Terms of References (ToR)
Baseline Survey
Project: “Resilience through Economic Empowerment, Climate Adaptation, Leadership and Learning (REE-CALL)”
1. Rational & Background
Oxfam has been implementing a project entitled “Resilience through Economic Empowerment, Climate Adaptation, Leadership and Learning” (REE-CALL) in the disaster prone Northern char, Haor, and Southern Coastal communities of Bangladesh since 2010. This project envisioned to build resilient communities who would develop capacity to anticipate risks and stresses associated with uncertainty of climatic condition and evolve through economic empowerment, securing sustainable and resilient livelihoods for women and men, and through developing women’s transformative leadership.
The REE-CALL project is implemented in the twelve districts in Bangladesh with the same numbers of implementing partners. The previous phase of the project has significantly contributed to developing resilient communities by addressing the four components of economic empowerment: links with market and private sectors, access to services and entitlements, capacity building on disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation, and women’s leadership. It is expected that the scale up phase of the project will be able to reach more number of communities in the most vulnerable areas with additional intervention like water and sanitation. The pilot phase baseline survey conducted in 2010 highlighted on thematic areas of the project. Further revision was been done with developing key performance indicators. Currently the issues of water and sanitation, disability and child protection have been identified as emerging issues that need to be mainstreamed in the project through working with people with disabilities and children of the communities with due sensitivity.
The purpose of conducting the baseline survey is to gather quantitative and qualitative data with analysis that would be used to measure project progress towards stipulated outcomes and impact as stated in the agreed intervention logical framework.
2. Objective of the Project:
The project operates following three broader objectives:
· To develop a replicable model of resilient community in three agro-ecological zones and linking with urban settings
· To enhance and strengthen the livelihood of targeted communities in a changing climate.
· To develop community leadership, especially of women, ensuring their access to and control over resources, services and opportunities.
3. Outcome of the project:
The project aims to achieve the following outcomes:
Community-based organizations (CBOs) and local government institutions are able to anticipate possible impacts of climate change, disaster and taking appropriate measures accordingly.
Outcome 2:
Sustainable income and employment options for women and men are created through access to services, natural resources and market link.
Outcome 3:
Effective and pro poor implementation of policy and legal framework (national to local) related to agriculture, disaster risk reduction (DRR), climate change adaptation (CCA) and natural resource management (NRM).
Outcome 4:
Strengthened collective and individual actions toward fulfillment of rights and entitlements of vulnerable households and promoted transformational leadership of women and marginalized.
4. Specific output of the baseline survey
The survey report will contain quantitative data and qualitative analysis in respect of each and every indicator of the project logical framework. Some of the broad aspects are as follows;
o Demographic characteristics/dynamics of project beneficiaries
o Livelihood options, economic analysis and income
o Status of existing community based organisations (CBOs) in terms of leadership, governance, influencing capacity in mobilization of local resources, facilitating development of women’s leadership abilities, knowledge on DRR & CC
o Status of the producer groups in terms of initiatives, involvement of all members, prospects, forward and backward linkages
o Entitlements, rights and service accessibility of poor and vulnerable population sub-groups under CBO (access to basic services like safety net, financial institutions, agricultural services, access to khasland and water bodies etc.)
o Situation of getting Linked up and participation in Local power structure and social stratification
o Situation of women and gender based social, cultural and economic discrimination, Involvement/selection in UP standing committees and other committees
o Impact of climate change and peoples’ (CBO members and others) understanding of the situation
o Community based adaptation strategies/innovations, impacts of these innovations
o Impact of early warning messages in dealing with disasters
o Status of joint monitoring cells
o Household level food security /availability situation (considering seasonality)
o Situation of domestic violence in the community
Disaggregated data (men, women, boys, girls and persons with disability) will be required for each indicator.
5. Methodology of the assignment
The Consultant will develop detail methodology focusing on each indicator of the project. This will be finalized in consultation with Oxfam programme team. It is expected that study design will ensure (where applicable) the involvement and active participation of all segregated stakeholders’ (women, men, person with disability and children) representation in the sampling as well as three agro- ecological zones.
6. Time line:
Total assignment will be completed within 30 working days from the date of contract signing.
7. Deliverables of the Consultant
· Final agreed questionnaire/checklists and other data collection tools (drafts needs to be consulted with Oxfam)
· Functional (with date, time, area, sample size, name of responsible person and so on) implementation plan of the study
· Data collection plan (shared and agreed with Oxfam)
· Data collection guideline
· All kinds of data and information collected from the field (both hard and soft copy)
· Signed off content outline of study report
· Enumerators orientation plan and tools
· Outline of draft report
· Final report (incorporating all feedback)
Consultant/s has/ve to ensure active participation of the partners and project participants in relevant steps of the study.
8. Responsibility of Oxfam
· Communicate with respective partner organizations and share the field engagement plan
· Share the secondary information/data/documents related to the assignment
· Provide comments on study tools, plan (sample size) and methodology
· Provide feedback on enumerators’ orientation plan
· Regular monitoring of the quality of data collection during survey
· Feedback on draft report
9. Project locations:
Sl. No / Implementing partners / District / Upazilla / Union / No of Villages1 / Pollisree / Nilphamari / 1 / 4 / 23
2 / SKS Foundation / Gaibandha / 2 / 3 / 15
3 / SEED / Rangpur / 2 / 4 / 21
4 / POPI / Kishorganj / 2 / 3 / 21
5 / BNPS / Netrokona / 1 / 2 / 19
6 / GC / Jamalpur / 2 / 4 / 23
7 / SDI / Chittagong / 1 / 4 / 13
8 / GUK / Kurigram / 2 / 5 / 19
9 / AKK / Faridpur / 1 / 1 / 10
10 / NSS / Borguna / 1 / 2 / 10
11 / Shushilan / Satkhira / 1 / 5 / 20
Sub-total / 11 / 16 / 37 / 194
10. Required skills and competencies of the consultant/consulting firm
It is recommended that a group of consultants with diverse background in the field DRR, community based climate change adaptation, governance, gender and transformative leadership issues of disability and child protection should be employed for carrying out this consultancy study Desired skills should also include experience of using participatory approaches, familiarity with monitoring, evaluation and learning system and PCVA (participatory capability and vulnerability analysis) and RRAP (Risk Reduction Action Plan) framework. Sound and proven experiences in similar assignments (at least 3 to 4 years)in DRR and climate change adaptation and economic empowerment in rural and areas is required.
11. Guideline for Application Procedure
The proposal/expression of interest (duly signed) should comprise with the following sections and given page limit. Proposal will be accepted preferably in hard copy and also through email in soft copy form (signed scanned copy) by mentioning subject line “Consultancy of baseline study” by 13 March, 2014.
Topic / Maximum Page LimitTechnical Proposal
Cover Page / 1 Page
Table of Content / 1 Page
Understanding of the Assignment (Not just copy and paste from the ToR content) / 3 Page
Proposed Methodology / 2 Pages
Work Schedule / 1 page
Team composition along with its rationale / 2 pages
Any other relevant information (if required only) / 3 pages
Financial Proposal
Budget detailing out
· Consultancy days and fees (days should be mentioned for key member of the team)
· Travel and accommodation
· Any other expenditure (please mention nature of expenditure)
· 15% VAT and 10% taxes
· Total amount
12. Evaluation
In response to the invitation, the consultant/consulting firm will have to submit a Technical proposal as per the ‘Terms of Reference’ and a financial proposal separately. The selection committee will evaluate the technical proposal of the consultants/firms as well as the financial proposal (The financial proposal will be evaluated based on lowest price).The total scoring points for both the evaluations will be 100. The technical evaluation will be based on 80 points and the remaining 20 points are to be allotted to the consultant/ consulting firm proposing lowest price.
A cumulative analysis weighted-scoring method will be applied to evaluate the firm. The award of the contract will be made to the consultant/consulting firm whose offer has been evaluated and determined as:
a) Responsive/compliant/acceptable with reference to this ToR, and;
b) Having received the highest score out of a pre-determined set of weighted technical and financial criteria specific to this solicitation, with the ratio set at 80:20 respectively.
Criteria / WeightTechnical / 80
1. Expertise of the firm/organization
Understanding of the ToR / 10
Experience in conducting large-scale relevant studies / 10
2. Methodology
Appropriateness of methodology in response of the indicators / 20
Quality assurance / 5
Data Management / 10
3. Management structure and qualifications of key personnel
Team composition / 10
Data analyst
Experience analyzing large datasets using / 15
Financial / 20
Total / 100
14. Other documents to be submitted:
A. For Individual Consultant
a) Maximum 2 page CV of Team Leader highlighting related assignments completed with client name, contract person and mobile number ( this person must have fulltime engagement during assignment time)
b) Other Team members’ one page short CV highlighting related assignment completed
c) TIN Certificate ( PDF soft version)
d) Documents in favor of the relevant previous studies.
B. For Organisations
a) Maximum 2 page organization profile highlighting related assignments completed with client name, contract person and mobile number
b) Lead Consultant’s ( who will lead the assignment) Maximum 2 page CV highlighting related assignment completed, role in of the completed assignment
c) Other Team members’ ( who will involve in the assignment ) one paragraph short CV highlighting related assignment completed and role
d) Organization’s/Firm’s Certificate, TIN and VAT registration
e) Documents in favor of the previous relevant studies.
Contact information:
Consultants/consulting firms are requested to send all documents to:
Sonia Tahera Kabir
Programme Officer
Email: Contact: 01730024681
Oxfam, House 4, Road 3, Block- I, Banani, Dhaka -1213, Bangladesh.