Toolkit Presentation Script
Pilot Study
I am here to present a toolkit that we have developed specifically for faith communities to assist with infection control and emergency planning.
Issue Brief and Talking Points:
The Issue Brief is an introduction as to why this toolkit is necessary. As you can see this toolkit has been endorsed by the Department of Health Services.
The Talking Points explain areas that can be addressed to prevent the spread of illness.
“Are You Ready for a Health Emergency?”
This document is in handout form and reiterates the ways faith communities can plan and thereby act quickly in a public health emergency. Many of the ideas presented can be used throughout the year to prevent the spread of illness.
“Infection control in the Faith Based Community Toolkit Contents”
As you most likely realized during this H1N1 event, there are many resources available for information. What we have done is compiled the resources that we found to be most applicable to faith communities into this toolkit.
All the documents are list here on the Toolkit Contents page. I will explain each one as we go through…
FACT SHEETS- In this section you will find all of the most current information available pertaining to certain illnesses, why they happen, and how to treat them. (Note: Proceed to page through the section reading the title and of each so as to not overwhelm the listener at this time!) I encourage you to read through these documents at your leisure. The footnotes explain the websites where updated versions of these documents can be found.
5 Common Ways Germs are Spread1
Hand Washing Fact Sheet2
Key Facts About Seasonal Influenza (Flu)3
Key Facts About Avian Influenza (Bird Flu) and Avian Influenza A (H5N1) Virus3
How does Seasonal Flu Differ From Pandemic Flu?3
H1N1 Flu (Swine Flu) and You3
Norovirus Q&A3
Social Distancing4
The Flu Guide for Parents3
Guidance from Department of Health Services Re: Religious Practices during the H1N1 Outbreak14
POSTERS & OTHER RESOURCES This section has some posters and handouts to assist with educating your congregation. (Note-page through the section and read the advice included after each listing)
Cover Your Cough3,1,5-Post Around your church during cold and flu season
Alcohol Based Handrub1-Post in areas around your church with a bottle of hand sanitizer
(Also put hand sanitizer in the following locations-kitchen, pews, entryway, exits, etc.)
Hand washing Instructions6-Post in all restrooms and the kitchen
Unusual Occurrences2 –Post in church office-report to local health department
CDC Says “Take 3” Steps to Fight the Flu3-Include with church newsletter or bulletin insert/poster
CD Includes a video on handwashing3
“No Ordinary Flu”7,8 –Comic Book-Include in church newsletter
Series of Bulletin Announcements
Door Sign
RESOURCES FOR KIDS & SCHOOLS/NURSERIES This section has some posters and handouts to assist with educating the children. Faith communities with schools and nurseries will find these useful.(Note-page through the section.)
Henry the Hand-Principles of Hand Awareness9
Henry the Hand-Do you have any idea what germs could be on your hands?9
Henry the Hand-Hand Washing Guide9
Henry the Hand-See How Temperatures Affect the Germs!9
Henry the Hand-Coloring Book9
Faith Based Emergency and Pandemic Planning This section has 3 Emergency Plans that we found that have been specifically written for Faith Communities. You will most likely find sections from each that will assist with supplementing/initiating your plans.
“Recommendations for Local Church Emergency Plan”10 Word Document-Complete for your church This plan is in template form. It is meant to be used by your facility to make a general emergency plan. This template follows the same format that many plans drafted by emergency management professionals.
Faith Based & Community Organizations Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Checklist3 This checklist and the next are the ones most frequently referenced in the pandemic resources for planning purposes. You may not do each and every task, but just having a conversation about the topics with church leaders will be beneficial.
School District (K-12) Pandemic Influenza Planning Checklist3
Love is Action-Pandemic Preparedness11 This plan was put together by a person in Canada who has dedicated her life to assisting faith communities with pandemic planning. It offers lots of background information and ideas for planning.
A Guide for Faith Based Organizations12 This plan was put together by a group of individuals from various professions in Joplin County, MO as a result of a grant that was received by the community.
INDIVIDUAL AND FAMILY PREPAREDNESS Have available for distribution This section includes brochures and pamphlets that can be copied and made available to your parishioners.
Ready üPreparing Makes Sense-Get Ready Now13-
Ready ü Preparing your Pets for Emergencies13
Ready üPreparing Makes Sense for Older Americans13
Ready üPreparing Makes Sense of People with Disabilities and Special Needs13
Ready üFamily Emergency Plan1 -In Excel format-complete for your family13
Home Emergency Kit 4
The footnotes include websites where the most current information regarding the resources can be found.
1 Minnesota Department of Public Health;
2 Wisconsin Division of Public Health Department of Health and Family Services
3 United States Department of Health and Human Services-Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
4 FDL County, Wisconsin Health Department;
5 APIC-Association for the Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology
6 Washington State Department of Health;
7 NACCHO-The National Association of County & City Health Officials
8 Seattle & King County Advanced Practice Center;
10 Adapted from the Central Texas Conference Plan;
11 Building Bridges of Love;
12 Pandemic Planning-The Faith Based Role: Joplin County, MO;
14 State of Wisconsin Department of Health Services;