First Grade Lesson Plans Week:October 15-19, 2012

Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Reading / Unit 7: How Animals Communicateby William Munoz
Question to think about: How do animals communicate?
Phonics: Using br, cr, dr, gr, tr, and short i; using –ip
PBp.84,85,89,94 / Spelling Words: in, will, did, sit, six, and big practice here
Words to Know: animal, how, make, of, some and why practice here PBp.83 / Comprehension: Details and infer/predict
How Animals Communicate
-details -infer
-SBp. 41 w/ P7.2 details, P7.3abc, P7.7 w/PBp.90
Insect Messages
-informational text
-SBp. 61
Prairie Dogs
Vocabulary Strategies: Using a glossary
P7.10 abc order / Fluency Practice: Reading rate (the speed at which a person reads) P7.6 rate
Grammar: Sentence parts-the naming part and the action part of a sentence / Writing: Writing poetry and thinking about word choice
Decodable stories to read: Brad and Cris, What Did Dad Get?, Crabs, and The Big Job
Web Resources
cvcPopClick on i / Word Families SortClick on i
Make a Word with -ip / Capital LettersClick on where the capital letter goes.
Sorting R-Blend WordsClick on Unit 13 / Word Builder R-Blends WordsClick on Unit 13
WebWord Find R-Blends Words / Animals Creature FeatureNational Geographic
Animal Communities / Barnyard Mix-Up
Say WhatWhat animals say by PBS / Virtual Zoo
Writing /
Math / Lesson 3.5 Practice with Unknown Partners page: 241
CC: 1.OA.1, 1.OA.8
Objectives: TSW create and solve stories with unknown partners. TSW identify and find unknown partners.
Quick Practice: counting on- addition equations with unknown partner
Daily Routine: money routine, more and less, calendar routine: months of the year
Lesson: 1. Student generated stories p. 242
2. The number grabber p. 243
3. Extension: literature Math Fables Lessons that Count workbook p.95
Homework: p77 Quiz #1 / Lesson 3.6 page: 247
CC: 1.OA.1, 1.OA.4, 1.OA.8
Objectives: TSW count on to solve subtraction problems; TSW solve subtraction story problems
Quick Practice: teen number flashes; counting on practice
Daily Routine: money routine, calendar routine (ordinal numbers); number partners
Lesson: 1. Subtraction as unknown partner (math mountain, write an equation, recognize reasonable answers)
2. solve subtraction story problems: workbook page 97
3. differentiated instruction: activity cards 3-6 pg 251
Homework: 3-6 pg 79 Remembering spiral review pg 80 / Lesson 3.7 page: 253
CC: 1.OA.1 (Skip 2 coin stories)
Objectives: TSW solve subtraction story problems using numeric methods; TSW solve subtraction story problems involving nickels
and pennies
Quick Practice: teen cards: visualize the ten inside teen numbers
Daily Routine: money routine, calendar routine (ordinal numbers); number partners
Lesson: 1. Solve subtraction story problems (different ways to subtract)
2. Solve subtraction stories using coins; workbook page 99
3. differentiated instruction: activity cards 3-7
Homework:3-7 pg 81 Target practice pg 82 / Lesson 3.8 page: 259
CC: 1.OA.3, 1.OA.4, 1.OA.6
Objectives: TSW apply the Counting On strategy to a real-world scenario; TSW solve subtraction equations by counting on
Quick Practice: counting on practice for subtraction; teen cards-visualize the ten inside teen numbers
Daily Routine: money routine, calendar routine (ordinal numbers); number partners
Lesson: 1.The Pancake Breakfast-use scenarios structure for subtraction practice
2. The Number Quilt game using orange count-on cards
3. workbook pg 103 more or less and why?
4. differentiated instruction-activity cards 3-8
Homework: 3-8 pg 83 Remembering pg 84 / Lesson 3.9 page: 265
CC: 1.OA.1 (Skip 2 coin activity stories and going further activity)
Objectives: TSW create and solve subtraction stories; TSW develop subtraction story problems involving nickels and pennies; TSW
develop spatial concepts
Quick Practice: counting-on practice to solve subtraction equations; visualize the ten inside teen numbers
Daily Routine: money routine, calendar routine (ordinal numbers); number partners
Lesson: 1. Introduce a subtraction story and represent using math mountain/ Children create subtraction stories and the class solves
2. solve and discuss story problems involving coins (1 nickel and pennies)
3. practice body in space activities
4. workbook pg 105
5. differentiated instruction: activity cards 3-9
Homework: 3-9 pg 85 Target practice pg 86Quiz #2