FFT128 Fast Fourier Transform/Spectrum Calculator

FFT-128 provides an easy way to find the spectral content of a waveform

or data set using the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). A novel feature

is the ease with which you can enter your data. This can be done by

selecting one of three options from the Program Menu.

The first option lets you easily enter 128 data points using the

arrow keys of your keyboard. After entering your data you can save

it to a disk file. The second option lets you enter your data as a

mathematical function of a single variable, t. The third option lets

you enter data that is stored in a disk file. This disk file can be

reated by using the Save command after your data is entered using one

f the first two options. The disk file can also be created by another

program (such as a text editor). The disk file is simply an ASCII list

of 128 numbers, each followed by a carriage return. The file name must

have a .wve extension.

FFT-128 is limited to performing 128 point transforms. Please see

the Author's Note for information about a 1024 point version.

Author's Note

FFT-128 is the outgrowth of an earlier program that I wrote which was

designed as a tutorial on Fourier synthesis. Many users of that program

wanted an easy way to enter data and view the Fourier spectrum.

Requests for such a program came from individuals as diverse as musicians,

aeronautical engineers, and even a biologist studying whale migration data.

A great testimony to the wide ranging applicability of the Fourier transform!

FFT-128 can analyze data with up to 128 data points. This software may

be distributed free of charge. An enhanced version, FFT-1024, can handle

up to 1024 data points, and has a number of additional display options.

For FFT1024 on a 3.5 inch disk, order model FFT1024-S. For a 5.25 inch

disk order FFT1024-L. The price is just $29.95, which includes shipping

charges. Please send your order to:

Harry Garland

13495 Country Way

Los Altos Hills

California 94022

Thank you.

Main Menu

1. Begin Program

2. Instructions

3. Author’s Note

4. Exit to DOS

Program Menu

1. Arrow Keys

2. Math Formula

3. Disk File

4. Main Menu