/ D4 Classification Structure and Data Model


1 Classification heading / 1 / Single classification mark or span of compound and complex classification marks.
Each element of compound and complex classification mark has facet indicator. In database export these may needs sub-field tags also.
Purpose of facet indicators is to be able to access, search, file and control each meaningful element of complex number
Example 1: Single heading
Example 2: Compound heading
590A112(F36) / Mandatory / Non-rpt. / Text (coded value)
Common auxiliaries facet indicators (repeatable)
(A) = Language value
(B) = Form
(D) = Place
(E) = Ethnics
(F) = Time
(K) = Person
(L)= Materials
(M) = Property
(T) = Process
Other specifiers used accros classiication
A/Z = alphabetical ext
encode with <w> (non-repeatable)
* = extension by external systems
Main facet indicators (repeatable)
A = Theory
C = Time
D = Place
E = Agent
F = By-product
G = Product
H = Patient
J = Operation
K = Process
L = Material
M= Property
N = Part
P = Kind
S = Thing / n/a
1.1 Heading type / 2 / Indications of whether class mark is:
a) Single (non composed)
b) compound (class mark composed from two or more facets within one class)
c) complex (composed from two or more main classmarks or combination of class mark and main auxiliary)
This attribute is for management purposes only
5907 Christianity = SM single main no.
5907N37 Christianity worshipers
=FM main number with facets
5907N37(D410) Christianity - Congregation - U.K.
= FMX: main no, facet, common auxiliary / Mandatory / Non-rpt. / Coded list:
SA - single common auxiliary
SM - single main number
FM - main number with facets
FMA -main number + facets followed by alphabetical extension
FFM - main number with sequence of two or more facets
FMX - number+ facet combined with common auxiliaries
CX – complex between main number and common auxiliaries
CXA – complex between two or more common auxiliaries
CXM -complex between two or more main classmarks
CXO - complex between FM and number outside classification
1.2 Indent / 3 / Level of indentation of classmark within classification hierarchy. To be populated automatically within tool and used in exporting data / Mandatory / N/R / Number
<h0> no tab, single space
<h1> 1 tab
<h2> 2 tabs
<h3> 3 tabs
1.3 Caption / 4 / Textual description of a classmark / Mandatory / N/R / Text / N/A
1.31 Caption Language / 5 / Language of the description / Mandatory / N/R / Controlled value list:
en-GB - EnglishUK
cy – Welsh
fr – French
de - German / 1:M
1.4 Scope note / 6 / Information about classification number that describes the scope of the number in the classification scheme. Used for information such as explanation and examples of the kinds of topics classed in the number. / Optional / N/R / Text / N/A
1.41 Scope note Language / 7 / Language of the scope note / Optional / N/R / Controlled value list:
en-GB - EnglishUK
cy – Welsh
fr – French
de - German / 1:M
1.5 Instructions / 8 / A note that gives instructions on applying tables, sub-arrangements, or additions to classification number / Optional / N/R / Text / N/A
1.51 Application Instruction Language / 9 / Language of the instructions / Optional / N/R / Controlled value list:
en-GB - EnglishUK
cy – Welsh
fr – French
de - German / 1:M
1.51 Divide as instruction / 10 / A note in case the class number may be further divided by division that exists somewhere else in the schedules / Optional / R
1.6 Reference / 11 / Contains classification number(s) referred to (see also reference) / Optional / R / Symbol / 1:M
1.7 Example / 12 / Contains examples that explain the use of heading / Optional / R / Symbol
1.8 Broader Category / 13 / Broader classification category / Optional / N/R / Symbol / 1:1
1.9 General Classification / 14 / General class in the classification structure to which this concept belongs / Optional / N/R / Symbol / 1:1
2 Relationships / 15 / Relationship between two or more main numbers / Optional / R / Controlled value list:
Coordination [symbol :]
Extension [symbol /]
Addition[symbol +]
Sub-Grouping <
Order Fixing ::
Influence Phase >
Comparison Phase =
Exposition Phase -
Bias Phase<
3.1 Uncontrolled Index Terms / 15 / Keywords that are not derived from a controlled subject heading system or thesaurus / Mandatory / R / Text / 1:M
3.2 Chain Index / 17 / Hierarchical index derived from classification schedules / Optional / N/R / Text
3.3 Thesaurus descriptor / 18 / Preferred term in a thesaurus structure that is that is equivalent to the concept represented in the classification heading / Optional / R / Text
3.31 Broader Term / 19 / BT in a given thesarusu
3.32 Narrower Terms / 20 / BTs in a given thesaurus
3.33 Used For / 21 / Non-preferred term(s) i.e. synonym or quasi- synonym, lexical variants in a given thesaurus / Optional / R / Text
3.34 Related Terms / 22 / Terms that could be associated to descriptor in a given thesaurus. These include: whole-part associative relationships, discipline and objects or phenomena, occupation and persons in the occuapation, action and product of that action, an action and its patient, concepts and their properties, concepts and their origins, causal dependence, thing/action and its counter-agent, raw material and its product, action and a property associated with it, a concept and its opposites / Optional / R / Text
3.35 Scope Note / 23 / Definition of the concept and its scope / Optional / R / Text
3.36. Former number / 24 / When applicable, former/previous version of classification number in the this scheme / Optional / R / Text
1. Mapping Field / 25 / Mapping to established indexing system / Optional / R / Coded List
Humbul Categories
etc / 1:M
1.1 Type of mapping / 26 / exact match, approximate mapping.
Mapping on the same level of specificity or 'rough mapping' e.g. from more specific term to a broader category of a given system. Controlled list of codes for mapping needs to be devised and used according to the mapping policy
2. Previous classification number / 27 / This applies only for the cases when some concepts within the main classification system (for which the database tool is used), has changed and some concepts were cancelled and replaced. This field is reserved to track the 'replaced concept' / Optional / Repeatable / coded list of values
1. Introduced By / 28 / Person responsible for introduction / Mandatory / N/R
2. Introduced Date / 29 / Date introduced / Mandatory / N/R
3. Modified By / 30 / History of persons applying modifications / Optional / R
4. Modified Date / 31 / Modification dates / Optional / R
5. Field Modified / 32 / Fields modified / Optional / R
6 Note / 33 / Maintenance note of any kind / Optional / R

This data model is created to support faceted classification created for the FATKS project (http://www.ucl.ac.uk/fatks/) and served as a basis for FATHUM database tool. Data model and FATHUM are created with the classification building and maintenance functions. Its full exploitation comes with its implementation as an authority tool for information retrieval.

Comments and question to

Aida Slavic
