Mathematics Education Professional Development Opportunities
Baylor UniversityFall 2010
Event / Date/Time / Location / DescriptionPanel Discussion / Sept. 16
7:00-8:00 / BU/D 139 / Mathematics Educators Panel Discussion
Featuring: Dr. Edward Burger
NCTM E-Workshop / Sept. 27
3:00-4:30 pm
Follow-Up Date Nov. 8 / BU/D 211 / Problem Solving in Grades Pre-K-2
Speaker: Emily Hendricks
NCTM E-Workshop / Sept. 29
5:00-6:30 pm
Follow-Up Date Nov. 10 / BU/D 211 / Exploring Mathematics through Literature-Grades 3-5
Speaker: Wendy Schudmak
General Meeting / October 5, 2010
4:30 -6:30 pm / BU/ D 116 / Speaker: Dr. Edward Burger
NCTM E-Workshop / Oct. 21
4:00-5:30 pm
Follow-Up Date: Dec.9 / BU/D 211 / Focus in High School Math: Reasoning and Sense Making-Grades 9-12
Speaker: Fred Dillon
NCTM E-Workshop / November 8
3:00-4:30 pm
(Follow-Up Session) / BU/D 211 / Problem Solving in Grades Pre-K-2
Speaker: Emily Hendricks
NCTM E-Workshop / November 10
5:00-6:30 pm
(Follow-Up Session) / BU/D 211 / Exploring Mathematics through Literature-Grades 3-5
Speaker: Wendy Schudmak
“Math Madness” Event / November 18
7:00-7:45 / Bennett Auditorium / Speaker: Dr. Edward Burger
Community event for Middle School Students and their Parents
NCTM E-Workshop / December 9
4:00-5:30 pm
(Follow-Up Session) / BU/D 211 / Focus in High School Math: Reasoning and Sense Making-Grades 9-12
Speaker: Fred Dillon
Fall 2010Teacher Training Day for GEAR Up Super Saturdays
GEAR Up Super Saturdays—High Schools
9 a.m.-3 p.m. Draper 211ALL Grade 9-11 mathematics teachers in WISD and
September 25, 2010 (Waco High School)La Vega ISD
October 9, 2010 (La Vega High School)September 25, 2010 Draper 207
November 6, 2010 (University High School)October 9, 2010 Draper 139
December 4, 2010 (AJ MooreAcademy)
A Message From the Middle
I have been considering what I wanted to share with you as we begin a new school year and I thought about the changes we are facing with the STAAR test just around the corner. Here is an update with the information I am aware of concerning the new test and current training to better prepare teachers. The buzzwords are CCRS (college and career readiness standards), RtI (response to intervention), TXAR (Texas algebra ready),
MSTAR (middle-school students in Texas algebra ready), GATAR (geometric approach to algebra readiness), ESTAR(elementary students in Texas algebra ready), ELPS ( English language proficiency standards) and differentiation.
During the summer months I attended the MSTAR academies for
both 5th-6th and 7th-8th grades as well as the ELPS training provided by Region 12 Service Center. The MSTAR Academies provide intensive content-based professional development focusing on the how and what to teach to engage students in concepts and content. The MSTAR Academies also focus on addressing the needs of all learners through response-to-intervention (RtI) strategies that focus on integrating the TEKS and creating quality Tier 1 lessons. Region 12 will conduct more MSTAR academies (both grade bands) during the fall semester on three consecutive Saturdays at the service center beginning on September 18th. A stipend of $300 is paid to all participants who attend the three sessions and miss no more than 30 minutes total. A second round of academies is scheduled in Nolanville beginning April 2, 2011.
One important document used by attendees of the MSTAR academy is the Texas Response to Curriculum Focal Points K-8, also referred to as TxRCFP. The information contained in the booklet aligns student expectations to key topics. There is an emphasis on integration of concepts across the strands/skills that leads to mathematical connections. Also, critical areas are identified that connect and integrate mathematical understanding. The document can be found at may be downloaded in pdf form.
GATAR Academies are in the works and will be available next summer and also through the Texas Regional Collaborative. Check with the math specialists at Region 12 for more information on GATAR. No stipends will be paid for this training.
Other information disseminated at the MSTAR academy concerned the development of the MSTAR universal screener based on algebra-readiness content from the TxRCFP. The tests are designed to be administered in fall, winter, and spring and are used as a formative assessment to support instructional decisions. The screener assesses foundational, bridging, and target knowledge. It is available on the Texas Math and Science Diagnostic System (TMSDS).
On August 18th the TEA posted its latest round of TAKS release questions. There are 15 math problems for grades 3-8 and 24 math problems for grades 9-11. This type of information is sent to teachers who have signed up for the TEA listserv. The address is I would suggest joining both the math listserv and the student assessment listserv. A drop-down menu will give you numerous choices.
Finally, if you missed the TEA sessions at CAMT visit the TASM (Texas Association of Supervisors of Mathematics) website and click on the appropriate links. You will be able to view the entire powerpoint for both the TEA update and the TEA assessment update. There is a wealth of information about the STAAR program on the second powerpoint. The STAAR test will encompass 30-40% of the eligible TEKS and will make up 60-65% of the assessment. These are called the readiness standards. The supporting standards cover the remaining 60-70% of the eligible TEKS and will make up the other 35-40% of the STAAR test.
Lisa Hudson,
Vice President of Middle School
Transformations for Geometry:
Activity for quick review of reflection, rotation, translation: Fold a sheet of paper 8.5” x 11” in half vertically, then fold in half top to bottom, then again fold in half top to bottom. Your paper is now approximately 2.75” x 4.25”. Using a pair of scissors cut a very irregular shape through all layers of the folded paper. I suggest a concave polygon with sides of varying length and no lines of symmetry.
Not a polygon, but it works
After cutting out the shape, open up the paper to full size. Based on the upper right cutout, classify the remaining cutouts as translations, rotations, reflections, and combinations of these. Quick review!
WEBSITES to visit: All math teachers should visit this site for math activities useful in all math levels.
AP Calculus sites:
for ordering review materials
for AP Calculus and Precalculus
Riemann Sums program for TI 83 & TI 84 calculator
student created review materials
Other sites:
for creating rubrics
Submitted by Vicky Brown
Vice President – High School
Central Texas Council of Teachers of Mathematics
CTCTM Membership / Information Form
All information provided is confidential and not available to outside sources without the express written permission of the CTCTM Executive Council.
First Name______Last Name ______
Mailing Address ______
City______State ______Zip ______
Name of School ______Your position ______
Home Phone (______)______Work Phone (______)______
Fax (______)______Email ______
Are you a member of NCTM? (Circle) yes no Are you a member of TCTM? (Circle) yes no
If yes, please give NCTM membership #______
Please join or renew your membership to NCTM online, using the pull-down menu to indicate that you are a member of CTCTM. NCTM gives CTCTM a small portion ($3 - $5) of your membership, so this really helps us.
Please check one of the following:Check those that best describe your level of
School Type: ______Publicinvolvement:
Make check payable to CTCTM______Counselor______6-8
Annual Dues: $10.00______Principal______9-12
Student Membership$5.00______Supervisor______University
______Other ______
MAIL TO:Kathy Hutchison
Baylor University
One Bear Place #97328
Waco, TX 76798
Date Entered/Renewed ______Amount Paid ______
Membership Expiration ______Card Sent ______
CTCTM Spring Conference, February 19, 2011
Speaker Proposal Form
If you are interested in submitting a proposal please provide the following information:
I. Presenter Information II. Presentation Information
Name ______Title of Session ______
Home Address ______Grade Level(s) (Please check all that apply.)
City/State ______PK-2 ___ 3-5 ___ 6-8 ___ 9-12 ___College ___
Zip ______Phone ______
School Name ______Description (Limit 25 words - may be done on
Email: ______separate sheet and attached)
Please give the same information for
additional speakers on a separate sheet.
Mail to: Christi Carson
LakeAir Intermediate
4601 Cobbs Drive
Waco, TX76710
All proposals should be received by
January 25, 2011.
Would you be willing to make this presentation twice if needed?YesNo
Be sure to share with your colleagues!
2010-2011 Officers
One Bear Place #97314
Waco, TX76798-7328