Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 21st June 2016

in the WI Hall, Middle Street, Misterton starting at 6.50pm.

Present: Cllr I Rowland (Chairman), Cllr Mrs C Newbery, Cllr Ms D Benson, Cllr G White,

Cllr G Restorick, Cllr B McNeill, Cllr P Gillard, Cllr R Heyd-Smith (part of meeting).

In attendance; Clerk Ms C Langford,

Mrs A Singleton (SSDC), Mr J Dyke (SCC) & member of the public (part of meeting).

Public Question Time; there were no questions

Apologies: Cllr R Jeffreys, Cllr R Heyd-Smith (leaving early).

16/17-28: Declarations of Interest to receive any written requests for DPI dispensations: none.

16/17-29: Minutes of the meeting held on 17th May that had been circulated were agreed to be a correct record of the proceedings and signed by the Chairman.

16/17-30: Matters arising from the minutes not elsewhere on the agenda: none.

16/17-31: District Councillor’s Report: Somerset Waste Partnership is introducing (free) permits for Somerset residents (in October) to use the HWRC to address cross border and commercial use. It was noted that 52% of household waste is now recycled thereby reducing landfill.

16/17-32: County Councillor’s Report: reflective bollards have been installed in Cathole Bridge Road.

16/17-33: Highways: i) the issue of advertising boards at Turnpike Crossroads was raised. SSDCllr Mrs Singleton to raise with officers for action.

ii) incidences of fly tipping on North Perrott Road were raised. SSDCllr Mrs Singleton to raise with officers for action.

iii) SCC site meeting with the Roads Group has been postponed.

16/17-34: Planning: i) 16/01829/FUL Miss N Parrett, 11 The Avenue to erect a 2 storey & part single storey rear extension. Planning committee recommended approval & granted by SSDC.

ii) 16/01560/FUL Mr D Borrill, 5 Monarch Road to demolish & erect a replacement wall. The planning committee recommended approval.

iii) 16/00921/OUT Mr M Newman, Land Adjacent to The Poppies, Silver Street to erect a detached dwelling house and garage has been granted by SSDC.

iv) 16/02400/FUL Ms A Brewer-Swain The Old Weighbridge, Station Road to erect a conservatory to provide additional seating for the café. A Planning Committee was agreed.

v) Council noted that the deadline for reinstatement of the Bullring Farm access is 30 June and this deadline is unlikely to be met. SSDCllr Mrs Singleton to raise with Planning.

16/17-35: Recreation Field & Play Area: i) the inspection reports were noted. Cllr Heyd-Smith is making the play area gate closure compliant. Network Rail has started to trim back vegetation along their fence today. It was proposed and agreed to buy a roll of heat shrink tape to refurbish the activity trail cables up to a budget of £30.

ii) MFC User Agreement update (draft circulated); good progress has been made but further negotiation is required regarding grass management and exclusivity. A further meeting to be arranged to bring back to the July meeting to sign off.

iii) User Agreement for Mark One Fitness (circulated); it was proposed that the agreement be approved apart from the request for exclusivity. Should another Personal Trainer approach the Council to use the Rec then Mark One Fitness would be consulted with a view to accommodating both. All agreed.

16/17-36: Finance: (circulated with bank rec & budget v actual doc).

i) to note that the Annual Return has been submitted for external audit.

ii) to note NJC approved pay scales increase backdated to 1st April 2016.

iii) approval for the following payments will be sought: HMRC £19.47,

Clerks (June expenses/salary) £747.72, JRB Enterprise Ltd (dog bags) £70.20,

Somerset Landscapes Ltd (Rec mowing) £622.80, Mr R Heyd-Smith £31.50 (70 mls @45p re SPFA course). Eon DD £13 (re MUGA), Vodafone DD £34.50, Cox & Co (payroll) SO £21,

Village Hall (rent) SO £45 & Misterton WI (hall hire) SO £11.

iv) It was proposed that the subs to Somerset Playing Fields Association be increased to £20. All agreed.

v) Monies received: £147 cemetery fees, £1520 Transparency Code grant for laptop/ website update. Due to the long delay in receiving this grant it was proposed to suspend Standing Order 5 xvii) and to approve payment of £777.20 to Allen Computer Services for a laptop (details circulated in December) to enable purchase at earliest opportunity. All agreed. Standing Order 5 xvii) reinstated.

vi) Moving to a Crewkerne based bank; it was agreed that the Clerk make enquires at Nationwide.

Proposed and all agreed to approve the Financial Report.

16/17-37: Chairman’s Report: i) SCC Chairman’s Award for Services to the Community and ii) items for the magazine; it was agreed that a request go in the magazine asking for nominations.

Cllr Heyd-Smith left the meeting.

16/17-38: Clerk’s report: the report that had been circulated was approved, including the Clerks attendance at the SLCC Regional Roadshow on 13th July (cost £69) near Yeovil.

Emergency Plan; it was agreed to hold a meeting on 6 September to move towards finalising the plan and to publicise this in the magazine.

16/17-39: Correspondence received:

i) the Council was very pleased to accept the offer to have the Denis Samways memorial bench located at the school end of Silver Street.

ii) the Rights of Way group recommended supporting the proposed diversion of Public Footpaths Y11/60 & Y11/1 South of Haselbury Mill (circulated). All agreed.

iii) Somerset CPRE, Institute of Cemetery & Crematorium Management, Somerset Waste Partnership, Somerset Rivers Authority The Stream and Avon & Somerset PCC newsletters.

The above were available for inspection at the meeting.

16/17-40: Reports from Outside Bodies; the Village Hall Committee has notified the Council that they have made changes to a fire exit and that the changing rooms are to be redecorated with a plasterboard ceiling and upvc door. Council approved the two requests subject to the fire exit sign being either removed or covered.

16/17-41: Annual review of Clerks salary. This was held as a confidential item. Nationally agreed salary scales had been circulated. The Clerk left the room. It was proposed that the Clerk go up a Spinal Column Point. All agreed. The Clerk rejoined the meeting and was thanked for her hard work on behalf of the Council.

Date of next meeting: Tuesday 19th July 2016, starting at 6.30pm.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 7.50pm.

Signed: Dated:

Christine Langford - Parish Clerk – June 2016 2 of 2