EXPECT DIFFICULTY . . . (Salvation comes thru suffering --YOU’RE NOT ALONE!)
Noah – thru flood (after 100 yrs. of hard toil and relentless ridicule)ARK
Abraham – thru Mt. Moriah (after 100 yrs. of childlessness)ALTAR
Joseph – thru abandonment & imprisonmentDUNGEON
Moses – thru waters of death & Pharaoh’s courtWILDERNESS
David – thru life on the runCAVE
*songs we rejoice in came thru his dark times of despair
Job – thru whirlwind of misery & afflictionDUNG HEAP
Peter – thru submersion at sea; denial at trialSTORM
John – thru exile on PatmosPRISON ISLAND
Paul – thru blinding vision of ChristROAD SIDE
Jesus – thru cold ground of Gethsemane and the humiliation of the cross
Trials of varying sizes and stripes are INEVITABLE!!
Expect difficulty --- the fact that we don’t, demonstrates how little we have learned and pursued a relationship with Christ.
Yet in suffering, we can EXPECTDivineIntervention!
- 1 Cor. 10.13Escape (from temptation)
- 1 Jn. 2.2Advocate (escape from sin)
- 1 Jn. 4.10Propitiation (escape from wrath)
- Phil. 3.8,10Knowledge of Christ; shared sufferings
- 1 Pet. 2.19-21Example to follow
- 1 Pet. 4.12-14Blessing of His presence
The PROMISE: those who share in His suffering will share in His glory
“God is not going to REPLACE suffering with glory; rather He will TRANSFORM suffering into glory.” -- W.Wiersbe
- Mother birthing baby --- from pain to joy Olympic Athlete --- “no pain, no gain”
CHARLES SWINDOLL, Moses: A Man of Selfless Dedication
“The date on the calendar may have changed since the days of the exodus, but human nature has not. Apart from the redeeming work of Christ, our hearts are desperately wicked. CRUELTY existed in Moses’ day, and cruelty exists now. TYRANTS ruled in the ancient world, and tyrants rule today. INJUSTICE hurt the innocent in Pharaoh’s time, in Herod’s time, and still in our sophisticated world today.
But in the days of Exodus there also lived men and women ready to STAND ALONE for RIGHTEOUSNESS, even in the face of death, just as there are today. God always has His witnesses!
2 Cor. 1.8-9 8Forwe do not want you to be unaware, brethren, of ouraffliction which cameto usinAsia, that we were burdened excessively, beyond our strength, so that we despaired even of life;9indeed, we had the sentence of death within ourselves so that we would NOT TRUST IN OURSELVES, BUT IN GOD WHO RAISES THE DEAD.
Charles Spurgeon: “I have learned to kiss the wave that strikes me against the Rock of Ages.”
Sermon Title: “Hope in Suffering”(Part 2 of 2)Pastor Chris
Today’s Text: Ex. 1.10-22 February 11, 2018
VERSE 10 . . . “Come, let us deal wisely (shrewdly)with them”
VERSE 11 . . . “So they appointed taskmasters over them to afflict them with hard labor.”
- OUT: goes the ease, abundance, peace, prosperity
- IN: comes taskmasters, whips, chains, suffering
“With each crack of the whip, Pharaoh was striking another blow against the God of Israel, because ultimately this was a spiritual conflict. Pharaoh was fighting against God!”
(P. Ryken, PTW)
Pharaoh (king of Egypt): Enemy of God . . . Enemy of Life . . . Enemy of Promise
“Type” of “Anti-Christ” (Seed of Satan){In Contrast -- Moses: “Type” of Messiah}
- He resented God’s people
- He rejected God’s promise (God’s covenant to “make them a great nation”)
- He resisted God’s plan (land of possession and promise) P. Ryken outline, PTW
This CURRENT CONFLICT is NOT just a small skirmish between Moses/Pharaoh or Israel/Egypt, but an on-going WARbetween GOD/Satan.
What Pharaoh meant for population control and kingdom enhancement, Satanwas at work with designs for the extinction of the Messianic line . . . eliminating possibility of Messiah. (‘Athaliah’, 2 Kgs. 11 . . . ‘Herod’, Matt. 2)
Egypt was the only home this generation of Israelites had ever known, and it was not without its luxuries; so it took suffering and bondage to make God’s people cry out for their salvation and realize that they were NOT MADE FOR EGYPT!
SPURGEON QUOTE (PTW Commentary, pg. 32-33)
In all probablility, if they had been left to themselves, they would have been melted and absorbed into the Egyptian race, and lost their identity as God’s special people.
“What Israel needed was NOT independence from Pharaoh or Egypt per se, but a shift of dependency, a switching of masters from Pharaoh and the Egyptians to the true and living God.” Douglas Stuart, New American Commentary
What if . . . in the midst of your affliction & suffering . . . that God’s heart moves with compassion, YET STILL ALLOWS all these hardships to persist, what then? Isnt’ that the great test of loyalty and allegiance?
What if His PURPOSE is to grow you? Further His gospel in you? Honor and glorify Himself through your suffering? Is that OK with you?
- Joseph: “what you meant for evil, God INTENDEDfor good”
- Paul: “God CAUSESall things to work together for good”
- DON’T FORGET! “to the loved & called”
So what is God’s intent in this matter? In this story and ours?
Is God really the author of Israel’s pain in this situation?
THEOLOGICAL. . . what we can learn about God
- GOD is Sovereign. . . possessing supreme, ultimate power and total control
- GOD is Providential. . . protective care of God (mercy, grace)
Indication in ‘Romans 8’ is that: TRIALS ARE NOT WITHOUT PURPOSE(Rom. 8.28)
- God ALLOWSit and DESIGNSit (Rom. 8.29)
“IF we think that our suffering is a result of blindchance and a collision of atoms outside the will of God, we are of all people the most to be pitied. Our Christian faith means nothing until we come to the valley of the shadow of death.” – R. C. Sproul
What ISRAEL could not see in the midst of their suffering was that they were in the right
place, at the right time, in the right season to endure for the glory of God!
AND . . . their suffering was NOT out of God’s control.
Could God have prevented His people from falling into slavery? Of course, He could have, but that was NOT His plan. GLORY is His plan! Could HE have protected the innocent children who were slaughtered? Absolutely!! It was through God’s PROVIDENCEthat the Israelites went down to Egypt, and it was by His PROVIDENCEthat they became slaves there. It was the merciful protective care of God that allowed the conception of children and the design and determination to allow their extinction.
Psalm 105.24-25 He caused His people to be very fruitful, and made them stronger than their adversaries. He turned their heart to hate His people, to deal craftily with His servants.
It’s this oppression of Israel (God’s chosen people) that once again raises the question: Whydo God’s people have to suffer?
Key question of Atheism
Sometimes . . .
- Reap consequences of our own sin, silliness, or stupidity
- Load of debt --- poor money management, bad decisions
- Rebellious kids --- poor parenting, neglect (physically/spiritually)
- Bad marriage --- selfish, disrespectful
- Lack of peace, far from God --- ignored Him, robbed Him
- Your fault / Ignored God’s Word . . . consequences of sin is NOT suffering for Jesus
- VICTIM of someone/thing else
- Purposed TARGET of persecution b/c you have taken a stand that is in opposition to the world
“IF God caused their original growth and then accelerated it in correspondence with their suffering, surely in His plan there must be a means of resolution --- some way to bring good out of the current unfairness.” P. Ryken, PTW
CHRISTOLOGICAL. . . what points us to Christ
Suffering helps usLOOK for a SAVIOR! If we never have any trouble along the way, we would never have any reason to long for Heaven . . . “Where I Belong”
Suffering then, points us to GRACE . . . which point us to the CROSS . . . which points us to JESUS!
- Who is Jesus? High Priest(sympathizes with weakness) Heb. 4
Intercessor(prays for us) Rom. 8
- You’re dirty . . . you’re broken . . . you reek like the stench of the world . . . He says, “Come close, child. You are mine”
God always has a purpose for suffering . . . always leading to REDEMPTION in HIS SON!
WE JUST CAN’T MISS the beauty of creation in Genesis . . . but we so often miss the GREATERBEAUTY of the NEWCREATION that comes through suffering, as seen in the early stages of Exodus. In the “New Covenant” established by Christ, we understand that freedom from bondage and suffering is something only God can do . . . for His glory alone!
APPLICATION. . . God made a promise, a covenant to this people. His reputation among the needy original 70 was that of faithfulness in hardship. To this generation in Ex. 1, they’ve only known peace and prosperity for 300 years. There’d been NO NEED to TRUST God through an indefinite season of suffering.
Sermon Title: “Hope in Suffering”(Part 2 of 2)Pastor Chris
Today’s Text: Ex. 1.10-22 February 11, 2018
VERSE 10 . . . “Come, let us deal wisely (shrewdly)with them”
VERSE 11 . . . “So they appointed taskmasters over them to afflict them with hard labor.”
- OUT: goes the ______
- IN: comes ______
Pharaoh: Enemy of G . . . Enemy of L . . . Enemy of P______
“Type” of “______” (Seed of Satan)
- He R God’s P______
- He R God’s P______
- He R God’s P______
It took suffering and bondage to make God’s people cry out for their salvation and realize that they were ______!
THEOLOGICAL. . . what we can learn about God
- GOD is S . . . possessing supreme, ultimate power control
- GOD is P . . . protective care of God (mercy, grace)
Romans 8: ______
- God A it and D it (Rom. 8.29)
- For R , not D (Rom. 8.30)
“IF we think that our suffering is a result of b c and a collision of atoms outside the will of God, we are of all people the most to be pitied. Our Christian faith means nothing until we come to the v of the s of death.” – R. C. Sproul
Psalm 105.24-25 He caused His people to be very fruitful, and made them stronger than their adversaries. He turned their heart to hate His people, to deal craftily with His servants.
Sermon Title: “Hope in Suffering”(Part 2 of 2)Pastor Chris
Today’s Text: Ex. 1.10-22 February 11, 2018
VERSE 10 . . . “Come, let us deal wisely (shrewdly)with them”
VERSE 11 . . . “So they appointed taskmasters over them to afflict them with hard labor.”
- OUT: goes the ______
- IN: comes ______
Pharaoh: Enemy of G . . . Enemy of L . . . Enemy of P______
“Type” of “______” (Seed of Satan)
- He R God’s P______
- He R God’s P______
- He R God’s P______
It took suffering and bondage to make God’s people cry out for their salvation and realize that they were ______!
THEOLOGICAL. . . what we can learn about God
- GOD is S . . . possessing supreme, ultimate power control
- GOD is P . . . protective care of God (mercy, grace)
Romans 8: ______
- God A it and D it (Rom. 8.29)
- For R , not D (Rom. 8.30)
“IF we think that our suffering is a result of b c and a collision of atoms outside the will of God, we are of all people the most to be pitied. Our Christian faith means nothing until we come to the v of the s of death.” – R. C. Sproul
Psalm 105.24-25 He caused His people to be very fruitful, and made them stronger than their adversaries. He turned their heart to hate His people, to deal craftily with His servants.
CHRISTOLOGICAL. . . what points us to Christ
Suffering helps us L for aS !
Suffering then, points us to G . . . which point us to the C______. . . which points us to J !
- Who is Jesus? H Heb. 4
I Rom. 8
God always has a purpose for suffering . . . always leading to R______!
WE JUST CAN’T MISS the beauty of creation in Genesis . . . but we so often miss the G B of the N______C______!
Expect difficulty --- the fact that we don’t, demonstrates how little we have learned and pursued a relationship with Christ.
Yet in suffering, we can EXPECTD I !
- 1 Cor. 10.13E (from temptation)
- 1 Jn. 2.2A (escape from sin)
- 1 Jn. 4.10P (escape from wrath)
- Phil. 3.8,10K of Christ; shared sufferings
- 1 Pet. 2.19-21E to follow
- 1 Pet. 4.12-14B of His presence
The PROMISE: those who share in His s will share in His g______
“God is not going to R suffering with glory; rather He will T______suffering into glory.” -- W.Wiersbe
2 Cor. 1.8-9 8Forwe do not want you to be unaware, brethren, of ouraffliction which cameto usinAsia, that we were burdened excessively, beyond our strength, so that we despaired even of life;9indeed, we had the sentence of death within ourselves so that we would ______
Charles Spurgeon: “I have learned to kiss the wave that strikes me against the Rock of Ages.”
CHRISTOLOGICAL. . . what points us to Christ
Suffering helps us L for aS !
Suffering then, points us to G . . . which point us to the C______. . . which points us to J !
- Who is Jesus? H Heb. 4
I Rom. 8
God always has a purpose for suffering . . . always leading to R______!
WE JUST CAN’T MISS the beauty of creation in Genesis . . . but we so often miss the G B of the N______C______!
Expect difficulty --- the fact that we don’t, demonstrates how little we have learned and pursued a relationship with Christ.
Yet in suffering, we can EXPECTD I !
- 1 Cor. 10.13E (from temptation)
- 1 Jn. 2.2A (escape from sin)
- 1 Jn. 4.10P (escape from wrath)
- Phil. 3.8,10K of Christ; shared sufferings
- 1 Pet. 2.19-21E to follow
- 1 Pet. 4.12-14B of His presence
The PROMISE: those who share in His s will share in His g______
“God is not going to R suffering with glory; rather He will T______suffering into glory.” -- W.Wiersbe
2 Cor. 1.8-9 8Forwe do not want you to be unaware, brethren, of ouraffliction which cameto usinAsia, that we were burdened excessively, beyond our strength, so that we despaired even of life;9indeed, we had the sentence of death within ourselves so that we would ______
Charles Spurgeon: “I have learned to kiss the wave that strikes me against the Rock of Ages.”
Discussion Questions for Small Groups
- For contextual purposes, read again through Exodus 1. Have the group take turns reading a verse or two.
- During the 400 years of waiting (and flourishing) in Egypt, what do you think the Israelites thought regarding God’s promise of the land of Canaan?
- If time allows, look at other places in Scripture where we find God’s promise and then the lengthy fulfillment of that promise. (or leader summarize)
- Gen. 6-9 . . . How long was it between God’s promise of a flood and the actual raindrops?
- Gen. 12-21 . . . How many years lapsed between God’s promise of a child to actual conception? Birth?
- 1 Sam. 16 - 2 Sam. 2 . . . How long did David have to wait to become king after he was anointed by the prophet Samuel as a young boy?
- Malachi – Matthew . . . How long did Israel have to wait between the last OT prophet to the angelic proclamation of His arrival (Lk. 2)?
- Having to wait is part of being human, but waiting through trial and hardship is particularly difficult. Read 2 Peter 3:8-9 aloud. How does it relate to Israel’s situation? How is it relevant to your current circumstances?
- How courageous the Hebrew midwives were who disobeyed Pharaoh and spared the lives of the male infants. Vs. 17 states that they “feared God.” What does biblical “fear” mean in this context? Who or what are we most likely to “fear” more than God? What is the secret to fearing God more than the “pharaohs” in our lives?
- Pastor Chris concluded the sermon with this statement: “We can EXPECTsuffering, yet in suffering, we can EXPECTDivineIntervention!” Read the following verses aloud and discuss what the following words mean as it relates to salvation through suffering.
- 1 Cor. 10.13Escape (from temptation)
- 1 Jn. 2.2Advocate (escape from sin)
- 1 Jn. 4.10Propitiation (escape from wrath)
- 1 Pet. 2.19-21Example to follow
- 1 Pet. 4.12-14Blessing of His presence
- What is your “take-home” from Chapter 1 of Exodus? What have you learned in the . . . HISTORICAL (the story)
CHRISTOLOGICAL (about Christ, salvation)