God is speaking to us
1 Hebrews 1:1-3
Abram was alone/God lives forever
- Bible tells us the creation and ending of this world. God has chosen Israelites to demonstrate how much He loves us, but Israelites were very rebellious. Every single one of us is precious in God’s eyes.
- Abraham’s father sells idols for living. Abraham clearly understood those gods aren’t God for they have eyes but can’t see and ears but can’t hear. He knew there is a true God. God’s will comes from His plan. He tolerated the wickedness of Canaanites. God told the Israelites that they were able to enter the land of Canaanite not because of their good but the wickedness of the Canaanites. Thus, God wanted to destroy Canaanite and to let Israelites possess the land. However, Israelites were not bold enough to conquer the land and ended up wondering in the wilderness for 40 years. Likewise, when God reveals His plans to us, even though we didn’t obey, God will allow us to exercise of free will. But if we don’t return before God, He will let us do what our hearts desire.
1. The principles behind “Many time and many ways”
- Through the Bible, God speaks to His children. It is unrealistic if we are not interested in read Bible and listen to God’s word without knowing it origin. If we don’t read the Bible, we will be missing out God’s promises and blessings. Many people want to hear God speaks to them but they often received it in the wrong way. They thought when God speak to them; it is a merely feeling in our hearts.
- God bears men’s disobedience by speaking to men many times and in many ways in for us have a chance to repent before Him. His patient will endure till the end of our lives. Don’t think that we always have chances to repent for our lives in His hands. We have to treasure the chances God has given to us, don’t take it for granted. In God’s eyes, it is ok for us to stumble and grow gradually, but do remember to return to God immediately. Though different people with different backgrounds wrote the Bible, even after couple thousands years later, there isn’t any conflict found when comparing the Old and the New Testaments for the Bible is the revelation of God.
2. Words spoke through prophets:
- The Bible is the revelation of God and through prophet, it is conveyed to us. Every believer has a function of prophet. Thus, the church is built upon the apostle and prophet. God speaks to us through the surrounding, reading the Bible, hearing the message and sharing among brothers & sisters. Why we are unable to hear God? Because in our daily lives, we didn’t establish a good relationship with God and get closer to him.
- We have to cultivate a habit to eat the Spiritual food and encourage one another through one on one. We might be lazy at a time, but through one on one we are able to encourage one another and strengthen those who are week. Authority comes from God, when you repent before God, he will bless you the authority. Anointing isn’t added to you outwardly but it is the fragrance from the inside out. A rebuke from man could be out of love or without love. Rebuke for the prophet is out of love. Some people have authority but without love. Some others are full of love but without authority, thus they are unable to manifest the power. We must equip with both love and authority.
3. Word become Flesh: It means the Word of God is among us. The Word of God is life. When the Word of God is among us, it will enable us to have hope of the Kingdom. A true 100 fold is being contented, but doesn’t mean we are complacent with status