Khaled is a native of Egypt, born and raised in Kuwait and other Middle Eastern countries including Saudi Arabia, Dubai and Egypt. He attended several elementary, middle and high schools in the Middle East. He has a B.S. in Architectural Engineering from King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM) in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia and he received a M.S. in Civil Engineering (Building Energy Systems Engineering Discipline) from the University of Colorado at Boulder, CO.
Khaled is the Senior Energy Systems Engineer and Project Manager with SAIC’s Energy Solutions Operation in Albany, NY. He has over fifteen years of comprehensive building HVAC/energy systems experience. He is experienced in identifying and evaluating the energy and economic impacts of a wide range of energy conservation measures (ECMs) and innovative technologies. This is applied to technical feasibility/assistance studies, utility demand side management (DSM) programs, energy services performance contracts (ESPCs), design assistance and radon mitigation and indoor quality (IAQ) measures.
As an undergraduate research assistant and student at the King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Khaled spent time discussing mechanical systems in buildings with his professor and hero, Walter T. Grondzik. If the name sounds familiar, professor Grondzik was a speaker on Integrated Building Design portion of the recent ASHRAE Satellite Broadcast. The professor introduced him to HVAC and building energy efficiency and optimization. Khaled decided that this was what he wanted to do for a living. He joined the Building Energy Systems Engineering program as a graduate student at the University of Colorado at Boulder to get his masters and to formalize and expand his HVAC and energy efficiency knowledge. After receiving his degree, he started work on research projects at the Fleming Group in San Francisco, CA which later was acquired by SAIC Energy Solutions Group after he transferred to Albany, NY.
His enjoyment of HVAC comes from the wide variety of systems and the ability to examine the pros and cons of different solutions for different building types and applications. He enjoys working on optimization, simulation and analysis of the results. Khaled likes to provide his customers with sustainable solutions that solve their problems and meet their economic criteria. He especially likes it when customers call to provide positive feedback. He likes mentoring by training coworkers to help build new energy engineers.
His ASHRAE involvement started as an undergraduate and continued from there. He believes that ASHRAE is by far the best organization to provide HVAC and energy efficiency knowledge. He learned a tremendous amount of material from the ASHRAE handbooks and monthly magazines, etc. ASHRAE keeps him on top of his game and allows him to meet good colleagues, friends and customers. This is the place he likes to be as a professional in the HVAC field where he can brain storm, meet and exchange ideas and do a better job.
The Northeast Chapter has seen Khaled progress from Technical, Energy and Government Affairs Committee Chair and then to serve in the Officer positions of the chapter to President in 2007-2008.
Khaled has received several awards including the Region I Black Ink Award for the issues of our Thermal Briefs Newsletter. He also received Honorable Mention from Region I as Chair of the Chapter Technology Transfer Committee. Additionally, he was awarded the Outstanding Performance Regional Award for Chapter Programs.
Khaled looks forward to serving on the Board of Governors for the chapter as a Past President. He will work on CRC 2009 and be involved with the technical seminar portion of the program. If it is in the cards, he would like to be involved with the ASHRAE Energy Standard and Net Zero Energy Buildings. Mentoring is also something Khaled wants to do to share his experience and assist new members, officers and BOG members and the committee chairs wherever he can provide assistance. He would also like to get more government officials involved in ASHRAE and communicate to them that ASHRAE is available as a resource to help them with their facility and energy efficiency needs.
He would like to be remembered as a hardworking and dedicated HVAC energy efficiency professional. One who helped customers meet their energy efficiency goals. Assisted colleagues build their careers and provided mentoring to build better engineers. That he served ASHRAE and helped be a liaison between east and west and built bridges to open channels of communication and understanding regarding controversial issues. Reminded people to communicate better and focus on many good similarities and respect the few differences.
Khaled is married to his wife Suzan and has two wonderful kids, Layla and Adham. In his spare time he enjoys the outdoors, hiking, bicycling, squash, swimming, travel, photography, adventures, exploration, chess and good food. He is qualified as a British Sub-Aqua Club (BSAC) sports scuba diver and dove in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, the Red Sea, Egypt, California and Hawaii.
I am sure we will hear many more things from Khaled in the future.
By Stan Westhoff – Northeast Chapter Historian