FARDC Exec. Meeting

Draft Meeting Minutes

November 1, 2016

  1. Call to order

Ken Heather iscalled to order the regular meeting of the FARDC Executive at5:10 pm on November 1, 2016 in Rm. 2305.

  1. Approval of agenda

Moved by Wendy Wheeler, second by Sara Daniels. With the addition of faculty positions on committees and School of Trades and Technologies special School Council meeting, under business arising.

  1. Members in Attends

The following persons were present:

Elissa Odgren, Gail Brunner, Jane Proudlove, Wendy WheelerSara Daniels, Dale Wheeler,JasonAnderson,Patrick Wu ,Robert Nellis,Malcolm Bell,Terry Cole and Brad McDiarmid

Regrets:Shauna Philip,Tom Ewashen and Sally Stuart

  1. Approval of minutes from last meeting

Jason Anderson moved and Robert Nellis second, that the minutes of October 18, 2016.

Were approved in principle.

All in favor, carried.

  1. Committee reports:


The negotiation team presented to executive their proposal that they will be taking forward to the institution.

A meeting has been booked for Friday, November 4, 2016 with Lesley Kendall, Mara-Lee Moroz from the College and Serge Gingras and Ken Heather from the Association.

Academic Council:

No report was give. No AC rep. to executive has been appointed yet.

Board of Governors:

Please refer to the On Board report dated November 2, 2016.


No report was given as they have not met since the last executive meeting.

Faculty Performance Committee;

Executive reviewed the new terms of reference for the Faculty Performance Committee. Executive proposed a number of changes to bring more clarity to the document.

  1. Business arising:

Request from senior administration regarding solving issues;

Executive finalized the issues that FARDC will put forward to senior admin for resolution. They are,

1. Provision of adequate office space for FARDC to allow the President and an Admin Assistant to work in a common space.

2. Access to FARDC PD surplus as originally agreed to (refer to page 4 of the FARDC Grievance re: Proposed Elimination of PD Surplus, Relief Solution).

3. All sessional faculty with a confirmed contract will retain Loop and email access between contracts.

Faculty positions on committees;

FARDC Pres. met with the VP of academics regarding the need to have faculty fill the positions on certain committees.

The VP of academic was asked by Deans’ Council if Deans could start to ask people to put their names forward to sit on various committees.

FARDC Pres. raise concerns regarding “handpicking people” to fill these roles. The VP of academics agreed that it would be best if FARDC approached people for these committees.

The committees that need continuous people at this time are;

Academic Policy committee, one continuous appointment.

Academic Council, two continuous appointments

Curriculum Committee, one from the School of Trades and Technologies, one from the School of Education and one from the School of Arts and Science.

Executive did discuss the idea of possibly having honorariums put in place to be offered to faculty that sit on the various committees. It was mentioned that this is done at other institutions.

It was also discussed that possibly these honorariums could be set up through PD.

The Pres. and the Chair of PD will discuss the possibility of putting proposal forward.

Executive members will be speaking with continuous appointments to address this concern.

School of Trades and Technology School Special School Council meeting;

This special school Council meeting has been called to discuss the following items,

Absences, Work Hours, Conflict Resolution, Travel, Dress Code and Respectful Interactions.

A number of faculty have raise concerns regarding the need to discuss some of these items. As they belief they are clearly spelled out in collective agreements, ethical practices, or policies.

Executive discussed that if these issues are being raised because of lack of understanding then, perhaps the School should give back this responsibility to Chairs. As at one time this was covered by Chairs as stated in the Chair Role Manual.

In other suggestion that was put forward, perhaps the School should look at some type of mentoring program such as the School of Health Sciences has.

New policies;

A number of new or redrafted policies have come out for feedback. In particular the redraft of the Conflict of Interests Conflict of Commitment Policy.

Executive still have concerns regarding this policy. The three constituency presidents are to meet later this week to discuss the proposed changes to this policy. The institution has asked to have a meeting the week of November 7 to gather the feedback from the three constituency presidents on the redraft.

Next Gen. Meeting date;

The next general meeting will be held Thursday, December 1, 2016 from 4 PM to 5:30 PM

We will be holding our Annual Continuous Appointments Celebration on the same day immediately following the general meeting.

Security regarding students materials;

There was discussion, regarding what does this mean to faculty when it comes to dealing with different types of students materials i.e. projects. It was unclear if this is a policy. Executive has asked for clarification on this.

Action item;FARDC Pres. to follow up on communication that was sent to all faculty regarding this matter.

Government announcement, regarding tuition;

Executive would like to encourage faculty to go and fill out this survey regarding tuition.

The government is asking for feedback from all sectors, regarding this important issue.

ACIFA survey questions;

Executive discussed the idea of adding a specific question to the ACIFA survey. That would only to be given to RDC faculty for their feedback.

Some questions will be circulated among executive to get feedback on which one we may want to submit.

  1. In camera:

Executive moved into camera at 7:15 PM, came out of camera at 7:30 PM.

  1. Adjournment at 7:35 PM