Butley, Capel St. Andrew & Wantisden Parish Council

Neutral Farm House, Mill Lane, Butley, Suffolk. IP12 3PA

Tel: 01394 459400, E-mail:

Minutes of the Butley, Capel St Andrew & Wantisden Parish Council Meeting held on Thursday 8th September 2016 at 7:45pm in Butley Village Hall

Present:Cllr D. McGinity (Chairman)

Cllr D. AdlamCllr R. Bertram

Cllr S. BrownCllr J. Dean

Cllr M. SmithCllr A. Burt

Cllr M. Ross

In attendance: Jo Jones, Parish Clerk, District Cllr Ray Herring and County Cllr Reid. There were 14members of the public present.

1.To receive Apologies for Absence

Apologies were accepted from Cllr Read.

2.To Receive Councillors Declarations' of Interest

The Chairman declared a non-pecuniary interest as he is a member of Butley Village Hall Management Committee. Cllr Bertram declared a non-pecuniary interest as he is a member of the PCC.

(a) To Consider any Dispensations

None received.

3.To receive reports from:-

County Cllr Andrew Reid – County Cllr Reid had provided a written report. The Chairman thanked County Cllr Reid. There were no questions asked.

District Cllr Ray Herring – District Cllr Herring reported on the proposed Devolution Scheme process and confirmed he had been working closely alongside other leaders within Norfolk & Suffolk in order to consider the proposed deal to which he provided details. He confirmed the deal would include a substantial amount of funding to which he also provided clarification. He provided details regarding the proposed combined authority and advised that part of this would be to appoint an elected Mayor which to date he advised was not proving to be welcomed by the general public and to this effect there was a split opinion. District Cllr Herring advised if this is approved the elections for an elected Mayor would be held in May 2017. Cllr McGinity raised concerns regarding the proposed deal and stated that information he had read in respect of the proposed deal had not included any details regarding roads within Suffolk.

District Cllr Herring confirmed SCDC’s office move was due to take place in November 2017 and provided details of furniture that was available to Town & Parish Councils at a reduced cost.

Finally, District Cllr Herring provided details regarding grants available from SCDC and confirmed there had been nil reduction to grants. The Chairman thanked District Cllr Herring for his report.

4.To approve the draft minutes of theCouncil Meeting held on Thursday 14th July 2016

The draft minutes of the Council Meeting held on Thursday 14th July2016 were Proposed for Approval by Cllr Brown, Seconded by Cllr Dean. All in Favour.

5. Matters arising from the Council Meeting held on Thursday 14th July 2016

There were none.

6.Parish Clerk’s Report

To confirm I have now received confirmation that £445.64 has been allocated to the Parish Council from County Cllr Reid’s Locality Budget towards the Butley Info Point.

I have ordered the litter bin to be sited outside the Butley Oyster and hope this will be sited by SC Norse very soon.

I have been liaising with SC Highways desperately trying to get the verge alongside the allotments cut but to date I note this work has still not been carried out. I can confirm as a result of the July Council meeting I spoke with David Chenery, SC Highways regarding the overgrown verges and hedges within the Parish and raised concerns regarding how late these were left to be cut this year and he has informed me this is due to the C roads only receiving one cut and also some of the problems were due to a change in contractor.

7.Parish Council matters:-

a) Proposals for the Former School Site, Butley – Steven Bainbridge, Evolution Planning in attendance

The Chairman closed the meeting and welcomed Steven Bainbridge to the meeting. Steven Bainbridge gave details regarding the draft proposals for the Former Middle School site and confirmed to date the plans were running behind due to the risk involved with submitting a formal planning application to SCDC as this area is outside of the village boundary. Cllr Herring gave details regarding the planning process for applications received and advised any applications received for areas outside village boundaries needed to be sustainable and include affordable housing, if possible. The Chairman stated the Parish Council had asked SCDC to put this area within the village boundary but to date they have not carried out this request. District Cllr Herring recommended the Parish Council should liaise with Hilary Hanslip regarding this matter. The Chairman thanked both Steven Bainbridge and District Cllr Herring for their comments.

b) Oyster Inn -To receive an update

The Chairman welcomed Judi Newman to the meeting. Judi thanked Parishioners for their help and kind messages of support received to date. She provided an update regarding the works carried out and stated they were hoping to open in Spring 2017. Judi confirmed the work to reconstruct the barns was going to take a little longer in order to make these safe. She stated she had received positive support for one of the barns to become a village shop and asked the members of the public present to e-mail her with any ideas for items they would like to see stocked. The Chairman thanked Judi for her comments and reconvened the meeting.


Applications received since the last meeting:-

Planning Ref: DC/16/2533/FUL

Address: Neutral Farm, Mill Lane, Butley, Suffolk. IP12 3PA

Proposal: Erection of a new agricultural building.

The Parish Council Objected to this application. (Andrew Greenwell in attendance to provide clarification) The Chairman welcomed Andrew Greenwell to the meeting. Andrew Greenwell gave details regarding the application submitted and provided background information regarding matters relating to the application. He provided details of the retail outlets to where their produce was sold. He confirmed the proposed onion storage facilities were required in order to supply onions to the correct standard before going to the retail outlets. He advised he did not envisage traffic to be increased as a result of this application. A member of the public asked for details regarding the noise level that would result if this application is approved. Andrew Greenwell advised he had met with SCDC’s Environment & Health Officer and confirmed the residue noise level would be around 27 decimals at Butley Barns. He confirmed the facilities would be operational between the hours 9am-7pm on a rota basis throughout a 20-week period and that any HGV element would be minimal. The Chairman asked would they consider screening the site to which Andrew Greenwell stated he would happily provide screening. A member of the public raised concerns regarding the bank in front of her property as this is already eroding due to damage caused by HGV and stated she felt if there were to be 5 or 6 farms involved that one of them must have storage facilities. Another local resident stated the traffic as a result of farm vehicles has increased greatly and raised concerns regarding further traffic and noise levels as a result of this application. Andrew Greenwell confirmed this was the most preferred site to site the onion store and advised that other options had been looked into. Cllr Dean advised that Therese Coffey, MP had confirmed that she was going to write to all local farmers in order to ask their drivers to slow down. Cllr Adlam gave details regarding the amount of lorries used 8 years ago and compared this to the amount of lorries proposed. Cllr Brown stated she lived next to an onion store and could not hear any noise as a result of this from her property. The Chairman thanked Andrew Greenwell for his comments. It was agreed the Clerk should write to SC Highways regarding the condition of the banks and verges within the Parish. District Cllr Herring stated that SC Highways would have been asked to comment on this application and to date no comments had been submitted. A member of the public suggested if the speed limit was reduced this would be beneficial. The Chairman confirmed the Parish Council would be in favour of this. The Chairman thanked the members of the public for their comments and reconvened the meeting.

There was a brief discussion and it was felt that SC Highways should visit the site and it was also recommended that tractor drivers should be asked to slow down. Cllr Brown recommended that all tractor drivers should have identification details on display.

There was a formal vote to Withdrawthe original Objection to which 6 were in Favour and there was 1 objection. This would be subject to the following:-

Opening hours

Ensuring sound pollution stays below 27 decimals

Screening is provided

SC Highways to visit the site before approval is granted.

Update on existing applications:-

Planning Ref: DC/16/2650/EIA

Address: Storage Land Adjacent Building 546, Bentwaters Park, Rendlesham

Proposal: Screening Opinion

The Parish Council had No Objections to this application. This application has been Withdrawn.

PlanningRef: DC/16/1383/FUL

Address: The Old Chapel, Low Corner, Butley

Proposal: Conversion of existing dwelling with annexe to form two dwellings, construction of single storey extension to facilitate conversion. Demolition of domestic garage.

The Parish Council were in full support of this application. This application has been Granted by SCDC.

PlanningRef: DC/16/2153/CLE (Lawful Development Certificate)

Address: Staverton Caravan Park, Fenn Row, Wantisden

Proposal: Use of land for stationing of two mobile homes

The Parish Council had No Objections to this application. No decision has been made by SCDC, to date.

Planning Ref: DC/16/1728/FUL

Address: Land Between 20 and 24 The Street, Butley

Proposal: Construction of two storey detached house and integral garage.

The Parish Council Objected to this application on the following grounds:-

  • Lack of fowl sewerage system
  • Impact on neighbouring property reducing light from house and garden alike

This application has been Withdrawn.


Bank Balances as at 31st July 2016

Business Current Account - £741.89, Business Savings Account - £4,331.76

10.To approve items for Authorisation for Payment:-

Jo Jones (Parish Clerk) Salary - £107.08

SC Norse (Dog Bin) - £210.00

Petrol (Mowers) - £15.00

Approval for the above payments was Unanimously Agreed by the Council.

10.1 – Parish Council Insurance Renewal

The Clerk had tabled a paper for all Councillors providing details of the quotations received. It was Unanimously Approved the Council would renew with Came & Co at a premium of £165.00.


OneSuffolk Website – The Clerk had circulated a letter received from Suffolk County Council regarding changes to the OneSuffolk Website to all Councillors prior to the meeting. She confirmed Community Action Suffolk would be the new provider and as a result there would be an annual charge of £50.00 to Town & Parish Councils. The Clerk stated she felt it was unfair that Parish Councils were to be charged the same as Town Councils and it was agreed the Clerk should challenge this with CAS.

11.Any other matters arising

Cllr Dean confirmed that Keith Cutmore had carried out the necessary repairs to Andy free of charge. On behalf of the Parish Council the Chairman sincerely thanked Keith Cutmore for carrying out this work.

Cllr Brown confirmed the role of Film Officer at Bentwaters had been awarded to Film Fixer. She stated she was upset this role had not been awarded to a local company and confirmed that this was a London based company but one of the owners lived in Suffolk.

12.Date of next meeting

The next meeting of Butley, Capel St Andrew and Wantisden Parish Council will be held on Thursday 10th November 2016.

There being no further discussion the Chairman formally closed the meeting at


Signed:……………………………., ChairmanDated:……………………...………