Call for Workshop Proposals
The annual FNSA Conference and AGM is an opportunity for teachers, school administrators, and other people involved in the First Nations education system to network and learn from each other and from other professionals. This year, we will offer over 20 different workshops on a variety of topics of interest to First Nations schools.
The FNSA is seeking workshops relating to the theme:
Realizing the Potential of Each Student: Approaches that Work
Successful workshops will focus on actual classroom, school and community-level practices that are successfully increasing student achievement. Presenters are asked to include data showing their results when possible.
Workshops are 1.5 hours in length and presenters typically present their workshop twice. The majority of workshops will have anywhere from 10 to 60 participants, consisting primarily of educators and education administrators.
Fill out the attached form with your contact information and workshop description. Submit your proposal by mail, fax or e-mail.
The conference planning committee will consider all submissions and choose workshops that they feel are most relevant to the conference theme and address other subjects of interest. All applicants will be notified of the selection results.
Proposal Deadline
January 16/09
Please contact
Barb O’Neill at
Regular Registration
The conference registration kit will be posted to in early February of 2009. To be notified, email subject line Send FNSA Kit
Exhibitor Application
Distributed December 2009 and posted to
Workshop Proposal Form FNSA Conference and AGM, April 24-25th, 2009
You may fill out this form electronically and submit it by email or fax.
Main Contact/Presenter #1
Name and Title:
Phone: Fax:
Presenter #2. (this co-presenter is eligible for presenter benefits, see “Presenter Benefits” below)
Name and title:
Workshop Title:
Attach workshop description on next page.
Audiovisual Needs:
AV package (screen and AV cart) –laptop and lcd projector must be provided by presenter
Traditional overhead package (screen, AV cart, traditional overhead projector)
Flipchart with paper and markers
DVD player and TV
VCR player and TV
CD player
Room Setup:
Rooms will be row style seating
Extra display table(s), number:
Other needs:
My workshop includes:
Creative messiness
My workshop is relevant to:
Early childhood /preschool/Kindergarten
Elementary/middle school
Secondary or transitions to post-secondary
Adult education
Apply to Barb O’Neill, Deadline January 16, 2009
First Nations Schools Association, 113-100 Park Royal South, West Vancouver, BC V7T 1A2
Toll-free in BC: 1-877-422-3672 T: 604-925-6087 Fax: 604-925-6097
Applications will be reviewed by a conference committee and applicants will be notified of the results.
Thank you for applying!
Workshop Description
Workshop Title:
Workshop Description: (a short paragraph, as it would appear in a conference program)
Additional details about the workshop and/or the presenters:
Where possible, please include a statement about data which you have collected that illustrates the success of your approach.