most Americans
- Second National Bank established / 1816
- Era of Good Feeling begins as a result of one party system, limited foreign conflict, and economic stability / 1817 / James Monroe
- McCulloch v. Maryland sets the precedent for the use of the Necessary and Proper Clause / 1819
- Growing sectionalism as north industrializes and slavery expands in the south / 1820
- Monroe Doctrine as a result of independence of Central and South American countries and / 1823