Expressions of interest sought for funding
to support indigenous land management plans
South East Local Land Services is encouraging Local Aboriginal Land Councils (LALCs) to develop Land Management plans for their land.
Expressions of Interest are sought from LALCs for funding under the South East Local Land Services Aboriginal Engagement Program, through the Australian Government's National Landcare Programme and NSW Government’s Catchment Action NSW.
Expressions of Interest will be assessed on the basis of value for money and capacity to deliver outcomes of relevance to Catchment Action NSW and the National Landcare Program requirements. Specifically Southeast Local Land Services will invest in projects that enable Indigenous communities to participate in land and sea management. We are also interested in supporting plans that will create employment and training opportunities for Aboriginal communities and protect or improve the condition of Aboriginal Cultural Heritage.
This funding aims to assist Aboriginal landowners to undertake or develop land management plans. Whilst funding will only be available for a small number of management plans, expressions of interest will be considered for the allocation of future funding.
Expressions of Interest should link to existing community, land and business plans and the outcomes contained in those plans. EOIs should also identify how development of the plan of management will support conservation of biodiversity. Expression of Interest (project proposals) are required by close of business Friday, 4th March 2016.
Note: This is an extension to a previous call for expressions of interest that closed on 15 January 2016. EOIs submitted through this previous call will still be considered although applicants can withdraw EOIs if they wish to amend them and resubmit by the 4th March.
Application process
An Expression of Interest form is attached and is due by Friday, 04 March 2016. Please contact the Senior Land Services Officer below before submitting the EOI to develop projects and assist with information and management actions.
Ken Davies Senior Land Services Officer – Aboriginal Communities, 02 4224 9714 or 0427 072 763
Land management plans
Expression of interest form
Email EOI to
If proposing multiple plans please fill in an EOI for each individual plan.
Name of organisation:Contact person:
Name of project:
Project location: (Lot and DP and street address) (if there are multiple sites please list all sites)
Please provide a summary of proposed land uses or activities you would like to include in the plan:
How will this project proposal link with the organisation’s Community, Land and Business Plan:
How will you determine what plants, animals or vegetation communities will benefit from your plan?
Total project outputs
Output / Quantity (ha, km, no.) / Description / commentsNumber of Aboriginal community groups that will benefit from the plan. (name Groups include Men / Women’s and Traditional owner native title groups))
Number of activities undertaken to support the community in participating in the planning process.
Number of written products (plan or other public documents)
Will there be any awareness raising events?
Name of partner organisations and role in developing the plan
(Who else might be involved?)
Number of media opportunities
(Will you promote the project or plan in the local media or Koori mail)
How will you measure the success of your project?
How will you promote your plan and ensure its implementation?
Please provide an itemised budget for the project, including a total of funds sought, any cash or in-kind contributions and a total cost estimate for the project (excluding GST). Current rows are provided as suggestions. Add extra rows as required. Budget items should relate to project outputs listed in the outputs table above.
Item / Details / LALC contribution / LLS fundsrequested / Partner contributions (make a note if in-kind or cash) / Total
(excluding GST)
Consultants fees
Publication cost
(eg layout, printing)
Community consultation
(eg. workshops or communication)
Project administration
(eg. Reporting)
Other materials or activities(please specify)
Local Land Services