
Four tabs in the top are clickable ,

We can only navigate from one tab to next tab if previous tab required data is filled completely

Also based on the completion of data in the the pages the percentage slider should be updated.

Map :-

Only When the all the address fields are filled , the marker will be located in the map.Is it ok ?

It is not okay. The landlord won’t be able to know this instruction for us to get the correct lat long. Let’s make it easy to understand.


  1. Landlord fills in Country, city region, street and building name and floor
  2. There is a button on the right to ‘get the location on map’
  3. After click the map will get the lat long according to ‘Country + city + street + builidng’
  4. The Baidu + googleLat and Long will be shown in 4 fields (add four boxes below)

There should be a line in chineseabove the map saying

1)fill in the above address for the system to get the map location

2)move the pin around if the map location is inaccurate

Landlord can also manually point the location if the pointed location is not precise.


Tool tip should be shown if any available for the current location

Office space Photo upload:-

Upload button – purpose of this button ?

Let’s take it out for the moment.

Landlord has to upload the cover photo for the office space. Also this photo will be shown in all the pages like search page, home page etc.Not mandatory

Landlord has to upload the office photos. Not mandatory

If there are more no of photos it should behave like carousel. In the current system the photos are getting wrapped to next line .Correct

Option to remove photo and preview should be there .Wireframe missing.


And we need a cropper to crop the right dimension out?

Unit Configurations:-

There are four types of Room Type:-

Private Room

HotDesk( No of persons can be selected by user)

Work Station ( No of persons is fixed)

Meeting Room

List of Units available for each Room Type:-

Private room –

  1. Price Per month (Default)
  2. Price Per Day
  3. Price Per Hour

Hot Desk :-

  1. Price /Month / person (default)
  2. Price /Day / Person
  3. Price /Hour / Person

Work Station

  1. Price /Month / person (default)
  2. Price /Day / Person
  3. Price /Hour / Person

Meeting Room

  1. Price / Month
  2. Price / Day
  3. Price / Hour (default)

The default unit has to configured compulsorily while listing the Room Types. Correct us if wrong

After the landlord chooses the desktype, the first line in the price input field is mandatory to fill in. In the first line, the default unit is fixed and all other fields are aligned to the default unit

Unit no :- system generated or user input. User Input. It’s like office room number

Status Toggle Button – To control the status of unit manually.Thed unit will be listed only when the status is set to active. Yes

Available Dates- is the start date and end date between which the unit is available

Upload Unit Image(+ icon) - Each unit the user can upload any no of images and remove it if needed.

More – for adding more no of images for the UNIT.

How we should show in UI , if the landlord uploads more no of images for the UNITS.


Copy – Will create a copy of the unit to ease the work and the user can modify the same.

Preview – for previewing the whole office. Resultpage6 should be shown without the checkout/booking box.

More Listing – clicking this will add a new unit

Upload – Need More Info on this ?

Save – will save the form if all the mandatory data’s are filled and stays in the current form

Save and Next – Will navigate to next tab by saving all the mandatory datas.


  1. While configuring Units/Fees all the fields are mandatory except minimum lease and promotion. Also Except Unit no and images
  2. Hot Desk – Same Unit can be booked by “N” no of users based on the No of Persons availability

Please add if any validations has been missed


In the top section we are obtaining the contact person details for this office space we are going to list.

All the fields are mandatory in the above form

Email verification

Mobile verificaiton

Landlord has to select the service fee (mandatory) which he is going to pay to the Zoom

Whats the purpose of text input near 20% toggle button ?for entering comments ?

Alternative percentage

The check box are also mandatory ?Yes

STEP 3 : AgreementSettings

Apply setting is to copy the agreement setting of other office space of this landlord

Here we are capturing the values from the above page ,

what exactly going to happen ? Zoom office license is checked and if the user books the office listing?

So when the user rent an office, the user has to sign an agreement. The user can either upload own agreement or used the zoom template.

Here The landlord can enter extra terms. The extra terms will be in the additional page in the pdf. The pdf will be generated upon payment (with the module that the intern coded).

Can we hv a button to generate a pre-view template to test the function

If the Zoom office License is checked ? Do we have to disable the bottom part “Upload My Lease Aggreement”? Is there any relation b/w them.Yes. It’s mutually exclusive

If the landlord uploads Monthly docs, where we are going to use this document ?is this for e-signature ? Please explain in brief how its going to work ..


  1. User pays
  2. Based on all the contractual items and charged price, these information will be the first few pages of the contract. Then the contract will add either the zoom clauses template (landlord can add additional clauses and this will go to the bottom of the template) or the template landlord uploaded. Then contract is there.
  3. Then use the intern module to turn the whole contract into pdf
  4. User signs via Qiyuesuoapi (refer to the intern module)
  5. Landlord accepts and signs via Qiyuesuoapi (refer to the intern module)
  6. Seal the contract

STEP 4 : PreferenceSettings

We are capturing payment related details from the landlord

Submit – If the landlord clicks submit the office listing will be listed in Admin module for Zoom Admin’s approval. Once the Admin approves the office space will be listed to public user.

Search Module

How the search filter is going to work which unit we have to show if the office space has more than one unit ?

Show the lowest price as possible (based on price / person / unit). For private office, when landlord enters the unit, the system can calculate the price/person/unit by dividing the default unit by the number of desks.

If the user filters based on the region ? How we are going to show the units of the office in search result page ?

Show the lowest price as possible

As the answer to the above questions , do we have to display the default units price in the search result page .

For the rating component , initially admin can rate the office listing and also the property can be rated by the user who has booked the property already.

For the above component , we are going to list the available room types for this particular office and highlight the room type with yellow color if the office has that particular room space. We are not going to display any QTY and No’s

Whats the purpose of the below filter ?if I am looking for property for 5 months , then I have to select 5 months in the above filter and look for the properties which is available for 5 months.

  1. Some space is more than 5 months those will be filtered out
  2. If there is start lease date we can filter out the desk type that is not available

Let us know if it’s not doable