Fall, 2004 Semester – Spring, 2005 Semester
EDCI 653:Seminar in Career and Technical Education: Special Needs (3 s.h.)
Course Description:Review and analysis of contemporary issues, problems, policies, and best practices and exemplary programs in career, technical, and transition instruction and services for special needs youth and adults.
Instructor:Dr. James P. Greenan, Chair
Career and Technical Education
Department of Curriculum and Instruction
School of Education
100 North University Street
West Lafayette, Indiana 47907-2098
Telephone No.: (765) 494-7314
Fax No.: (765) 496-1622
Email Address:
Text:Assigned readings and handout materials
Course Objectives:
1.To plan, conduct, and evaluate topical leadership seminars which address critical and emerging needs in the field of special needs education.
2To review, analyze, synthesize, summarize, and critique current issues, problems, and policies.
3.To identify and evaluate a variety of best practices and exemplary program models and services.
- To network with professionals in the field.
Seminar Planning, Implementation,
and Evaluation40%
Seminar Participation
(regular seminar attendance
and involvement)60%
Participation in all sessions at all seminars is required.
Potential Seminar Topics
List by rank-order three (3) seminar topics or themes that you would be interested in addressing during the LDP year.
Seminar Topics
Rank-Order of Priorities
Leadership Development Program in Special Needs Education
Seminar Schedule
Seminar TopicPlanning CommitteeDatesLocation
1.Oct. 14-15Purdue
(Th., Fri.)
2.Jan. 20-21Purdue
(Th., Fri.)
3.April 21-22Purdue
(Th., Fri.)
4.Final MeetingLDP staffMay 13 (Fri.)Purdue
Seminar Planning Committee
Roles and Responsibilities
OBJECTIVE:1.To plan, conduct, and evaluate topical seminars which address critical and emerging needs in the field of special needs education.
TASKS:1.Identify the specific objectives for each seminar.
- Develop a list of subtopics for each seminar.
- Develop a detailed program/agenda.
- Identify potential presenters, consultants, and resource persons.
- Identify potential location(s).
- Identify and collect resource materials to be displayed and/or presented.
- Serve as session hosts and facilitators.
- Assist in planning the seminar evaluation.
Seminar Committee Activities
Check Sheet
___Identify topic
___Organize committee
___Select dates
___Select site
___Select chair
___Schedule facilities
___Identify issues, objectives,
and formats
___Develop agenda
___Identify, schedule, and confirm presenters (except keynote)
___Select seminar materials (article, map, dining guide, agenda, evaluation, pen, paper, presenter materials, LDP recruitment materials, newsletter, others)
___Reserve block of hotel rooms
___Revise evaluation instrument
___Order continental breakfast and break refreshments
___Produce and mail letter/
registration form and agenda (in newsletter) at least four weeks before seminar
___Mail registration follow-up
___Make lunch reservations
___Select restaurants and make dinner reservations
___Schedule audio/visual equipment (overhead projector, camcorder, VCR, computer)
___Review facility needs
___Prepare registration list, name tags, and sign-in form
___Prepare conference folders
___Prepare the display table
___Set-up and work the registration table (registration, name tags, folders, others)
___Host participants
___Operate video camera
___Replenish food and beverages
___Facilitate and moderate
___Conduct evaluation
___Submit video tapes
___Produce and disseminate evaluation report
___Prepare and mail follow-up letters (copies to Director)
___Develop participant directory
Seminar Planning Form
Seminar Topic:
Presenter Information Sheet
You will be introduced prior to your presentation at the LDP seminar. Therefore, please provide the following information to assist us in your introduction:
_____Other (please specify)______
Organization and Location:
Professional Title and Description of Responsibilities:
Professional Background (e.g., education and training, world of work experiences, administration, supervision, teaching, research, and/or service experiences):
Interesting Notes:
Walk-in Registration Sheet
Name / Organization / Address / Phone / e-mail &/or fax16
Boiler Metro – Cafeteria style breakfast, lunch and dinner. Convenience store. Ground floor, Hawkins Graduate House.
7:00 a.m. – 10 p.m. Monday-Thursday
7:00 a.m. – 8 p.m. Friday
12:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Saturday and Sunday
Freshens – Pretzels, smoothies and frozen treats. Ground floor, Purdue Memorial Union.
10:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. Monday-Friday
11:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Saturday and Sunday
HTM Café – Breakfast and lunch selections. Main floor, Stone Hall.
7:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Monday-Friday
1:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Monday-Friday
John Purdue Room – Lunch and dinner served at your table. Main floor, Stone Hall. Reservations: 49-46845
11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Monday-Friday
6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Tuesday-Thursday
Oasis Café – Breakfast and lunch selections. Ground floor, Purdue Memorial Union.
7:30 a.m. – 7:30 p.m. Monday-Thursday
7:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Friday
Pappy’s Original Sweet Shop – Cafeteria-style grill. Ground floor, Purdue Memorial Union.
9:00 a.m. – 1:00 a.m. Monday-Friday
4:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. Saturday
Sagamore Restaurant – Breakfast and lunch served at your table. Second Floor, Purdue Memorial Union. Reservations: 49-48945
6:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Monday-Thursday
6:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Friday
6:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Saturday
Union Market – Salad bar, deli counter, fast food grill, hot entrees, Asian cuisine. Ground floor, Purdue Memorial Union.
7:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. Daily
Villa Pizza – Italian-style fast food. Ground floor, Purdue Memorial Union.
10:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m. Daily
1)ChaunceyVillage offers: Subway, Smoothie King, Bombay Express, Jake’s Roadhouse, Arby’s, Fazoli’s, Utopia Diner, Taco Bell, El Rodeo, Jimmy John’s and others.
Leadership Development Program in Special Needs Education
“Career Planning for All Learners”
. . .An Inservice Workshop. . .
April 17th-18th, 2003
West Lafayette, Indiana
Thursday, April 17th(StewartCenter 214 A, B, C, D)
7:30 – 8:00 CSTRegistration and Continental BreakfastSeminar 3 Planning Committee
8:00 – 8:15Opening remarks and Overview of Seminar 3Dr. Jim Greenan, Director
Leadership Development Program
Laura Cain, Chair
Planning Committee
8:15 – 8:30Welcome to PurdueDr. Jim Lehman, Head
Department of Curriculum and Instruction
School of Education
8:30 – 9:45“Getting Real with Career Planning”Dr. Ken Gray, Professor and Head
Department of Workforce Education
and Development
University Park, Pennsylvania
Moderator, Laura Cain
9:45 – 10:00Break
10:00 – 12:00“Issues, Barriers, and Facilitators Related to CareerTable 1
Planning and the World of Work: Round Table Kim Atkins, Group Leader
Discussions”Table 2
Bill Barrick, Group Leader
Table 3
10:00-11:00: “Identification and Discussion of Sheila Comer, Group Leader
Issues, Barriers, and Facilitators”Table 4
Brian Doane, Group Leader
11:00-11:30: “Group Reports”Table 5
Andy Jordan, Group Leader
11:30-12:00: “Summary and Reaction”Table 6
Tina Richter, Group Leader
Table 7
Lola Taylor, Group Leader
Table 8
Karen Williams, Group Leader
Discussant, Kenneth Gray
Moderator, Beth Myers
12:00 -1:00LunchOn Your Own (See list)
1:15 – 3:15“Creating Portfolios: Benefits of and ProceduresDr. Terry L. Weidner, Professor
for Developing and Maintaining Portfolios toSeungho Pi, Doctoral Research Assistant
DocumentPerformance and Demonstrate Skills” Educational Studies Department
Muncie, Indiana
Vicki L. Harris, State Project Consultant
English Works in Indiana
Muncie, Indiana
Moderator, Rosalyn Pool
3:15 – 3:30Break
3:30-5:00“Electronic Career Development”Tom Gordon, Career Counselor
Indiana University/Purdue University-Fort Wayne
Fort Wayne, Indiana
Moderator, Jennifer Porsch
6:00DinnerOn Your Own
Leadership Development Program in Special Needs Education
Friday, April 18th (Stewart Center 311)
7:30 – 8:00Registration and Continental BreakfastSeminar 3 Planning Committee
8:00 – 9:15“Legislative Update”Sheila Klinker, State Representative
and Outreach Liaison
School of Education
West Lafayette, Indiana
Julie Yeater, Assistant Director
Office of Career and Technical Education
Indiana Department of Education
Indianapolis, Indiana
Moderator, Laura Cain
9:15 – 9:30Break
9:30 – 10:45“Parental Involvement in the Career PlanningDr. Ken Gray
Process for Youth”Moderator, Jennifer Porsch
10:45 -11:00Break
11:00 – 12:00“Career Planning as an Intricate Part of Indiana’sMary Mickelson
Accountability System”Division of School Accreditation
Department of Education
Indianapolis, Indiana
Moderator, Beth Myers
12:00 – 1:00LunchOn Your Own (See list)
1:00 – 2:30“Successful Career Planning Programs”Posi Tucker
Elkhart, Indiana
Linda Anderson, Guidance Director
North Newton Jr./Sr.High School
Morocco, Indiana
Dr. Douglas Moore, Director of Guidance
ColumbusEastHigh School
Columbus, Indiana
2:30 – 3:00“Current Program Improvement Initiatives”Dr. Jim Greenan
“Coop R.O.T.C. (CooperativeSchool Services - Kimberly Adkins
Rensselaer Outreach Transition Council”
“Learning to Work, Working to Learn”William Barrick
“The Driver’s Manual”Laura Cain, Beth Myers
“Jump on Board (J.O.B.): An Early ChildhoodSheila Comer, Rosalyn Pool, Karen Williams
Career Awareness Project”
“Focusing on Career Development for the Non-CollegeBrian Doane
Bound Student”
“Connecting Frontiers”Andy Jordan
“Transition Portfolios: Creating a Pathway for Success”Jennifer Porsch
“Josey’s Staff Training Manual (Joining Our Staff Tina Richter
Equals Your Success)”
“Special EducationTransition Program”Lola Taylor
Moderator, Jim Greenan
3:00 – 3:30Summary, Synthesis, and EvaluationLDP staff and participants
Guidelines for Panel Moderators
- Create a comfortable atmosphere conducive to informal discussion.
- Draw out pertinent information.
- Facilitate discussion between panelists/panelists and audience.
- Summarize and clarify as needed.
- Introduction
- Introduce panelists.
- Ask panelists to briefly explain their positions and areas of interest.
- Body
- Engage active participation of audience by encouraging questions; have a few of your own questions prepared to help facilitate discussion.
- If things seem to be stalling:
- Reflect upon or paraphrase something that was said.
- Summarize briefly to organize the information and determine the direction the discussion is going.
- Ask for clarification from panelists.
- Conclusion
- Ask audience if they have any last questions.
- Summarize important points of discussion.
- Thank panelists.
Guide for Group Leaders
Your role will be to assist the group in identifying the issues, barriers, and facilitators to successful inclusion of special needs learners in career and technical education programs. The following guide provides suggestions on mediating on a small group discussion.
Before the session, make sure the group has transparencies and overhead markers.
Begin the session by reviewing the purpose of the session with all members of the group.
Have members introduce themselves.
Identify a Group Recorder – this person will record and synthesize the group’s ideas onto a transparency for the group report.
Identify a Group Reporter – this person will be the spokesperson who will present a summary or a synthesis of the group’s ideas.
During the session, initiate and mediate the discussion by summarizing and clarifying the statements of individuals to assist in understanding.
Draw all members into the discussion by asking their opinions or suggestions.
Encourage a positive climate for ideas.
Mediate differences.
Work toward consensus and/or resolution.
Avoid members dominating the discussion.
At the end of the session, make sure that the group’s ideas are accurately synthesized and represented.
Use the following statements to guide the discussion:
- What are the issues?
- Identify and discuss the barriers.
- Identify and discuss the facilitators.
Facilitate – To make easy or easier; to assist. (The American Heritage Dictionary, 1994)
Leadership Development Program in Special Needs Education
“Career Planning for All Learners”
. . .An Inservice Workshop. . .
April 17th-18th, 2003
West Lafayette, Indiana
The LDP staff would appreciate it if you would evaluate your workshop experience by circling the appropriate response to each item. You may also provide comments in the appropriate spaces. Your input will assist the staff in planning and conducting future workshops. Your responses will be anonymous, therefore, do not sign your name.
DisagreeDisagreeUncertain Agree Agree
1.The workshop was well-
planned and organized. SD D UNC A SA
2.The purpose of the
workshop was clear. SD D UNC A SA
3.The workshop format,
facilities, and agenda
were appropriate and
applicable to my needs. SD D UNC A SA
4.The presentations
related adequately to
the workshop topic. SD D UNC A SA
5.The amount of material
covered in the time
allotted was appropriate. SD D UNC A SA
6.The information and
materials presented were
adequate and useful. SD D UNC A SA
7.The workshop met my
professional needs. SD D UNC A SA
- The “Getting Real with
Career Planning” presen-
tation was informative. SD D UNC A SA
- The “Issues, Barriers, and
Facilitators Related to
Career Planning and the
World of Work: Round
Table Discussion” session
was beneficial. SD D UNC A SA
- The “Creating Portfolios:
Benefits of and Procedures
for Developing and Main-
taining Portfolios to
Document Performance
and Demonstrate Skills”
session was beneficial. SD D UNC A SA
Leadership Development Program in Special Needs Education
DisagreeDisagreeUncertain Agree Agree
- The “Electronic Career
Development” presentation
was useful. SD D UNC A SA
12.The “Legislative Update”
session was informative. SD D UNC A SA
- The “Parental Involvement
in the Career Planning
Process for Youth” session
was useful. SD D UNC A SA
14.The “Career Planning as an
Intricate Part of Indiana’s
Accountability System”
presentation was beneficial. SD D UNC A SA
15.The “Successful Career
Planning Programs” session
was beneficial. SD D UNC A SA
16.The “Current Program
Improvement Initiatives”
presentations were beneficial. SD D UNC A SA
17.The topics focused on
“Career Planning for All
Learners” were beneficial
for me in my position. SD D UNC A SA
18.This evaluation included
all important aspects of
the workshop. SD D UNC A SA
19.Overall, the workshop was
a useful and productive
experience. SD D UNC A SA
In the space below, you may provide comments or suggestions pertaining to the above items or other aspects of the workshop:
SD = (X - X)2N = total number of scores
NX = individual score
= sum of scores
X = mean
1 2 3 4 5
Disagree Agree
EXAMPLE:Seminar was well organized. (1) (4) (11)
STEP 1:Find X by adding the individual scores (X) and then dividing by N.
7474 16X = 4.6
STEP 2:Subtract X from each individual score and square the difference. Multiply each difference by the number of score frequencies. Add all results.
(X - X)2
(5 - 4.6)2=(.4)2= .16 .16 X 11 =1.76
(4 - 4.6)2=(-.6)2= .36 .36 X 4 =1.44
(3 - 4.6)2=(-1.6)2= 2.56 2.56 X 1 =2.56
STEP 3:Divide the result of Step 2 by N.
5.76 ÷ 16 = .36
STEP 4:Find the square root of the result of Step 3.
SD = .36 = .6
Leadership Development Program in Special Needs Education
“Career Planning for All Learners”
…An Inservice Workshop…
April 17th-18th, 2003
West Lafayette, Indiana
The LDP staff would appreciate it if you would evaluate your workshop experience by circling the appropriate response to each item. You may also provide comments in the appropriate spaces. Your input will assist the staff in planning and conducting future workshops. Your responses will be anonymous, therefore, do not sign your name.
1 2 3 4 5
DisagreeDisagreeUncertain Agree AgreeX SD
1.The workshop was well- SD D UNC A SA
planned and organized. (0) (0) (0) (6) (29) 4.80.38
2.The purpose of the SD D UNC A SA
workshop was clear. (0) (1) (1) (9) (24)4.60.69
3.The workshop format, SD D UNC A SA
facilities, and agenda (0) (0) (0) (15) (20)4.60.50
were appropriate and
applicable to my needs.
4.The presentations SD D UNC A SA
related adequately to (0) (0) (0) (12) (21)4.90.49
the workshop topic.
5.The amount of material SD D UNC A SA
covered in the time (0) (2) (1) (13) (18)4.40.82
allotted was appropriate.
6.The information and SD D UNC A SA
materials presented were (0) (0) (1) (12) (21)4.60.56
adequate and useful.
7.The workshop met my SD D UNC 3.5 A SA
professional needs. (0) (1) (1) (1) (12) (18)4.40.73
8.The “Getting Real with SD D UNC A SA
Career Planning” presen- (0) (0) (0) (5) (29)4.90.36
tation was informative.
9.The “Issues, Barriers, and SD D UNC A SA
Facilitators Related to (0) (0) (2) (17) (13)4.30.60
Career Planning and the
World of Work: Round
Table Discussion” session
was beneficial.
- The “Creating Portfolios: SD D UNC 3.5 A SA
Benefits of and Procedures (1) (4) (4) (1) (15) (8)3.71.10
for Developing and Main-
taining Portfolios to
Document Performance
and Demonstrate Skills”
session was beneficial.
Leadership Development Program in Special Needs Education
1 2 3 4 5
DisagreeDisagreeUncertain Agree AgreeX SD
- The “Electronic Career SD D UNC 3.5 A SA
Development” presentation (0) (0) (3) (1) (12) (9)4.20.68
was useful.
12.The “Legislative Update” SD D UNC A 4.5 SA
session was informative. (0) (1) (3) (12) (1) (12)4.30.79
13.The “Parental Involvement SD D UNC A 4.5 SA
in the Career Planning (0) (1) (2) (8) (1) (12)4.50.76
Process for Youth” session
was useful.
14.The “Career Planning as an SD D UNC A SA
Intricate Part of Indiana’s (0) (0) (5) (17) (10)4.20.68
Accountability System”
presentation was beneficial.
15.The “Successful Career SD D UNC A SA
Planning Programs” session (0) (0) (0) (9) (19)4.70.47
was beneficial.
16.The “Current Program SD D UNC A SA
Improvement Initiatives” (0) (0) (0) (6) (7)4.50.52
presentations were beneficial.
17.The topics focused on SD D UNC A SA
“Career Planning for All (0) (0) (0) (15) (8)4.30.49
Learners” were beneficial
for me in my position.
18.The evaluation included SD D UNC A SA
all important aspects of (0) (0) (0) (13) (14)4.50.51
the workshop.
19.Overall, the workshop was SD D UNC A SA
a useful and productive (0) (0) (1) (14) (13)4.40.57
In the space below, you may make comments or suggestions pertaining to the above items or other aspects of the seminar:
1)Small group discussion was very beneficial. I was ready to explore bridges.com as soon as I got into the lab. Less talking please. I did appreciate Tom Gordon’s knowledge, experience, enthusiasm and honesty! 2) It was wonderful! The information will truly be used in my classes Wednesday. 3) There were some very great ideas and has sparked some very interesting dialogue with other four colleagues in my building. Thanks so much! 4) “Legislative Update” was excellent, thank you! You provided a lot of information, but maybe too many different topics. I would like to have seen less topics and some of them more in-depth. Thanks for getting us a better room on second day. First day, too long. We missed the last session on Thursday because we needed to get home before 7 p.m. 5) Real life examples in second half of round table discussions were most beneficial. Legislators really didn’t connect with teaching, best practice, and the real classroom. “Career Planning as an Intricate Part of Indiana’s Accountability System” was very technical, need to hear it again. Good presentations of successful Indiana programs. 6) I had a great time and feel that I gained much needed insight. Thank you. 7) Enjoyed the “Getting Real” presentation. Plan on finding and purchasing the books and also try to implement some of the presented aspects into my program. Thanks for the door prizes! You made things interesting. 8) Excellent topics, excellent presenters, and yes, I can use some of these ideas on Monday and others are worthwhile pursuing in the long haul. 9) Excellent use of my time. Thank you. 10) “Creating Portfolios” presentation not geared for audience. Workshop was wonderful! I’ve got so much to take back to my school. Only suggestion would be to have a session on portfolios for grades 9-12. BSU presenters focused on college level graduate students. Well done. Thank you.
Seminar 3: Career Planning for All Learners
April 17-18, 2003
StewartCenter 214 A, B, C, D
Purdue Univesity
Kimberly Adkins
RensselaerCentralHigh School
1106 Grace Street
Rensselaer, IN 479878
(219) 866 5175 Ext. 223
Fax: (219) 866-5135
Linda Anderson
North Newton Jr./Sr.High School
Morocco, IN
Dolgorsuren Baasandorj
345 West Oak Street
West Lafayette, IN 47906
(765) 494-0086
Anatole Balma
822 Young Graduate House
West Lafayette, IN 47906
(765) 495-6639
Stephen Barkdull