Mexborough Academy

Policy Documentation:

Attendance Policy

Responsibility for Review: V. Howitt

Effective date: 3rd September 2015

Date of Next Review: September 2018



2Regular Attendance3

3The law relating to attendance3

4The law relating to safeguarding3

5Non-negotiables (staff)3

6Non-negotiables (students)3

7Non-negotiables (parents)3/4

8A Proactive stance4



11Holidays during term time4/5

12Seeking support with attendance5


14Managing Attendance procedures table 7/8

At Mexborough Academy we believe our key purpose is to ensure the well-being and progress of all our students by preparing them well for adult life. For our children to gain the greatest benefit from their education it is vital that they attend regularly and that they are at school, on time, every day the school is open unless the reason for the absence is unavoidable. This attitude links strongly with the Academy’s expectations and students’ developing responsible behaviours and habits for school and later life.

Regular Attendance is important:

Learning: - Any absence affects the pattern of a child’s schooling and regular absence will seriously affect their learning. Any pupil’s absence disrupts teaching routines so may affect the learning of others in the same class.

Ensuring a child’s regular attendance at school is the parents’ legal responsibility and permitting absence from school without a good reason creates an offence in law and may result in prosecution.

Safeguarding: -Your child may be at risk of harm if they do not attend school regularly. Safeguarding the interests of each child is everyone’s responsibility.

Failing to attend this school on a regular basis will be considered as a safeguarding matter.

The law relating to attendance

Section 7 of the Education Act 1996 states that ‘the parent of every child of compulsory school age shall cause him / her to receive efficient full time education suitable to age, ability and aptitude and any special educational needs he/ she may have either by regular attendance at school or otherwise’

The law relating to safeguarding

Section 175 of the Education Act 2002 places a duty on local authorities and governing bodies to have regard to guidance issued by the Secretary of State with regard to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and students under the age of 18.

Non-negotiables (staff)
1. Take a register within 10 mins of every lesson
2. Promote excellent attendance and punctuality by the appropriate use of rewards
3. Apply sanctions for any student who is late, C1 for punctuality and C2 for truancy
4. Challenge lateness and attendance outside the classroom
5. Review attendance weekly as part of a tutoring role
Non-negotiables (students)
1. Come to school every day and on time
2. Get to lessons on time
3. Have any absence authorised
4. Not leave the Academy site for any unauthorised reason

Non-negotiables (parents)

  1. Parents are responsible for ensuring their child attends school regularly and for reporting any absence and the reason for it promptly
  2. Where there are concerns about a student's attendance parents are expected to work with Academy staff to address these concerns.
  3. Parents should not ignore, agree with or condone their child’s truancy
  4. Parents are expected to support school attendance by avoiding family holidays during term-time
  5. Parents will support the policy by respecting any sanctions given by the school.

A Proactive Stance

At Mexborough Academy there is a proactive attitude to students’ attendance. This is made possible by having accurate data on students’ attendance to monitor and intervene quickly and appropriately. To this end all incidents relating to attendance and punctuality are recorded on Sims by our staff team and continually reviewed by the attendance team.

Helping to create a pattern of regular good attendance is everybody’s responsibility - parents, students and all members of school staff.

Recognition and Rewards

Students attending well and those whose attendance is rapidly improving will be rewarded though the Academy's Recognition system. Form Tutors and Year Leaders will give a certificates and reward stamps for attendance and punctuality. Verbal and written praise is also hugely important and develops positive habits for life. 100% attendance lotteries, including pizza vouchers and “queue jumper” passes will be available to individuals every week. Tutor groups will compete in the attendance league with prizes available to the whole group if their performance permits this.


Sanctions at Mexborough Academy have a learning focus, and encourage students to take responsibility. 'Catch up learning' takes place in detention where students can complete outstanding work or read. This will be the consequence for infrequent lateness or truancy.

A failure to respond to low level sanctions will result in the student entering the attendance programme which provides support to students’ and their family.

If a student fails to achieve attendance of 94% or less one of the Academy's attendance leaders will Leader begin the attendance support process, this includes a phone call home on the first day of absence, followed by an attendance letter 2 and the completion of a Personal Support Plan 1 (PSP1). If attendance falls below 90% the attendance team may refer the student to the Education Welfare Service who would then compile the case for the legal team. If attendance does not improve the Academy will pursue all available means to ensure a student’s attendance and these include penalty notices (PN), education supervision orders (ESO) or Prosecution (a fine of up to £2,500, a jail sentence of up to three months or a community sentence)

Holidays during Term Time

The Governing Body operates a strict policy on term time holidays and does not advocate parents taking children out of school for term time holidays. Only in exceptional circumstances will holidays be authorised by the Headtaecher. Those ignoring the decision of the school will be served with a Penalty Notice

Seeking support with attendance

Mexborough Academy will support parents and students with attendance issues using school based professionals, courses and external agencies where necessary.

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Consequences / Rewards
Punctuality / Truancy / Attendance / Attendance and Punctuality
Level 1 / Level 2 / Level 3 / Weekly / Half Termly / Yearly
Response /
  • 20 min detention.
Amount of time late and/or frequency could result in moving to Level 2 or Level 3 /
  • On Call.
  • 60 minute detention.
  • Immediate contact with parents.
  • Placed in Internal Exclusion.
  • Year Leader will make contact with parents/carers
Amount of time late and/or frequency could result in moving to Level 3 /
  • Director for Behaviour, Standards and Community or Headteacher meets parents.
  • Governors panel
  • Penalty notice
  • Education Supervision Order
  • Prosecution (a fine of up to £2,500, a jail sentence of up to three months or a community sentence)
/ Verbal praise
Written praise including Recognition stamps
Attendance lottery for students achieving %100 for the week. / Attendance lottery for students achieving %97 plus and %100.
Attendance certificates
Attendance prize for the best attending form group from each year group / Attendance trips
100% attendance e draw
Year 11 Prom package

Mexborough Academy Procedures for Managing Non-attendance

Whole Academy Approach to attendance:
The Academy is a safe and welcoming environment. All students feel valued and included. The Academy promotes the importance of safeguarding, equality of opportunity and targets discrimination and bullying. There are clear links between regular attendance and academic outcomes. Parents are actively encouraged to work in partnership with the Academy to promote effective communication.
% Attendance / Issue / Action
97 -100% / Attendance levels are within Academy expectations. This level of attendance will be acknowledged, celebrated and rewarded / Form Tutor to make sure studentsall students in their form know their Attendance % in weekly Behaviour, Attendance and Recognition Form Period. The tutor will encourage and discuss how important excellent attendance is to progress. For each week a student has 100% attendance they receive a stamp in their Recognition Passport from their tutor. 1 student from each tutor group will be drawn to receive a Q jumper pass or a pizza voucher
Each half term there will be a prize for the best attending tutor group and all 97% Plus and 100% students will go into a draw for gift vouchers. We will also recognise the students who have shown the most improvement.
First day of absence will trigger a personal phone call home from Attendance Officer.
97-94% / Attendance at this level is a cause for concern. / Attendance Leaders will follow up any unexplained absence. First day of absence will trigger a personal phone call home from Attendance Officer. Parents will be sent an Attendance Reminder Letter 1 once attendance falls below school target by Attendance Officer.
POSSIBLE PA / There are serious concerns regarding attendance. The student is at risk of becoming persistently absent (PA) / Attendance Leaders will phone all first day of absence.
Parents will be sent an Attendance Reminder Letter 2 once attendance falls below 94% by Attendance Officer. Attendance Leaders will invite parents/ carers in for Attendance PSP 1.
Below 90%
PA / Students with attendance below 90% are in the high risk group and will be identified as persistent absent (PA) once their attendance has fallen below 90%. / Attendance Leaders will phone all first day of absence.
Parents will be sent an Attendance Reminder Letter 3 once attendance falls below 94% by Attendance Officer. Attendance Leaders will invite parents/ carers in for Attendance PSP 2. Parents/ carers required to attend ½ termly Governor’s Attendance Panel. Key Stage Senior Leader to monitor further intervention/ support.

First Day Absence Calls

Automated messages can be used to ascertain non-attendance reasons if required.

Home Visits

Home visits can be used to follow up non-attendance particularly for students with PA or vulnerable to PA.

Education Welfare Officer Referrals

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