Exmouth Cricket Club

Minutes of the Executive Committee meeting held at Exmouth Cricket Club, The Maer, on Thursday 12th December 2013

Executive Committee members present: Richard Butler, Brian Hall, Graham Andrews, Mark Davies, Lucy Davies, Sandy Allen, Jo Watson, Sue Hurley, Richard Baggs.

Also present: Carolyn Barnard.

1. Apologies: John Barnard, Debbie Austin. Richard welcomed the new committee members, Sue Hurley and Sandy Allen.

2. Minutes of the Executive Committee meeting held on 14th November 2013: Approved and signed by the Chairman.

3. Treasurers Post: As Graham had declared his intention to stand aside as the Treasurer prior to the AGM Richard advised that interim measures would be necessary. Brian agreed to handle any monies that needed to be paid into the Club’s bank account on a temporary basis, however there was the urgent need to find someone to act as Treasurer. Action: ALL

4. Fees 2014 & AGM: As there had been some difficulty reaching agreement at the AGM on the lady players membership fees for the coming season Richard put forward a proposal which was passed to Brian to circulate to all the lady players for their consideration. If there was a majority response in favour of the proposal it would be introduced with immediate effect, however it would also confirm that the Club would be seeking parity with male players over the coming two years. There was some discussion about incentives which could be introduced to make membership more attractive generally. Action: BH

5. Boiler Upgrade & Grants: Brian advised that an asbestos inspection of the changing rooms had been carried out prior to commencement of the upgrade work. Some low risk asbestos-type material had been found in the ceilings and a meeting was to be held the following Tuesday to look at these areas. Brian was hopeful that the proposed upgrade should be able to go ahead as originally planned. Brian also advised that he still had not heard from Exmouth Town Council regarding the bid for a grant despite 18th November having passed.

Action: BH/JB

6. Clubmark: In Debbie’s absence Richard advised that Debbie would be needing some assistance with renewing the Clubmark accreditation. It was a requirement that the Club should hold the accreditation in order to play in the premier league and its renewal was due before the start of the coming season. Richard advised that he would meet with DCB and Debbie to set out the principals prior to the inspection visit. Action: RB/DA

7. Part 2 Item 1: Sponsorship: There was some discussion over potential sponsorship arrangements for the coming season.

8. Part 2 Item 2: Tax Position of the Club & HMRC: There was some discussion over the Club’s tax position.

9. Finance: Graham advised that the Club was in a better financial position than it had been this time last year. This had been largely due to the fine weather in the summer however this could not be guaranteed for the coming season so there was the need to consider other ways of raising money. The committee felt that the best way to do this would be by holding more functions, with consistent pricing for the marquee, pavilion and grounds. Jo agreed to bring her pricing proposals along to the next meeting. The matter of events and fundraising would be discussed more fully at the next meeting. Action: JW


Brian advised that Linda Fishlock had purchased a new vacuum cleaner for the club and that he would be sending her a letter of thanks on behalf of the committee. Action: BH

Brian advised that a fire inspection was due in January, however he would contact the Fire Authority to advise them that the changing room refurbishment would be taking place at that time and delay the inspection to a later date. Action: BH

Brian advised that the door which had been fitted to the THut was not as had been specified by the Club. The committee agreed that John should get back to the company who had fitted it with our concerns and that their invoice should not be paid until we were satisfied. Action: JB

The requirement to get PAT testing and electrical work carried out was discussed and it was agreed that John should put forward a costed proposal for this. Action: JB

Grounds: Brian advised that the badgers had returned to the ground, he was concerned as they were close to the new nets. He had contacted EDDC, an independent consultant and Natural England, who had advised that there was nothing they could do as yet as it was the breeding season. Richard agreed to make contact with the local authority to try to move things forward. Action: RB

Social: Lucy advised that although she had no specific social events planned yet, she would be seeking to form a social sub-committee for the coming season. Action: LD

Secretarial: Brian advised the committee that he had been made aware that the 2013 official Christmas card of the Cricket Society featured a picture of a game being played at Exmouth Cricket Club.

10. Matters raised by the Chairman: None

11. AOB: Sandy requested consideration of installing a water point near the practice nets. This was needed for watering the nets and the square and he advised that he had been quoted £700 for the work plus the cost of having a new water meter installed. Richard Baggs and Sandy agreed to get firm quotes for this work and advised the committee as appropriate. Action: RBaggs/SA

Graham advised that Bryon Fishlock was having problems getting the ladies fixtures dates. Brian Hall agreed to contact Lucy Burch on behalf of Bryon. Action: BH

Jo advised that she had the opportunity to acquire approximately 40 bar chairs for the club if they would like them. The committee agreed that these would be very welcome, even if they would clash badly with the carpet! Jo advised that the Club would be requiring a new Licence Holder for the bar and Sandy had agreed to take on this role. Jo would make the appropriate arrangements. Action: JW

Carolyn advised that the 2012 Corporation Tax Return had been submitted and Nigel Sampson was waiting for confirmation that it was in order.

12. Date of next meeting: Tuesday 14th January 2013 at 7.30pm.