Charity No 205210
Please complete and return the form as soon as possible to confirm your booking.
Address ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…….
Email……………………………...Contact Tel No...... Mob.…………………………….
Alternative contact name………………………………………………………Tel No…………………….……..
Club/Association name (if relevant)……… ………………………………………………………………………
Purpose of Hire (e.g. Adult/Children’s party, meeting, course)………………………………………………..
Date required…………….…………..Time required from………..……to……..…….Total hours……………
If you wish to book more than one day, or a regular weekly/monthly bookingplease detail requirements
I enclose the hiring fee of £………….
Plus a separate refundable deposit against damages of £100*
Payment should be in two separate cheques payable to Far Forest Societyand forwarded to:-
Debbie Reeves,
21 New Forest Close, Far Forest, Rock,Nr Kidderminster. DY14 9TJ
Tel No: 01299 266830
*The cheque against damage should be dated the day of your event and will be destroyed following full
inspection after the event. If you would prefer this to be returned to you please enclose a stamped, self addressed envelope with your payment.
I/we have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions for hire of Far Forest Society Pavilion/sports field.
Signature…………………………………………..…………………………….. Date………………………………
To enquire if date and time available please telephone Debbie Reeves on 01299 266830
Please send postal and booking enquires to: Debbie Reeves address as above.
The Sports Pavilion is available for private hire.
Facilities include: Off road parking, full disabled facilities, well equipped kitchen with plumbed in boiler, fridges, cooker, microwave, cutlery, crockery (40 sets).Main room measuring 40ft x 16ft with annexe including ladies/gents & disabled toilets. Changing rooms with shower and toilet facilities. Maximum capacity 200 persons.Set in 18 acres of land.
Pavilion Private Hire: £20 first two hours, £10 each extra hour
£100 per Day 9am - Midnight. £60 Evening 6pm – Midnight.
Pavilion & Part field £300 per day - extras to be negotiated.Sports fields to be negotiated
1. Children’s parties must be supervised by at least 2 parents.
An adult must be responsible for the hire and supervision of the premises during the hire period andmust
ensure the good conduct of all persons in the hall and surrounding site.
2. The hirer must arrange with Debbie Reeves their time of arrival to receive the key for the pavilion
and are responsible for replacing the key in the designated area.
3. On arrival the hirer will make themselves familiar with the fire policy which is postedon the hall notice
board. The hirer will be responsible for ensuring the fire policy is adhered to whilst the hall is in use.
4. The use of multi adaptors, multiple extension leads and heating devices are restricted in accordancewith
the fire policy.
5. The entrance door must not be locked while the hall is in use.
6. There should be no obstruction of Emergency Exits, signs or lights. Fire extinguishing equipment must not
be moved (except in emergency).
7. Fittings or electrical wiring must not be altered, fixed or removed.
8. Members of the hall committee and emergency services shall have the right to enter and inspect without
hindrance at all times.
9. No smoking in the building.
10. Strictly invitation only.
11. No alcohol to be sold on the premises.
12. No furniture, equipment, liquids or other materials may be brought into the premiseswhich would belikely
to damage the floor or structure of the building by reason of weight, nature or otherwise.
13. Walls must not be defaced with sellotape, posters or decorations. Use the pin boards fornoticesand
decorations. Blu Tack may be used on timber surfaces only and must be removed.
14. No part of the premises can be sublet.
15. The pavilion must be cleared of visitors by 11.30pm and closed by 12.00pm
16. Neighbours must be respected at all times, e.g. disco and late leaving noise.
17. The hall must be left clean, tidy and in a fit condition for the next user.
18. The hirer shall ensure that all taps, lights and power points are switched off beforeleaving thebuilding
(the car park light is on a timed switch). They should also ensure allinternal and externaldoors,
allwindows and kitchen hatch are closed.
19. All rubbish must be removed from the premises and disposed of by the hirer.
Please do not leave rubbish outside the building.
20. The hirer shall accept responsibility for the cost of making good any damage caused tothe premises or
contents and for the loss of revenue that may occur due to the damage over and above the deposit.
Anymissing equipment must be paid for.
21.The full cost of the hire to be paid on reservation.
22. In the event of cancellation by the hirer with less than 4 weeks’ notice no money will bereturned. For more
than 4 weeks’ notice the money will be refunded less £25 for bookingsless than 24 hours) or £100 (for
bookings over 24 hours) to cover the loss of revenue.
23. The Hall Committee reserve the right to cancel or vary the terms of the booking.
24. Do not use smoke machines or dry ice as they set off the fire alarms.
The hirers must arrange their own insurance if holding a money-making event.