F-80-R-6, Study 230669 - 1
F-81-R-7, MichiganAmended: 2005-06
Study 230695New Study: 2001-02
Name of Study:Northern Lake Huron, Coolwater Fish Community Assessment.
Current Amendment: This study is being amended to repeat Job 1 (St. Marys River Fish Community Survey)for another year (2005-06) before study conclusion and to extend Job 3 (Les Cheneaux comparison netting) through the remainder of the study. The St. Marys Survey continues to be a multiagency cooperative effort coordinated through the St. Marys River Fisheries Task Group. This study funds and guides the DNR’s participation including much of the field work and most of the analysis and reporting. The St. Marys River Fisheries Task Group has agreed that another year of survey work is in order and is calling for August of 2006.
The 2002 survey of the fish populations of the river conducted through this study documented abundances of key species such as walleye, yellow perch, and northern pike in the river. This has provided an important contrast with which to gauge and compare recent trends in the neighboring LesCheneauxIslands region. Total annual mortality rates of these key species in the river appear to be somewhat high, consistent with the relatively intense exploitation by the fisheries, yet sustainable. The details of that survey are summarized in Fielder et al. (2004). The periodic fish community survey of theSt. Marys River has also been designated asthe foundation for a new walleye stocking evaluation study that is scheduled to begin this year. The fish community survey is also the principle source of data and analysis for a new initiative to draft and recommend a suite of new harvest regulations to govern the sport fisheries in each of the jurisdictions (Michigan, Ontario, and possibly tribal) spanning the river. This study is still the primary assessment vehicle for the St. Marys River as recommended by the St. Marys River Assessment Plan (Gebhardt et al. 2002). A joint creel survey is being implemented in 2005 by the Michigan DNR and Ontario MNR to provide information on the fishery which will help supplement our understanding of the status of the fish community in the St.MaryRiver.
The LesCheneauxIslands comparison netting replicates the survey collection in August (Job 2) and in October (Job 3). Originally it was expected that one of the two study surveys would be dropped in favor of the other. Since the study began, however, new management activities have been implemented in the area that are expected to affect the fish community. It is believed that our best opportunity to detect these changes, especially early on, is to retain both surveys (both months) and in some cases pooling data so as to increase sample size. Analysis of the additional years will include the comparison analysis originally described.
Previous Amendment(s): 2004-05–This study is being amended in 2004-05 to add Section D, “Expected Results and Benefits.”
The following information is duplicated from the original study proposal, including amendments, with additions and/or modifications shown in italics.
/Work planned
2001-02 / Job 1. Fish Community Survey of the St. Marys River; survey designJob 2. Conduct Les Cheneaux Survey
Job 3. Conduct Les Cheneaux October comparison netting
Job 4. Prepare Performance Report
2002-03 / Job 1. Fish Community Survey of the St. Marys River.
Job 2. Conduct Les Cheneaux Survey
Job 3. Conduct Les Cheneaux October comparison netting
Job 4. Prepare Performance Report.
2003-04 / Job 1. Fish Community Survey of the St. Marys River; data analysis
Job 2. Conduct Les Cheneaux Survey
Job 3. Conduct Les Cheneaux October comparison netting & analysis
Job 4. Prepare Performance Report and complete St. Marys River final report.
2004-05 / Job 2. Conduct Les Cheneaux Survey
Job 3. Conduct Les Cheneaux October comparison netting & analysis
Job 4. Prepare Performance Report
Job 5. Publish St. Mary’s River Final Report through Division’s editing and finishing process
2005-06 / Job 1. Fish Community Survey of the St. Marys River.
Job 2. Conduct Les Cheneaux Survey
Job 3. Conduct Les Cheneaux October comparison netting & analysis
Job 4. Prepare Performance Report.
2006-07 / Job 4. Prepare final Les Cheneaux Survey report.
2007-08 / Job 5. Publish report.
I.Personnel: David G. Fielder (Fisheries Research Biologist) and supporting staff, Alpena; Northern Lake Huron Management Unit supporting staff, Gaylord, Michigan. Research administrative personnel, and contract editor.
Literature Cited:
Fielder, D. G., D. J. Borgeson, A. K. Bowen, S. R. Koproski, S. J. Greenwood, and G. M. Wright. 2004. Populations dynamics of the St. Marys River Fish Community 1975-2002. Great Lakes Fishery Commission, . Ann Arbor.
Gebhardt, K., D. Fielder, S. Greenwood, H. Robbins, and T. Sutton [Editors]. 2002. St. Marys River Fisheries Assessment Plan. Great Lakes Fisheries Commission, .Ann Arbor.