INTERNAL EVALUATION Methods 2013-1-FR1-LEO05-47980

Partner: P5 SŠGT Celje, SIDate: 08/05/2014

Period Covered by this Review: 1 Oct. 2013 to 1Apr. 2014

Please complete this form to record the activities and progress in the period.

Which partners have you had communications with?
How often and in which way have you communicated with partners? / We communicated personally with members of all partners who came to the kick-off meeting, establishing the first friendship contacts and exchanging ideas regarding the project. Later we contacted most often the partner SDE by e-mail on current topics and exchange of opinions as well as for the reporting purpose. We were following the activities of other partners on facebook as well as the results in progress through the uploads in the dropbox folder.
Innovatory aspects:
Describe any innovatory aspects to your activities. / So far we can not speak about particular innovatory aspects to our activities, however there will be opportunity to develop some when the piloting of the 5 new methods starts.
Do you feel that information relating to the management of the project is sufficient, relevant and effective? (Please comment).
Give a rating on a scale of 5 to 1.
5 being the the most positive. / Yes, it is clear, transparent and permanently accessible in the shared folder in dropbox. Besides the coordinating institution is always ready to give additional explanation if asked for.
List of dissemination activities you have been engaged in. / We were engaged in different types of dissemination activities which were performed by our colleagues and headmaster at relevant events. They included:
-Web promotion (local- school web page, EU level- LinkedIn discussion, FB pages)
-Short presentations and/or distribution of flyers (conference in HR, local and international meetings IE, HR, roundtable at national competition of hotel schools etc.)
-By E-mail to the National institute for Education (they forwarded it to language teachers in Slovenian schools (because they are not allowed to give us the whole recipient list-data protection)
A detailed list with attachments is uploaded in the drop box and was submitted for the 1st progress report as well.
External impact/mainstreams:
Any multiplier effect/impact. / At this stage it is too early to speak about any multiplier effect/impact though it is expected during the piloting by involving the National institute for Education as supporting partner for both dissemination and piloting.
Overall comment: / Because of the excellent project management, extremely positive working atmosphere and enthusiasm/devotion of all team members it is a pleasure to participate in this project. The support and help offered within the project team will definitely contribute to further progress and better results.
Summary of Local Activities in the period:
-Presentation of METHODS to the staff of SŠGT Celje
-Occational meetings of the project team and headmaster
-Promoting the METHODS projects at every relevant occasion
-Posting on facebook
-Getting feedback on information needed for work placements (interviews with past and future mobility participants of SŠGT and some project coordinators of other VET schools)
Milestones met:
-Translations of the video subtitles in Slovenian
-Translation of the brochure in Slovenian
-Social media –creation of FB, Twitter and blog (with assistance of SDE)
-Adaptation of the Simulations Manual (EN)
-Updated Power Point presentation of Simulations
-Dissemination activities on the local, national and EU level
-Participation in both partner meetings (Brussels, Malta)
Delays (if any) in planned activities and outputs:
1. Delay in adaptation of Simulations manual as regards the deadline 1/4/2014 from the work plan), but it was ready for the 2nd meeting in Malta 5/5/2014 when needed for the workshops of 5 new teaching methods- the partnership members were able to check the adapted version and give their feedback/ comments/ suggestions.
2. Delay in adaptation of International Work Placement Guide (deadline 1/5/2014 not met). The reason for this delay is that there have been many changes lately (after the launch of the METHODS project) regarding the EU mobility actions (new programme Erasmus+) which need to be included in the adapted Guide. The existing guide has 81 pages which need to be reduced in order to make the new guide less time-consuming to go through and thus more user-friendly. So our team as the WP leader
Found reasonable to create a new structure rather than reduce the old one and/or add parts to it. This decision involves more research, checking and work than estimated before by our team.
3. Weak activity on social media (except FB) : the work done/activities performed in the first period was focused on preparation of the materials and didactic approaches for the pilot testing-we tried to contribute with links to some interesting topics and reported on important dissemination activity so far.
If applicable how will the team compensate for the delays and catch up:
1. The Simulations Manual has already been adapted.
2. The IWP Guide is already being created and should be finished by the end of May 2014 at the latest.
3. Social media: there will definitely be more topics to discuss and/or to ask public for opinion and comments when the actual testing takes place- we expect more intensive and frequent input by all partners from now on.
Other comments:
The justification for the IWPG delay is our wish to produce an up-to-date work placement guide taking into account all new features (actions, documents) of the Erasmus+ programme, aiming at transparency of the structure and quality of the contents.
Regarding the social media activities we (as responsible partner for this) will intensify our work by encouraging all partners to contribute more frequently– though the most interesting activities/events were published on the FB by the partners who implemented them.

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