MinutesPage 1

Board of TrusteesDecember 11, 2006


2323 North Broadway, Room #107

Santa Ana, California92706

Monday, January 22, 2007



The meeting was called to order at 4:35 p.m. by Board PresidentJohn Hanna. Other members present were Dr. David Chapel, Mr. Brian Conley, Mr. John Hanna, Mr. Larry Labrado, Ms. Lisa Woolery, Mr. Phillip Yarbrough, and Mr. Erik Santacruz.


The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Ernesto Alonso and Meg Rothi, student body presidents at Santa AnaCollege and SantiagoCanyonCollege, respectively.


The board held its installation ceremony for re-elected board member Mr. John Hanna and for board members who ran unopposed, Mr. Lawrence Labrado and Mr. Phillip Yarbrough.


Mr. Amezcua called a recess at 5:15 p.m. to allow for a brief reception in honor of the re-elected board members.


Mr. Amezcua reconvened the meeting at 5:30 p.m.

Administrators present were Dr. Eddie Hernandez, Jr., Mr. John Didion, Mr. Peter Hardash, Dr. Erlinda Martinez, Mr. Juan Vazquez, and Ms. Laurie Weidner.


Mr. John Smith addressed the board regarding benefits of the California Community College Initiative if passed by voters and encouraged the board to support the initiative.

Mr. Smith informed the board of two benefits to students that would result from the passing of the initiative. One, it will remove the state department of finance from the budgeting process for community college non-credit systems. Two, there is currently only one student voting member on the board of governors for a two-year term. The initiative would allow two student votes, although each would be a one-year term. This would allow more students access to the governing board.


It was moved by Mr. Yarbrough, seconded by Dr. Conley, and carried unanimously to approve the minutes ofNovember 20, 2006.


Mr. Yarbrough moved approval of the consent calendar, excluding item 5.5. Mr. Labrado seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously to approve the recommended action on the following items as listed on the Consent Calendar, with the exception of item 5.5, pulled by Mr. Yarbrough:

Special Services Group/OTTP contract – SAC Occupational Therapy

The board approved this renewal contract with Special Services Group/OTTP to offer classes at its site.

VenturaCounty Public Health- SAC Occupational Therapy

The board approved this renewal contract with Ventura County Public Health to offer classes at its site.


The board approved this renewal contract with PattonStateHospital to offer classes at is site.

West Anaheim Therapeutic Residential Care

The board approved this new contract with West Anaheim Therapeutic Residential Care to offer classes it is site.

Summer 2006 Graduates – Santa AnaCollege

The board approved the list of students who have completed course work at Santa AnaCollege leading to the Associate Degree and/or Certificate for summer 2006.

Addendum to Lease Agreement with the Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange

The board approved this lease agreement with the Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange for the Nursing Program at Santa AnaCollege.

Training Agreement: Orange county High School of the Arts

The board approved this five-year training agreement with the OrangeCountyHigh School of the Arts. Training takes place in Santa Ana, CA.

Purchase Orders

The board approved the purchase order list dated November 5, 2006, through November 25, 2006.

Payment of Bills

The board approved payment of bills as submitted.

Government Code Section 53410 Reporting – Schedule of Proceeds and Use of General Obligation Bonds – for the period of July 1, 2005, through June 30, 2006

The board received and approved the Schedule of Proceeds and Use of General Obligation Bonds Audit Report for the period July 1, 2005, through June 30, 2006, as presented to satisfy Government Code Section 53410.

Budget Approval

The board approved the submitted budgets and designated the Chancellor or his designee to receive authorization to enter into related contractual agreements on behalf of the district:

SBasic Skills Funds$1,445,890

(SAC: $1,128,504; SCC: $317,386)

SCalifornia Early Childhood Mentor Teacher Program (District)$1,584

SChild Care Development Fund Capacity Project (District)$5,883

SCity of Anaheim (District)$20,000

SConsultant for Environmental System Technologies Project (SCC)$30,000

SDisabled Student Programs and Services (SAC)$1,688,416

SFaculty & Counselor Work Experience Project (SAC)$50,000

SJob Development, Training, and Placement Program for the

Disabled - Workability III (SAC)(Forms only)

SSmallBusinessDevelopmentCenter (District)$324,607

Amended Agreements – GEAR UP III – Delhi Community Center, Latino Health Access, Santa Ana Unified School District, and University of California, Irvine (Year 1)

The board approved these amended agreements and authorized the vice chancellor, business operations/fiscal services or his designee to enter into related contractual agreements on behalf of the district.

Subcontract Agreement – NCCEP – AT&T Grants Promoting Excellence and Innovation in Education 2006 – Santa Ana Unified School District

The board approved this amended subcontract and authorized the vice chancellor, business operations/fiscal services or his designee to enter into related contractual agreements on behalf of the district.

Subcontract Agreement – The California Education Round Table Inter-segmental Coordinating Council (Year 2)

The board approved this subcontract and authorized the vice chancellor, business operations/fiscal services or his designee to enter into related contractual agreements on behalf of the district.

Subcontract – The Regents of the University of California, on behalf of its Santa Barbara campus (Year 2)

The board approved this subcontract and authorized the vice chancellor, business operations/fiscal services or his designee to enter into related contractual agreements on behalf of the district.


It was agreed to adjourn to closed session at 5:36 p.m.


The board reconvened at 6:00 p.m.

Mr. Amezcua announced the board discussed policy issues and potential litigation.

Mr. Hanna asked that item 7.7 be moved toward the beginning of the agenda. Mr. Yarbrough moved to move 7.7 to just before item 3.0. Mr. Hanna seconded the motion. The motion to move item 7.7 was carried unanimously.

Mr. Hanna moved that this item be postponed to the February 26 board meeting. Mr. Yarbrough seconded the motion. Mr. Amezcua asked Dr. Hernandez if there were any problems by postponing this item. Dr. Hernandez indicated there were not. The motion to postpone this item to the board meeting scheduled on February 26 carried unanimously.


Mr. Amezcua announced that the board will make nominations and elect board officers for 2007.

Mr. Yarbrough nominated Mr. Hanna for the position of President of the board. The motion was seconded by Mr. Conley. There were no further nominations. The nomination of Mr. Hanna for the position of President of the board was carried unanimously.

Mr. Hanna nominated Mr. Yarbrough for the position of Vice President of the board. The motion was seconded by Dr. Chapel. There were no additional nominations. The nomination of Mr. Yarbrough for the position of Vice President of the board was carried unanimously.

Mr. Labrado nominated Dr. Chapel for the position of Clerk of the board. The nomination was seconded by Ms. Woolery. There were no additional nominations. The nomination of Dr. Chapel for the position of Clerk of the board was carried unanimously.

At this time, Mr. Amezcua passed the gavel to Mr. Hanna.

Mr. Hanna thanked Mr. Amezcua on behalf of the board for his service as president during 2006. Mr. Hanna indicated that Mr. Amezcua added a tremendous element to the board and community. He mentioned Mr. Amezcua’s community involvement.

Mr. Hanna presented Mr. Amezcua with a plaque referencing his term as president of the board.

Mr. Amezcua addressed the audience. He thanked the voters of the district, his colleagues and students. He thanked his colleagues for allowing him the opportunity to take a leadership role on the board. He mentioned the fact that the board works together well as a team.

Mr. Amezcua thanked Dr. Hernandez, referencing the great work he does on behalf of the district. He witnessed the work Dr. Hernandez does tomake the district and the board look good. Mr. Amezcua mentioned Dr. Hernandez’ Cabinet and staff that support Dr. Hernandez and the district and colleges. There is an understanding that the district and college staff are here for the students.

Mr. Amezcua reviewed accomplishments in 2006. He was pleased at the progress made at Santa AnaCollege and the growth at SantiagoCanyonCollege. He was proud of the success of the adult education programs.

Mr. Amezcua appreciates the relationship between the board and the faculty as well as the classified staff, thanking every employee.

Mr. Amezcua was proud of the program to recognize staff for great work they do, although realizing there are many, many who deserve awards. He’s also proud of the student awards which recognized students from each college every month. These students are just an example of the student population at both colleges.

The last two graduations that Mr. Amezcua attended were well-attended which made him proud. The Santa AnaCollege graduation at Eddie West Field was the best attended to date which was impressive.

One thing that Mr. Amezcua wished could have ended differently, would be the outcome of Measure O. He wanted to assure that staff feel appreciated by the board for the hard work spent on Measure O - some with commitment of time, others with financial donations. Although the district did not get the greater majority vote required, it did receive a majority vote, which made Mr. Amezcua very proud. The district may now look at best ways to realign its master plans for the short- and long-term goals. Mr. Amezcua is interested in engaging better the colleges’ alumni.

In conclusion, Mr. Amezcua indicated his pride in serving on the board. He hopes to continue to serve on the board for many years to come. Mr. Amezcua believes the district brings the best it can to the community – helping students achieve their educational dreams.

Mr. Amezcua thanked everyone for their support.

Mr. Hanna designated the chancellor as the board secretary and John Didion as Dr. Hernandez’ assistant.

Mr. Hanna appointed the following chairs to board committees:

Board Policy Committee:Brian Conley

Board Fiscal and Audit Review Committee:Phil Yarbrough

Board Facilities Committee:Larry Labrado

Board Legislative Committee:Lisa Woolery

Liaison to the RSCCD Foundation:Alfredo Amezcua

Mr. Hanna appointed Trustee Chapel to continue his representation of the board on the Orange County Legislative Task Force.

Mr. Hanna asked board members to contact him regarding committees they wish to serve on.

Mr. Hanna asked for a motion on the adoption of the scheduled of board meeting dates for 2007 and reaffirmation of board policies 3211, 9002, and 9011. Mr. Yarbrough moved adoption, Ms. Woolery seconded. Mr. Labrado indicated he would not be in town on April 16. The board unanimously adopted the schedule of meetings and board policies as indicated.

Mr. Amezcua asked to be excused at this time. He will be representing the board of trustees at the City of Santa Ana Council installation ceremony.


Dr. Eddie Hernandez (Chancellor)

Dr. Hernandez congratulated the three sworn-in board members, mentioning the size of the audience for the ceremony, demonstrating the strong partnerships and relationships the board has been able to build with the community.

The award received from the Santa Ana Chamber of Commerce at a recent recognition breakfast was passed around the table. Dr. Hernandez mentioned the good working relationships the district has with all local chambers and the projects on which the Santa Ana Chamber and district are working jointly, such as High School, Inc. and English Works.

Mr. Juan Vázquez (President – SantiagoCanyonCollege)

Mr. Vázquez displayed a trophy received by the SCC Women’s Soccer Team presented to the team by the Commission on Athletics for having achieved the 2006 Women’s Soccer Championship. The team defeated CypressCollege 2-0 in the championship game on December 10. President Vazquez congratulated Coach Ian Woodhead and his assistants, Ed Kephart, Lisa Herman, Chris Wooley, Mike Sarver, and others involved. Mr. Vazquez asked that the board honor the team at a spring meeting of the board. He also asked if the team could be recognized at the spring convocation in February.

Mr. Vázquez congratulated Professor Cari Cannon on her recent faculty excellence speech, “Perspectives from a Cognitive Psychology and Neuro-Science.”

The college held a virtual ground-breaking for its new demonstration garden at the corner of Jamboree and Santiago Canyon Road in the Student Services Classroom building on December 1. Mr. Vazquez thanked the Coastkeepers Organization and the Metropolitan Water District for the $75,000 grant to start the project. The project is geared toward teaching anyone interested how to build gardens that are California-friendly and will do the least damage to our coast through less run-off.

The college collegiate choir presented at two events on the weekend - one at Disneyland in a candlelight procession, and the other at the City of Orange’s tree-lighting ceremony.

Mr. Vázquez reviewed several other events taking place at the college recently.

Dr. Erlinda Martinez (President – Santa AnaCollege)

Dr. Martinez congratulated SCC on its first state championship and mentioned that the SAC wrestling team placed third in the state this year.

Dr. Martinez congratulated Trustees Hanna, Labrado, and Yarbrough on the election results mentioning her appreciation for their leadership.

Dr. Martinez reported that she and staff member Teresa Mercado-Cota attended the Nosotros Golden Eagle Awards held at the Ricardo Maltalban Theater, an event that recognizes Latinos in the entertainment industry. The SAC mariachi group played at the event.

The college held its annual Pageant of the Trees event, and Dr. Martinez thanked board members for attending. Revenue is reported to be over $28,000.

Mr. Ernesto Alonso (Student President – Santa AnaCollege)

Mr. Alonso apologized for not attending the last meeting.

The students recently sponsored the Leave a Legacy event which required $32,000 in funding. The budget allowed for only $20,000, so the student government is looking into increasing the student services sticker fees to help cover expenses. They plan to implement the increased fee during Intersession.

The students passed legislation which adds two senators to the student government.

Mr. Alonso announced the student awards ceremony on Wednesday, December 13.

Ms. Meg Rothi (Student President – SantiagoCanyonCollege)

Ms. Rothi indicated her student advisor asked her to speak about the student leadership institute (SLI). She distributed the most recent newsletter of the institute.

Ms. Rothi mentioned the change in the college’s finals schedule, indicating students were a little confused by the sudden change, but the college did an excellent job notifying students of the change.

Ms. Rothi attended the Region 8 meeting on Saturday where she was elected Interim Co-Vice Chair.

Ms. Rothi indicated the ASB is researching the student representation fee and hope to have students vote on it in the spring in a special election.

The students are working on the Invisible Angels Tree project, indicating that in the past more students than faculty participated.

Student Government is working on an ASB recruitment video urging students to participate in student government, activities, and paying the student services fee. They anticipate instructors will play the DVD for students.

Mr. Hanna asked for a copy of the report on the student representation fee when it’s complete.

Mr. Erik Santacruz (Student Trustee)

Mr. Santacruz mentioned that after the last board meeting, Mr. John Hernandez (SCC) mentioned that the reason the funds raised from the student services sticker decreased was due to the district being restricted in the methods used to present the sticker and to collect fees. He apologized for his erroneous remarks at the last meeting. He met with Ms. Rothi and reviewed the California Education Code which says in section 76060.5 that, “If a student body association has been established at a community college as authorized by section 76060, the governing body of the association may order that an election be held for the purpose of establishing a student representation fee of $1 per semester.” The Code of Regulations outlines ways that student fees may be presented to the students and describes methods for collection. Mr. Santacruz believes that after reviewing the language, the colleges should come to agreement as to how to collect fees and raise additional funding. He mentioned the colleges currently use funds for the book loan programs.

Mr. Santacruz indicated the public domain textbook issue has been put on hold due to the close of the semester. He believes the issue will resurface during Intersession or Spring semester.

Dr. Jeff McMillan (Academic Senate President – Santa AnaCollege)