“Tapped”Name ______
Date ______Per/Box#______
- What is potable water? How much water is “drinkable”?
- How are surface water and groundwater resources controlled in the United States?
- What was the basic conflict between the Nestle company and the people of Maine?
- According to the video, about how much does it cost Nestle to process and package bottled water? How much do they sell that same water for on a per gallon basis?
- What is your opinion of water “ownership”? Do you think water resources should be collectively owned by the public, or do you think companies should be able to privately own water rights to groundwater?
- What was the irony concerning bottled water and the droughts in North Carolina?
- According to the water companies’ representative in the video, how much groundwater are these companies actually using for bottled water?
- Environmental consequences and job loss/economic growth are often at odds, as exemplified in the video. If you were the mayor or representative of the town, what kind of solutions would you propose to assure local water resources, and keep the tax base and revenue generated from the companies in your town?
- How have marketing and convenience factored into the demand for bottled water?
- How have the terms “pure”, “safe”, and “healthy” been utilized in marketing to try to make a distinction between tap and bottled water in terms of the water’s perceived quality?
- According to the video, what percentage of bottled water is actually just filtered tap water?
- How does the cost of bottled water compare to tap water in general? Why do you think this is??
- What is PET, and where does it come from? How is PET related to bottled water?
- According to the video, there seems to be a significant problem with human health due to refineries producing PET. Do you think that evidence portrayed in the video is convincing or not? Do you think personal testimony/anecdotal evidence is the same as evidence generated from scientific studies done by government and academic institutions?
- What kind of authority does the FDA have on water produced and consumed in state?
- How do the requirements for testing differ for municipal tap water versus tap water?
- Polycarbonate bottles, like larger five-gallon water bottles, contain trace amounts of Bisphenol-A (BPA). Do you think that BPA is something we should be worried about given the EPA’s lack of testing?
- How do deposits or CRV’s correlate with recycling rates of plastic bottles in the United States?
- According to the video, what happens to plastic bottles that are not recycled?
- How does the pollution of the North Pacific Gyre and the garbage patches within them demonstrate the idea that there really is no “away” when it comes to throwing something away?
- Why do advocates of environmental health tout more investment in municipal water infrastructure and utilizing reusable water containers as opposed to bottled water consumption?