Grade Nine Social Studies Course Outline

Mr. Toews – Room 132


General Outcome 9.1 Issues for Canadians: Governance and Rights - Students will demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of how Canada’s political processes impact citizenship and identity in an attempt to meet the needs of all Canadians.

General Outcome 9.2 Issues for Canadians: Economic Systems in Canada and the

United States - Students will demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of how economic decision making in Canada and the United States impacts quality of life, citizenship and identity.

Local and Current Affairs - In order to allow opportunities for students to engage in current affairs, issues and concerns of a local nature, the program of studies provides the flexibility to include these topics within the time allotted for social studies.

Marks Breakdown

Term 1, 2, 3

Daily Work, Assignments, Projects 60%

Tests/Quizzes 40%


Final Mark

Each of the 3 terms @25% 75%

Final Exam 25%



Idea 1 – Government and Government 4-6 weeks

Idea 2 – Youth Criminal Justice Act 4-5 weeks

Idea 3 – Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms; Individual Rights 5-6 weeks

Idea 4 – Collective Rights and Freedoms 5-6 weeks

Idea 5 – Immigration 4-5 weeks

Idea 6 – Market and Mix Economies 5-6 weeks

Idea 7 – Politics and Economics/Social Activism 5-6 weeks

Classroom Rules

1.  Be in class on time.

2.  Have all materials ready to use.

3.  Follow directions the first time they are given.

4.  Raise your hand and wait for permission to speak or move.

5.  Do not use vulgar or offensive language.

If You Choose To Break a Rule

1.  FIRST TIME – verbal warning.

2.  SECOND TIME – name on board. Discussion after school.

3.  THIRD TIME – 30 minutes after school & call home.

4.  SEVERE DISRUPTION – Student sent to office immediately.

Individual Rules

1.  Upon entering the classroom, students should be seated, quiet, and have supplies out, doing the bellwork that is given. If there is no bellwork, read.

2.  Raise your hand to ask a question.

3.  Be on task and giving a reasonable effort.

4.  Follow procedures set for the class. Bring materials and keep binder organized.

After an Absence

1.  Check homework missed on school website:

2.  Copy/print the homework.

3.  If you do not have computer access come to me the next day.

4.  Go and see each teacher, they will not come chasing after you.

5.  If you miss an evaluation you are responsible to arrange a time to write it with me. I will not track you down.

Students Seeking Help

1.  If you need additional help, you just need to ask.

2.  I am usually available at noon, and after school.

3.  Try to set-up a time ahead of time if possible.

4.  We are here for you so ask for help.



2.  To enjoy our year together.

3.  Try your best and make a reasonable effort.

4.  Come and see me if you have any concerns or problems with the course or what is happening at the school.

I have read the Social Studies Nine Outline, and I am clear on Mr. Toews’ expectations in the class.


Print Students Name Student Signature Parent Signature

Please provide an e-mail address that I may be in contact with you, as that is my main source of communication. Thank-you


Parent E-mail