EXHIBITOR INVITATION July 22 – July 24, 2013

National Marine Educators Association Conference 2013
Spring Hill College Campus, Mobile, AL

NMEA 2013: Sea The Gulf: Join the Roux will bring over 400 state, national and international participants to the central Gulf coast in Mobile, AL in order to celebrate our ocean. Classroom and informal educators, researchers, resource managers, marine scientists and ocean enthusiasts from across the nation and around the world gather each summer at the NMEA conference. The conference is a place for attendees to make professional connections, share innovative ideas, and learn about new resources, tools and technologies for use in classrooms, laboratories and education programs. Many conference attendees are leaders in their field and have a great impact on a large constituency of students, their families and the general public.

Accepting applications from January 7, 2013 to March 15, 2013!


Exhibit materials should be related to marine and aquatic education and research. Past exhibitors at NMEA have included educational publishers, equipment suppliers, professional development organizations, state and national agencies and other local marine/aquatic research and education organizations. Exhibits will be featured in a centrally-located general meeting area. An exhibitor reception will occur on Monday, July 22, from 3:15 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.


Exhibits will be limited to an 8’ (long) x 10'(deep) space with an 8’ by 30” table. All materials must be able to be transported through a door 8’ tall and 5’ wide. Electricity is provided but exhibitors should provide their own extension cord and power strips. Wireless internet service is provided as well.


Exhibits may be set up on Monday, June 29 from 7:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Exhibits will be open from 9:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. on Monday, July 22 and 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, July 23. Exhibits must be broken down and cleared by 10:15a.m. on Wednesday, July 24, 2013.


The fee for an accepted exhibitor is $250 plus one full conference registration. Please see the conference registration form at nmea.disl.org for details. Additional exhibitor staff must also register for the conference. A guest registration fee is available. Contact Stephanie Serra at r (251) 861-2141 Ext 7571 for more information. The exhibitor fee includes recognition in the conference program, one 8’ draped table and twochairs in the exhibit hall.


Exhibit space is limited, so act fast! Application forms must be received by March 15, 2013.

1. To register as an exhibitor for the NMEA 2013 Conference, submit the Exhibitor ApplicationForm. It can be found online at You do not need to submit payment atthis time. Within two weeks, you will be notified of acceptance.

Return forms:

Electronically to:

• By mail to:

Stephanie Serra

NMEA Exhibits

Dauphin Island Sea Lab

101 Bienville Blvd

Dauphin Island, AL 36695

• By Fax: Attn: Stephanie Serra (251) 861-4646

2. If accepted, someone will contact you about how to complete the online conferenceregistration form at You will submit payment at this time. Completedexhibitor application, conference registration and payment must be received by March 15,2013.

How Can You Help Support NMEA and Receive More Recognition?

Become a sponsor!Sponsor conference bags, registration materials, entertainment, keynote speakers, technology, or other conference needs. Formore information, refer to the sponsorship sidebar on the conference website: nmea.disl.org

• Donate tax-deductible items for the annual silent and live auctions!Items with an environmental or ocean-related theme will be auctioned off on Wednesdayevening. All proceeds provide grants for classroom educators to attend andbenefit from future NMEA conferences.