In attendance
Vaughan WilliamsChairman (Nottingham)
Stuart EdwardsMember (Bath)
Sue GraingerMember (Oxford)
Derek MorganCo-opted
Bob ReevesMember (Bristol)
Ian RobsonMember (Harper Adams)
Rory ScottScotland
Mike WallWales (UWIC)
Jim EllisBUSA Sports Administration Manager
Catherine DeanBUSA Sports Administrator
Alan BuzzaLoughborough
Ted WoodDurham
Ian ElvinMember(Northumbria)
John RobinsCo-opted
Andrew ScoularRFU
1.1 These were signed and approved as an accurate record of the meeting.
2.1A verbal report was received from Derek Morgan detailing the Schools, Student and Youth Review process. The meeting discussed the review and it was agreed that the SRFU would convey these views to the review board.
3.1The sponsorship opportunities for Rugby Union were discussed in light of the Halifax termina0ting their title sponsorship in July, and there being no current replacement. It was agreed to speak to Karen Levesconte at the RFU regarding potential sponsors. ACTION JE
4.1It was agreed that the Premier League structure had worked well, with the home and away fixtures producing good quality matches. This was assisted by an accurate up-to-date results service.
4.2The appointment of Premier A match referees to English matches by the RFU had worked well and there was agreement that this should, if possible, continue next season. It was agreed to meet with Castlecroft to discuss the requirements for the forthcoming season. However, it was requested that the RFU pay greater consideration to geographical location when appointing referees.
4.3It was agreed to send out all the Rugby Union fixtures to the relevant Referee Societies outlining the standard of the fixtures. ACTION CD
4.4The possibility of Welsh and Scottish Referee ‘exchanges’ was discussed. The meeting was informed that there were Scottish Referees who would be willing to travel to the North of England for matches.
4.5It was agreed to issue all Premier League institutions with guidelines outlining the minimum standards acceptable for such matches – eg roped off pitch, medical cover. ACTION CD
4.6After the success of this year’s 7’s event it was agreed that Northumbria should once again host the competition next year but in early May – avoiding a clash with the Middlesex 7’s.
4.7The meeting was informed that the Women’s Championships would have a North and South Premier leagues comprised of 5 teams per league, in the forthcoming season.
5.1The meeting was informed of the proposed changes to the Championship structure for all winter sports. League winners at every level of the competition would have the opportunity to progress to a National knockout competition. This would be regionalised at the initial stages for the lower tiers in the First team championships.
5.2The Trophy competition would follow a similar format with all league winners progressing to an initially Conference based and then National knockout competition.
6.1A document outlining the results of discussions with the RFUW was presented to the meeting.
6.2All RUSLO’s would in future be required to run at least one women’s development initiative per year.
6.3It was agreed to extend discussions to incorporate the Welsh and Scottish women’s Rugby Governing Bodies.
7.1Extensive discussions regarding the implications of the Six Nations dates on the BUSA knockout round dates, took place. It was agreed that the availability of Twickenham was key to the discussion, and this was still subject to confirmation.
7.2It was agreed to arrange knockout dates, where possible to avoid the Six Nations dates. The Chair suggested that the following dates can be considered in order to avoid conflict with representative fixtures;
26 FebruaryLast 16
12 March Quarter Finals
2 April Semi Finals
30 AprilFinals at Twickenham
8.1.1Welsh Universities - The meeting was informed that the Welsh Universities played one fixture, losing for the first time in 5 years, to English Universities at Coombe Dingle, 42-15.
8.1.2The meeting was informed that the Scottish fixture was looking to be reintroduced for the 02/03 season.
8.1.3The Chair extended his thanks to Mike Wall and the Welsh team management for their contribution over the season.
8.2 Scottish Universities – The meeting was informed that the Scottish Universities lost to English Universities at Peffermill, 24-19.
8.2.1The Chair extended his thanks to Rory Scott and the Scottish team management for their contribution over the season.
8.3 English Universities - A written report was received from the Team Manager.
8.3.1The Chair extended his thanks to Nick Humphreys and the English team management for their contribution.
8.3.2The Chair had invited a combined Irish Colleges/ Universities team to play a representative fixture against English Universities at the request of John O’Loan, Executive Secretary Irish Colleges Rugby Union and Moss Dineen, International Secretary ICRU. Unfortunately the IRFU would not give permission for the fixture to be played. John O’Loan expressed apologies on behalf of Irish Colleges RU and informed the Chair that it was the earnest wish of their Executive that they could persuade IRFU to have a change of heart before the next season.
8.4 Women’s Representative - A proposal from the RFUW was received for BUSA to run an English Women’s representative team. Whilst the idea of Women’s Representative Rugby was supported, due to financial constraints in the forthcoming season funding would not be available to support such a team.
9.1The replacements rule was clarified to include upto seven substitutions from seven players for women’s rugby.
9.2It was agreed to amend the BUSA Rugby Regulations to read ‘ the Championships shall be conducted under the Laws of the IRB’.
9.3It was agreed to abandon the Play-off in the Premier League promotion/ relegation issue, and to introduce a 1 team relegated 1 team promoted policy.
9.4The meeting considered the proposal by National Committee to incorporate Oxford’s entry into the Rugby Union Championships, at Premier B level. Members expressed their dissatisfaction at this proposal and recommended reconsideration of the issue. RECOMMENDATION TO NCSC
9.5The Chair received a letter from Ted Wood proposing that only those players who have participated in at least half of their University’s league games may play in future knockout rounds. The proposal would prevent the practice whereby some Universities select contracted players for the latter rounds and exclude players who got them there. Ted was also in favour of excluding all students contracted elsewhere from the competition on the grounds that the University competition is catering for quite a distinct group of players. Although concerns were expressed at the meeting it was agreed for the proposal to be put ‘on the back burner’ for the present time.
10.1Due to the failure to consider all items on the agenda it was agreed to meet on the 9 July 2002 at the BUSA office, London.
1.1That Oxford University’s inclusion into the Premier B League of the First Team Championships be reconsidered.