Special Scopes

Phase Is

Client /


/ Soil/GW/Geology
or other
(Section 4.3) / Non-Scope Considerations
(Section 5.21) / Other
Wachovia / Yes / Add soil, geology, GW, and wetlands / Yes
All Synovus Banks / yes / Recommendations
PNC / Yes / 1. review wetland map and add paragraph in Section 4.3
2. also ask about fill material at sp and also add to Section 4.3
3. the report shall identify ecological resources and endangered species where applicable and based on the property type. This would typically apply to undeveloped land or to land where expansion activities are planned.
4. Compliance-address regulatory compliance to the extent any NOVs, excursions, corrective action orders, and/or fines in last 10 years that are recorded in Federal, State, or local files. This shall also include obvious signs of potential compliance issues noted during the site recon. Add to Section 5.21 / ACMs: standard paragraph, also, we must ask the client or site contact if 29 CFR 1910 asbestos records are available. Also, condition of ACMs must be included along with the presence of absence of friable suspect ACMs.
Radon, LBP, and lead in water ONLY to be included if property is residential (this DOES NOT include hotels/motels)
Mold: obvious signs of water damage, water intrusion and/or mold observed during the site reconnaissance.
Call the local Disaster and Emergency Services or the local fire department to determine if SARA Title III Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know records exist for your subject site. This paragraph should be added into Section 6.5 of the report. / Interviews- The names, job titles and phone numbers of all interviewed individuals shall be listed. The Consultant shall identify any owner, occupier or important site manager who Consultant identified, but was unable to interview. (Section 6)
Historical: both Aerial Photos and Sanborns must be examined
For Ohio sites, the rport shall disclose whether the subject property is subject to or potentially subject to Cessation of Regulated Operations requirements.
For Michigan sites, the rport shall disclose whether the subject property is a facility and/or if a Baseline Environmental Assessment is recommended.
Southern States Cooperative / NO / NO recommendations


Phase Is

Client /

Recommendations (Section 8.0)

/ Soil/GW/Geology
or other
(Section 2.2) / ACM/LBP/pb in water/radon or other
(Section 4.8) / Extra


/ Other
Business Partners / yes / Hydrogeology into section 4.3 / No / "Applicable Department of Conservation Oil and Gas Well maps must be reviewed and reported assessing potential historical or current oil or gas wells on or in the vicinity of the sp."
Section 5.9 Local
1. interview at least one of the following: local fire department, local/regional health agency, or local/regional haz waste or environmental agency
2. conduct review of building permits at the city/county building
Nationwide Ins.
Fifth-Third Bank / (KB 1-17-2006)
client has specifically asked for us to add more on property description section of report. I don't have exact details of what this means at this time (i.e. legal description, buildings specifics including more on structural, or location of property, or utility info). Just do your best at this time and when I get more feedback I'll change this scope with the particulars.

Business Lenders

/ Yes / No / Add ACMs to Section 5.9 / NO

UPS Capital

/ yes / yes, add to SECTION 2.2
and include soil, geology, and groundwater after the topo paragraph / NO / NO
BLX / Yes / No / No
(phase I – PCA COMBO project only) / Yes / No / ACMs, lead-based paint, lead in drinking water, and radon
Veritas / IMPORTANT--do not represent yourself as EI under any circumstances. We MUST be completely invisible.
Entirely different report blanks
Regions / yes / Wetlands
Include Regions reliance language in Seciton 1.5 / include ACMs and Mold (ONLY include LBP, lead in water, and radon if site is residential) / Car wash, gas stations, and automotive facilities must have Regions checklist list completed (this is an extra attachment to appendix)
Regions / Add this language to Section 1.5 of report….. / Regions Financial Corporation and its affiliates (collectively, “Regions”), rating agencies and/or a limited number of investors involved in the transaction, may use and rely upon Consultant’s report in connection with a planned loan involving the subject property, including, without limitation, utilizing selected information in the Report relating to the loan. ESA1 agrees to cooperate in answering questions by any of the above parties in connection with the transaction.
ACCOR / Yes / No / Yes, but addressed under sep scope / DO NOT:
1. Use the word REC anywhere in the report
2. Say “appears to be of minimal” instead we must say “is of minimal”
3. address report to Bill instead just address to ACCOR
