Meeting of October 21, 2011 called to order at 8:34pm

Secretary’s report:

September’s minutes posted to website. Accepted and approved.

Treasurer’s report:

Lori read and was accepted/approved

CVL League reports: Football

·  Nominating committee assigned for new CVL board.

·  All-Star banquet for 8th grade teams (1st place team=6 picks, 2nd place=4 picks and below=2 picks.

·  All star names are due at next month’s meeting

·  Schematics discussed for next year – vote to be in November

·  Bowl games will be the weekend of Nov 5&6 –details to follow


·  10/16 Cheer Competition went well. U10 squad came in 2nd place and U14 came in 3rd.

·  10/29 Cheer Competition – to take place in Wappinger’s (2 sessions)

·  Regional’s – date TBD

Old business:

·  Kudos goes to Billy Mossop and Steve DeMarco for assisting in getting the lights up at Berry field.

Motion on the floor to get a gift card to Outback to the Billy Mossop’s friend who was instrumental in getting our lights at Berry field. Motion accepted and approved

·  Thank you to Steve DeMarco for his contributions in materials for making our snack shed looking like new.

·  Kudos to Pete & Betty Serencsic and Craig & Jessica Carlson! The snack shed is doing incredible thanks to your hard work and dedication.

·  Thank you Tay McKamy for your generous food donations to the snack shed.

New Business:

·  Board elections next month

·  Raffle tickets are due ASAP.

·  Nominating committee was assigned as follows:

Angelo Franzese

Billy Mossop

Jen Basso

If you are seeking a board position for next year, please submit a letter of interest to the board.

·  General discussion took place regarding volunteer time and how to get more people involved. Volunteer ideas were discussed.

Excused absence: Art Basso, Bill Gaspar, Scott Daniels

Meeting adjourned at 9:14pm