South Asian Community Programme (SACP) 2015/16 Delivery Plan

Our South Asian Communities Programme (SACP) is key in achieving our five year vision of ‘Inspiring people to choose and enjoy a lifelong involvement in the game’ with a mission to lead and influence the provision of opportunities for people of all ages and from all communities. For the next 12 months our objectives that support this programme are;

  1. Sustain growth in the number of people involved
  2. Deliver opportunities which meet the needs of cricketers past, present and future
  3. Create, strengthen, facilitate and develop partnerships
  4. Evidence greater impact through wider community engagement
  5. Plan and deliver alongside Leicestershire County Cricket Club

We will follow the growth cycle to help us achieve this and will gather insight, develop and promote programmes and offers before gaining feedback and scaling programmes accordingly.

Currently 30% of all cricket played is by South Asian participants who are six times more likely to play cricket than other demographic groups. Leicester City has a high BME population of 53% with 35% from an Asian background and the largest minority from the Indian population at 28.3%. The city has a young population with 39% under 25 years and a gender split of 51% female and 49% male. Leicester is also the 25th most deprived local authority in England with some areas falling in the 5% most deprived and 35% of households claiming Housing or Council tax benefits. It is for these reasons that Leicester was identified as 1 of 5 cities that would receive additional funding (through the ECB whole sport plan) to focus on retaining existing players and increasing opportunities for South Asian participants to play more often or more regularly in teams.

Our SACP plan is focused on five key strands which are;

  1. Insight and Engagement
  2. Community Cricket Clubs
  3. School and Community
  4. Sustainability
  5. Capital Investment

Key to our achieving success through this programme will be our ability to understand the current South Asian cricket community however there are some headline successes that can be achieved through 2014/15 and these our outlined under each strand below.

What Does Success look like?

Strand 1: Insight & Engagement

  • Support community events to engage new people and signpost to progression opportunities
  • Work with community groups and faith centres across Leicester to understand their needs and where we can support participation
  • Gain feedback from participants about new programmes (developed through NCPS2 insight)
  • Engage with South Asian media so the message is shared with the right networks
  • Gather further insight from city forum committee to understand the development needs of clubs
  • Act on facility audit to develop high quality cricket facilities
Strand 2: Community Cricket Clubs
  • City forum committee created to act as the driving force for the development needs of South Asian clubs
  • Volunteers recruited and workforce developed (Coach Education, Officials and Groundsman)
  • Stronger junior development linked with appropriate senior teams
  • Support clubs where relevant to work towards ClubMark accreditation
  • Develop an Indoor league to sustain participation and meet player needs (insight from NCPS2)
  • Develop drop-in adult coaching to increase player satisfaction (insight from NCPS2)
  • Support development of City based competition to meet the needs of clubs

Strand 3: School and Community

  • Develop sustainable Satellite clubs in Leicester with club coaches fully engaged in delivery
  • Ensure a variety of opportunities are developed so young people can choose appropriate progression opportunities
  • Develop girls only FE activity
  • Engage cricket and faith societies within Universities to support the development of participation and IMS offer
  • Increase teams taking part in Young Adults Street league with the aim of running two leagues/ divisions by 2016
  • Grow the LMS competition in Leicester to develop multiple leagues and maximise NTP facility investment
  • 4 team Taverners City cup delivered with all players from Leicester City and meeting competition principles. City forum committee and community clubs fully engaged in supporting the competition.
  • Engage with female community groups to develop women only participation opportunities
  • Increase the numbers involved in girls Street sessions

Strand 4: Sustainability

  • Develop South Asian coaching role models to increase participation and improve player satisfaction
  • Recruit, train and mentor activators within community groups to increase participation and activity delivered in the community
  • Identify local funding to maintain delivery programmes and staffing to support the SACP

Strand 5: Capital Investment

  • Analyse facility audit responses to identify where capital investment can be made to improve playing and off-field facilities
  • Work alongside City forum committee to prioritise projects and spend based on their insight