Choral Ensemble Sight Reading Goal/Scale
Standard: CAS#9 (MU:Re9.1.C.Ia) – Apply criteria to evaluate artistic work
Discipline Components: Music – Evaluate
Big Idea/Essential Question: Why is being able to read and perform music from sight important?
Learning Goal: I can sight read, in my ensemble, performing note/rest values currently with a steady beat, correct pitches and intonation most of the time.
Skill / RHYTHM / TONAL4 / I confidently perform note and rest values correctly with rhythmic energy and a strong steady beat / I confidently sing in tune with correct pitches
✰ / I perform note and rest values correctly with a steady beat most of the time / I sing in tune with correct pitches most of the time
2 / I perform note and rest values correctly with a steady beat some of the time / I sing in tune with correct pitches some of the time
1 / I am beginning to perform note and rest values correctly with a steady beat / I am beginning to sing in tune with correct pitches
0 / I do not understand this skill / I do not understand this skill
Tasks for common assessments (to show student growth and to inform teaching)
Teacher will prepare students by presenting activities to support the learning goal. Teacher will provide guidance in how to sight read rhythm and melodic examples. Teacher will give students an opportunity to practice skills required for assessment.
Students will perform in large groups and small groups.
Sight Reading assessments can utilize concert repertoire or composed examples that meet the criteria as outlined in the Michigan School Vocal Music Association handbook. While individual skills should be measured, the actual assessment for this skill is measured as an ensemble.
Junior HIgh/Middle School: High School:
Primary Primary
Intermediate Intermediate
Advanced Advanced
MSVMA guidelines for Middle School:
Rhythmic Guidelines:
Level / Time Signatures / Beat Division / Rests / Ties / SyncopationJH/MS
4 / Nothing smaller than a beat / Nothing smaller than a beat / No / No
4 4 / Nothing smaller than a beat / Nothing smaller than a beat / No / No
JH/MS ADVANCED / 2 3 4 6
4 4 4 8 / Nothing smaller than half a beat / Nothing smaller than half a beat / Yes / Yes
Pitch Guidelines:
Level / Key Signatures / Modes / Intervals / Ranges/TessituraJH/MS
PRIMARY / Up to one sharp or flat / Major / Unison, M2, m2 / Soprano: c1-e2/ f1-d2
Alto: a-c2/c1-a1
JH/MS INTERMEDIATE / Up to two sharps or flats / Major / Primary plus M3, m3 / Tenor: d-c1/g-f1
Bass: A-c1/c-a
JH/MS ADVANCED / Up to three sharps or flats / Major / Intermediate plus P4, P5, accidentals
MSVMA guidelines for High School:
Rhythmic Guidelines:
Level / Time Signatures / Beat Division / Rests / Ties / SyncopationHS
PRIMARY / 2 3 4
4 4 4 / Nothing smaller than half a beat / Nothing smaller than half a beat / No / No
4 4 4 8 8 / Nothing smaller than half a beat / Nothing smaller than half a beat / No / No
HS ADVANCED / 2 3 4 3 6
4 4 4 8 8 / Nothing smaller than half a beat / Nothing smaller than half a beat / Yes / Yes
Pitch Guidelines:
Level / Key Signatures / Modes / Intervals / Ranges/TessituraHS
PRIMARY / Up to two sharps or flats / Major / M2, m2, M3, m3, desc/asc. 4th (1-5-1; do-sol-do) / Soprano: c1-f2/ f1-e2
Alto: g-c2/b-a1
HS INTERMEDIATE / Up to three sharps or flats (plus modulations to dominant) / Major / Primary plus P4, P5, accidentals / Tenor: c-f1/f-e1
Bass: G-c1/B-a
HS ADVANCED / Up to four sharps or flats accidentals / Major, minor / Up to octaves, accidentals