Rayleigh Leisure Indoor Bowls Club

Minutes of the AGM held on the 24th April 2015 at 730pm

at the Grange Community Centre

1  Welcome

In the absence of the President the meeting was opened by the Secretary, Mike Birch who welcomed members to the meeting. He also advised members that Wally White, retiring Mens Captain, had been nominated by the club to Rayleigh Town Council as Sports person of the year. Wally's nomination was successful and earlier that week he had been presented with the Shield and Certificate. The meeting congratulated Wally on this award which was well deserved for all his hard work for the club over the years.

Appointment of President

The committee proposed Wally White as this year’s President, which was unanimously agreed by the meeting. Wally was presented with the Presidents Medallion.

The New president took the chair for the rest of the meeting.

The President thanked members for making him President and called for a minutes silence in memory of members who had passed away during the year.

Apologies for absence were received from

Mike Avis, Valerie Birch, Ian Cole, Neeltje Charles, George Folkard, David Barnes, Sylvia Loman, Tony Loman, Eve Turpin, Roy Turpin, Rosie Wiggins, Ron Wiggins, Christine Bishop, Sandie Smith, Bob Pashley, Martin Mynott

There were 38 members present.

Secretaries report.

Meetings had been held with Tony Hudson. Our main discussions with Fusion were;

Lighting which had just been serviced although a couple of lights were already out.

Ventilation, Fusion say that we can open the rear door but not the main door, the possibility of a suitable fan is being looked into.

Carpet Cleaning Committee have offered to clean on a rota if Fusion purchase the equipment

Junior Membership. Fusion have agreed it is OK for supervised juniors to play, we are awaiting a decision on reduced membership.

Carpet renewal, we are still hoping for next year, Fusion have asked Greenguage for a quote, but we are unlikely to have any decision before next March.

There was a lot of discussion and concern from members about the lack of ventilation. This is made worse by having to keep the “Fire Door” closed at all times. Questions were raised about whether the main doors were a fire door. The committee would try and progress this further with Fusion.

5 Treasurers Report

The Treasurer reported on the current state of the Club’s finances and advised members that we were in a good financial position.

Membership Income had increased from £1555 to £1876, we had a surplus for the year of £1356 and have a bank balance of £4690. Adams are continuing to sponsor the club.

Rayleigh Leisure Indoor Bowls Club
Year End Account 1.4.2014 to 31.3.2015
Income / 2014/15 / Expenditure / 2014/2015
Membership / 1876 / Competitions / 794
Donation / 150 / Printing / 239
Sponsor / 700 / Stationery / 426
Badges / 24 / Mtg Expenses / 308
Sticker / 27 / Travel Meetings / 93
Friendlies / 76 / Shirts / 297
Refund / 15 / Honour Board / 70
Race Night / 970 / ECLIBA / 175
President Collar / 40
Misc / 40
Income over Expenditure / 1356
3838 / 3838
Bank Balance at 31 March 2015 £4689.96

The report was accepted by the members nem con.

6 Men’s Captain’s report

Wally White thanked members for their support during his 8-year term as Captain.

He reported that the Men’s Teams had done well during the year, the over 60’s A team had finished half way in the league table and the B team had also done well.

Wally congratulated the competition winners.

7 Ladies Captains Report

Sheila reported that the Ladies had had some successes during the season finishing half way in the County League Table. At times it was difficult to get enough players for the teams but thanks to those who stood in at the last minute and saved us from conceding a game.

Sheila thanked Jenny for her help during the year and hoped members would support her in the coming year as Captain.

Sheila also encouraged lady members to enter club competitions, especially the Ladies Singles and Ladies Pairs competitions that had to be cancelled this year. She also encouraged more ladies to enter the friendly matches.

8 Winter League Secretaries Report

Ron Butler reported on a successful year for the Winter League games, four of the leagues were decided in the final games, two on shot difference.

Ron thanked all those who played, the contacts as especially Ron Brown and Len Smith for their great assistance in getting things together.

Members were reminded to be careful to follow the rules and processes for linking as a lot of unnecessary work is caused when this is not done correctly.

For next year, although the most popular leagues are again well subscribed there is a worrying lack of entries for some of the leagues which might result in some being cancelled. The Friday night 21 end league was especially short on numbers.

There was a fall in number of teams and the number of players in the leagues There has been a particularly large percentage fall in the number of ladies.

The League result were announced and the winners congratulated.

9 Summer League Secretaries Report

There were 86 members playing in the four leagues; Monday 10-12, Wednesday 10 – 12,Wednesday 20 – 22 and Friday 10 – 12. All the leagues were competitive some decided on the last match.

Twenty members also took part in the new knockout competition arranged at short notice. David Barnes has kindly donated a trophy for this competition. The competition will run again in the coming year.

An attempt was made to increase the number of leagues for the forthcoming season but there was not sufficient interest so we will continue with the same leagues. There are currently 76 members registered for these leagues.

Rayleigh has entered with, 5 other clubs, into a new inter club league and have also arranged for two friendly matches during the Summer season.

Reg thanked Dave Collison and Bob Franklin for offering to help with the organisation

of the coming season.

10 Mens Delegate

Dave Collison reported on the recent meeting of the ECIBA. A proposal from West Mersea, amending the number of dates that challenger have to give, was approved to go forward to the AGM.

11 Election of Committee and Vice Captains

There being only one nomination for each of the following positions the person nominated was declared elected:

Position / Nomination
Mens Captain / R D Franklin
Ladies Captain / Jenny Foster
Hon Treasurer / John Goldhawk
Hon Secretary / Mike Birch
Winter League Secretary / R Butler
Summer League Secretary / R Bellman
Mens Delegate / Dave Collison
Ladies Delegate / S Folkard
Mens Vice Captain / David Birch

There had been no nomination or the position of Match Secretary and Ladies Vice Captain. The committee would seek to fill these positions.

12 The following motion had been submitted


League Rules - It is proposed that the amended rule (d) be reversed to the original 2012-2013 rule (d) and (e).

Stated Reason

The current revised rule gives a gross advantage to the complete team.

For example - in a triples match of say 10 ends the complete team would bowl 90 woods against the incomplete teams 60. A surplus of 30 woods to score.

We believe that each team should have an equal number of bowls to play. We agree that the incomplete team should be punished but that original rules catered for this.

Proposed Jeanne Hammond

Seconded Sheila McAvoy

After discussion the motion was carried by a clear majority on a show of hands.

13 Discussion Items

The committee had asked for members’ views on two matters:

Club Entry to the Egham Trophy

Members were keen that the club should enter this competition although there were not many Ladies at the meeting who expressed an interest in playing.

The Treasurer asked members if there would be support for a “100 club” type of fundraising. A majority of members were in favour of this being progressed.

There being no other business the meeting closed at 9:05 pm.