Buckinghamshire New University
External Examiner Nomination Form (2017)Page 1 of 8
Buckinghamshire New University
Faculties are responsible for ensuring that there is a comprehensive and adequate number of external examiners appointed to a course or group of courses and that nominations are identified and processed in a timely manner and in accordance with the University's criteria as identified in the External Examiners' Handbook.
Once a potential nomination has been appointed, this form should be completed in full by the academic responsible for the course or subject area and then passed to the School Registrar responsible for external examiners.
The Module Mapping form should also be completed and attached with the form and accompanied by a full CV of the proposed external examiner.
All forms should be forwarded by the School Registrar to the Academic Registry for processing. The Academic Registry will present documentation for approval by the External Examiner Approval Panel on behalf of Senate.
Please note: All personal contact details will be held on a secure database for the purposes of contacting externals in relation to their appointment with Bucks New University only, in accordance with Data Protection Legislation. This does not include the examiner's name or current position which will be published in accordance with QAA requirements.
Please email if you have any queries in completing this form.
External Examiner Nomination Form (2017)Page 1 of 8
Buckinghamshire New University
Details of Nomination and Remit
Title / First Name(s) / SurnameCourse Title or Subject Area
Partner Institution
Type of appointment (tick one): / ☐Academic / ☐Professional
Is this a new position or a replacement for an existing external examiner?
☐New position / ☐Replacement position (see below)
Previous external examiner (if applicable)
Details of any franchise arrangement for which the examiner will be responsible:
Partner College / Partner Lead AcademicWhat Levels will be examined? Please check all that apply
☐ Level 4 / ☐ Level 5 / ☐ Level 6 / ☐ Level 7 / ☐ Level 8 / ☐ Other
Number and level of expected Annual Reports the nominee will be required to provide. Note separate reports are required for undergraduate and postgraduate provision
Deadline for reports to be submitted annually (normally 1 August)
Fee Banding / Credits / Fee
Band A / 1-90 Credits / £150 / ☐ /
Band B / 91-180 Credits / £300 / ☐ /
Band C / 181-240 Credits / £375 / ☐ /
Band D / 241+ Credits / £400 / ☐ /
For some subject disciplines, e.g. art and design and some foundation degrees, external examiner arrangements follow a different pattern of engagement. Where this is the case, the annual fee will be standardised at £375 and will not be based on the number of credits. / ☐ /
Credits should be worked out using the External Examiner Module Mapping Sheet, which should be attached to this nomination form. Where more than 240 credits are being proposed for an external examiner, a rationale for this assessment loading should be provided in the box below.
Length and nature of appointment
Nature of appointment / i.e. Sole examiner / Member of a team of examiners (delete as applicable)Duration of appointment / From / To
Appointments are normally for a period of four years and run from 1 October to 30 September annually. Where alternative dates are required, please state the reason below.
If you have indicated that the nominee will be a member of a team of external examiners, please list details of the other team members below.
External Examiner / HEI / Place of Work / Appt Start / Appt EndPlease enter any additional information about the examination team as required
Professional Statutory Regulatory Body (PSRB) Requirements
If the appointment requires registration with a PSRB this should be clearly identified at the outset so that this can be checked annually throughout the duration of the appointment.
Does the appointmentrequire registration with a PSRB? Where you have indicated ‘yes’ please give further information below. / ☐yes / ☐noPlease provide details of the nomination’s PSRB registration. Provide any further details of or conditions on registration in the box immediately below as well as the web address of the public register for checking.
Name of PSRB / Registration ID (e.g. PIN) / Geographical Location / StatusContact Details
Work Address
Address 1Address 2
Town / Post Code
Phone No. / email
Home Address
Address 1Address 2
Town / Post Code
Phone No. / email
Address to be used for written correspondence (including the appointment letter)
☐Work Address / ☐Home AddressOther Information
Does the nominee have any special access requirements? Where you have indicated ‘yes’ please give further information below / ☐yes / ☐noIs the nominee eligible to work in the UK? / ☐yes / ☐no
Has the nominee had any previous association with Bucks New University, its Partner Institutions, individual employees, or students of the University? Where you have indicated ‘yes’ please give further information below / ☐yes / ☐no
Current Employment and Experience for the appointment
Current / latest positionHEI / Employer
Duration of employment / From / To
Department profile (Academic externals only)
For external academic nominations please provide a profile of the nominee’s home department, including their NSS subject percentile ranking using information provided by the Planning & Intelligence Unit on Blackboard (Note: the University has set a target that, wherever possible, external examiner nominations should be drawn from the top one-third of institutions by subject area according to the latest NSS ranking data. If this is not the case please provide an additional rationale for the appointment)
NSS Subject AreaPercentile Ranking (use the spreadsheet provided by Planning & Intelligence)
Qualifications (Academic and Professional)
External examiners must have relevant academic and / or professional qualifications to at least the level of the qualification being examined, and / or extensive practitioner experience where appropriate.
Type (Academic / Professional) / Qualification / Membership / Awarding Body (e.g. HEI, PSRB) / YearFellowship of the Higher Education Academy (HEA)
Is the nominee a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy? / ☐yes / ☐noWhere applicable, please indicate the level of Fellowship held (highest) and year of award
☐ Associate / ☐ Fellow / ☐ Senior / ☐ Principal / Year:Previous experience of examining
Does the nominee have previous and / or current external examining experience? Please list appointments below (not including research degree examinerships) / ☐yes / ☐ no (see mentoring)Higher Education Institution (HEI) / Qual. (e.g. BA Hons) / Programme / Subject Title / End Date (MM-YYYY)
Mentoring Arrangements
Where a nominee has no previous experience as an external for any degree-awarding body, arrangements should be proposed by the nominating department to support the examiner during the first year of their appointment. Mentoring arrangements must be confirmed by the relevant Department before an appointment may be approved.
Please confirm the mentoring arrangements (ordered by preference). Tick one only.
An experienced external examiner from the same team of examiners or from the same subject area (fee of £100) / ☐ /An experienced external examiner from a different subject area in the Faculty (fee of £100) / ☐ /
Individual arrangements (specify in box below). Note this should only be used in exceptional cases where no other mentoring arrangements can be agreed. All arrangements must be approved by the External Examiner Approval Panel. / ☐ /
Name of mentor
Supporting Statement and Signoff
Please provide details of relevant academic, professional and / or industrial experience, including research and related scholarly or professional activity and / or consultancy and teaching experience over the last five years. For professional appointments this statement must indicate how the nominee will be able to comment on comparable standards in UK HE.
Checklist and recommendation/ rationale
Department to confirm the following:
Does the nominee have a good knowledge of the subject matter appropriate tothe appointment and hold the appropriate academic or professional qualifications? / ☐yes / ☐noDoes the nominee have previous experience of external examining at the requiredlevel? If not, has a mentor been identified? / ☐yes / ☐no
Are there other currently appointed examiners from the same institution asthe nominee in the same programme/subject area? / ☐yes / ☐no
Is the nominee from a collaborative partner of Bucks New University eitherformally or informally? / ☐yes / ☐no
Has the nominee previously had a close connection with the University whichmight impair their ability to perform the role impartially? / ☐yes / ☐no
Is the nominee from an institution where a member of Bucks staff, in thesame or closely related subject area, has a current appointment as anexternal examiner? / ☐yes / ☐no
If appointed, would the nominee have more than two concurrent externalappointments? / ☐yes / ☐no
Is the appointment in excess of the maximum workload permitted asspecified by the University? / ☐yes / ☐no
Would the nominee incur excessive expenses through long distance oroverseas travel / ☐yes / ☐no
Recommendation / rationale
Please state why the Department is supporting this nomination and how the proposed candidate will meet the requirements of the role. You should also address any issues identified above.
Head of Academic Department Signoff
Name: / Date completed:For AQD Use Only
Nomination form complete: / ☐ / Mapping spreadsheet complete: / ☐ /CV attached: / ☐ / Additional information (as required): / ☐ /
External Examiner Approval Panel
Signed on behalf of External Examiner Approval Panel:The nomination is: / ☐Approved / ☐Rejected
If rejected, please state the reason below:
Date considered:
External Examiner Nomination Form (2017)Page 1 of 8