Expression of Interest – ConsumerRepresentative on the Queensland Policy and Advisory Committee for new Technology (QPACT)
The Healthcare Evaluation and Assessment of Technology (HEAT) team are seeking a consumer representative to be a part of the Queensland Policy and Advisory Committee for new Technology (QPACT). The Healthcare Improvement Unit (HIU) is one of seven branches within the Clinical Excellence Division and the HEAT team is one of 13 teams positioned within unit.
A function of QPACT is to oversee the New Technology Funding and Evaluation Program which encourages Queensland Health clinicians and Hospital and Health Services to apply for funding to introduce and evaluate technologies that are new to Queensland, Australia or the public health system.
The consumer representative will be remunerated for their time and any costs of attending will be reimbursed (parking etc).
To express an interest in this committee, complete the expression of interest form by the close date and send it to . If you would like assistance to complete the form or request a copy of the draft Terms of Reference, please contact Health Consumers Queensland.
Please complete this Expression of Interest and return to Suzanne Wirges via: Friday9 June 2017.
For further information about the committee, please contact Jacqui Thomson, from the Health Evaluation and Assessment of Technology team on 07 33289283.
Personal DetailsSurname: / Given Name:
Address: / Postcode:
Phone No.:
Mob: / Email:
Please highlight to indicate your response
Do you identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander? / Yes / No
Do you identify as being Culturally or Linguistically Diverse? / Yes / No
Do you identify as being from a non-English speaking background? / Yes / No
Do you identify as being transport disadvantaged or physically isolated? / Yes / No
Do you identify as having a disability? / Yes / No
Do you have the time to review & evaluate significant amounts of information? / Yes / No
Are you a member of the Health Consumers Queensland Consumer Network? / Yes / No
Are you happy for Health Consumers Queensland to share this form with Queensland Health as part of the process for this application? / Yes / No
Would you like Health Consumers Queensland to retain this application for future vacancies? Applications not retained are destroyed once the application process is complete. / Yes / No
Other Needs and Requirements
I will require support to attend the committee meetings / Yes / No
If yes, please provide details and indicate other support that you require, for example, disability support worker, interpreter, Auslan interpreter, closed captioning, hearing loop, dietary requirements etc.
Dietary requirements
I have special dietary requirements / Yes / No
Please give details
Please describe any experience (if any) as a health consumer representative including committees, focus groups, surveys, governance roles, etc.
Please describe any connections you have to your community (e.g. networks, groups)?
Please describe your interest in reviewing applications and/or technology to improve health outcomes for health consumers and communities.