Assessing Worksite Lactation Support
(Total survey respondents XXXX; XX% of total Organization Nameworkforce)
Key Findings
- Mothers want to breastfeed their babies and want to continue to breastfeed after returning
to work. - Managers and coworkers do NOT think that accommodating a breastfeeding employee with time and space to express breastmilk would be disruptive to the functioning and flow of the workplace.
- Employees felt the following would be the most importantthingsfor making it easier for employees to continue breastfeeding after returning to work:
- Supportive attitude from managers
- Supportive attitude from coworkers
- Flexible schedule (combining existing breaks, coming in early, leaving late, shortening lunch, etc.) to allow for adequate breaks for pumping as needed throughout the workday.
About the Survey
An employee-based survey was developed to understand the issues related to developing a work environment supportive of continued breastfeeding for working mothers at Organization Name. The survey includes questions for all employees, parenting employees, and management. Results of the survey will help our organization develop a worksite lactation support program to proactively support our employees who wish to continue to breastfeed after returning to work. Reduced absenteeism and employee turnover, decreased health-care costs, and improved employee loyalty and morale worksite lactation support programs have been shown to result in up to a $3 return for every $1 invested. In addition, a worksite lactation program can qualify our organization for the Texas Mother-Friendly Worksite designation and facilitate implementation of the “reasonable break time for nursing mothers” provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act.
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Characteristics of Breastfeeding Employees(For respondents who had baby within last two years)
Was your baby ever breastfed or bottle-fed breastmilk, even if only once? / YES / NO
XX% / XX%
For women who breastfed:
How old was your baby when you completely stopped breastfeeding or bottle-feeding with breastmilk? / Avg. (Range)
X months
(X days – X months)
(For respondents who had baby within past two years
and breastfed at least once)
(For all female respondents)
Yes / No / Don’t Know
Do you plan to have a baby within the next two years? / XX% / XX% / XX%
Would you plan to return to work for pay during your baby’s first year? / XX% / X% / X%
Very likely / Some what likely / Not at all likely
How likely is it that you will breastfeed if you have a child in the future? / XX% / X% / X%
Snapshot of XXX Workforce and Survey Response Rates
Organization Nameemployees / XXX
Employees who responded to survey / XXX
HHSC employees who are women of childbearing age (15-44) / XXX
Estimated annual births to X female employees, based on employee HR demographics and Texas birthrate / XXX
Respondents reporting they had a baby within last two years / XXX
Respondents who had a baby within last two years who worked during pregnancy / XXX
Respondents reporting they plan to have a baby within the next two years / XXX
Respondents who are currently breastfeeding / XXX
General Respondent Demographics
Female / XX%
Male / XX%
Job Role
Senior Management/Administrator / XX%
Middle Management/Supervisor / XX%
General Staff / XX%
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In your opinion, how supportive of breastfeeding is your place of employment?Percent Respondents by Region
Region 1 / Region 7
Region 2 / Region 8
Region 3 / Region 9
Region 4 / Region 10
Region 5 / Region 11
Region 6
Current Culture of Support for Breastfeeding
(All Survey Respondents)
Allowing women to take additional unpaid breaks to express/pump milk is fair to me and to my coworkers.
/ Allowing women to take additional unpaid breaks to express/pump milk will interfere with productivity.
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Perceived Supports Available to Mothers Combining Breastfeeding and Working at XXXX(Respondents who have had a baby within the past two years)
Which of the following solutions for providing breastmilk were/are available for use
by breastfeeding employees?
Main Reported Reasons of XXXX Employees for Stopping Breastfeeding
(Respondents who have had a baby within the past two years)
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Characteristics of Mothers Returning to Work(For Respondents who had baby within last two years)
How many weeks’ leave would you have preferred to have taken before returning to work? / Avg. (Range)
How old was your baby when you returned to work? (weeks) / XX(X-XX)
How old is your baby now? (months) / XX(X-XX)
On average, how many hours did you work per week in the first month after you returned to work? / XX(X-XX)
Thinking of your maternity leave, how many weeks were:
Fully paid (e.g., accrued leave, sick leave, vacation, personal time, other) / XX(X-XX)
Partially paid (e.g., short-term disability) / XX(X-XX)
Unpaid / XX(X-XX)
Perceived Breastfeeding Supports Currently Provided at XXXX
(For Respondents who had baby within last two years)
Yes / No / Unsure/
Don’t Know
During your pregnancy did you receive information from your employer about the benefits of breastfeeding? / XX% / XX% / N/A
Did you receive written or verbal information from your employer about worksite accommodations for continuing to breastfeed
(e.g., flexible breaks, private space to pump breastmilk)? / XX% / XX% / N/A
I am allowed a 15-minute break during my workday for each four hours I work. / XX% / XX% / N/A
I am able to take break times that are convenient to me. / XX% / XX% / N/A
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Perceived Access to Worksite Breastfeeding Supports Provided at XXXX(For Respondents who had baby within last two years)
Which, if any, of the following are available in your work area to support breastfeeding employees?
Refrigerator to store breastmilk / XX%
Accessible, private space (other than a bathroom) with a chair, a sink, and an electrical outlet / XX%
Hospital-grade breast pump provided by my worksite / XX%
On-site or nearby child-care center where mothers can nurse their babies / XX%
Refrigerator to store breastmilk / XX%
None of the above / XX%
Unsure/Don’t know / XX%
Supporting Breastfeeding in the Worksite
(All Respondents)
Which supports would make it easier for employees at your worksite to continue to breastfeed after returning to work?
Supportive attitude from managers / XX%
Supportive attitude from coworkers / XX%
Flexible schedule (combining existing breaks, coming in early, leaving late, shortening lunch, etc.) to allow for adequate breaks as needed throughout the workday for pumping / XX%
Private, comfortable room close to work area for expressing/pumping breast milk / XX%
Written breastfeeding policy stating that reasonable break time and a private space, other than the bathroom, are provided at the worksite for expressing or pumping breastmilk / XX%
Written information explaining about parental leave / XX%
Gradual transition back to work (such as part-time employment or telecommuting for several weeks before resuming fulltime) / XX%
Education for managers about needs of breastfeeding employees / XX%
Educational toolkit about combining working and breastfeeding / XX%
Refrigerator designated for use by breastfeeding mothers / XX%
Supportive attitude from managers / XX%
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Management Representation in Survey(All Respondents) / Accommodating a Breastfeeding Employee to Express Milk Would Be:
(Manager Respondents) / FLSA Status of XXXX Employees
(All Respondents)
Priority Workforce Management Issues for Managers/Administrators
(For Respondents Managing 10+ Employees)
Which of the following management issues is a high priority in your daily work?
Maintaining a productive workforce / XX%
Maintaining clear communication with employees about workflow expectations / XX%
Increasing or maintaining employee satisfaction / XX%
Recruitment of quality employees / XX%
Supporting employee work/life balance / XX%
Employee retention/reducing turnover / XX%
Increasing or maintaining employee loyalty / XX%
Reducing absenteeism / XX%
Reducing or avoiding personal conflict / XX%
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