The Institute of Administration and Commerce
EXAMINATION VENUE(Tick the appropriate box)
NOTE on PRIVATE VENUE – Only candidates who live more than 100 kms from a venue may write at private venue. An application form can be obtained from the Institute, and the venue and invigilator MUST be approved by the Institute. Full costs of this arrangement must be paid for by the candidate.
PLEASE READ THIS BEFORE COMPLETING THE REST OF THIS FORM- Please complete all sections of this form. An incomplete form may be rejected by the Institute. Students are responsible for ensuring that they enter for the correct subject according to their programme of study.
- The form together with the correct examination fees should be sent to the Institute at its physical or postal.
- The form and fees must be received by Institute at its Office in Harare before 29th March for the May examinations or 30th August for the October examinations. The Institute will accept no responsibility for late delivery by the postal or any other service.
- Any examination entry received after the closing date will be held over until the sitting, and the candidate will be required to pay any additional amount due to change of fees, and will be required to complete a fresh entry form.
- Students may enter for an unlimited number of subjects in one academic year on condition that there is no timetable clash. No examinations will be conducted other that at the scheduled time and date
Section 2: Tickthe Appropriate Subject
Administrative PracticeFinancial ManagementOrganisational Behaviour
Auditing (Zimbabwe)Freight & Passenger TransPrinciples of Law (Zim)
Business PracticeGlobal & Inter logisticsPrinciples of logistics &Trans
CommunicationHuman Resources Mgt 1Public Relations1
Concepts of Mgt computingHuman Resources Mgt 2Public Relations2
Corporate LawHuman Resources Mgt 3Public Relations3
Corporate GovernanceIncome Tax (Zim)Purchasing Materials Mgt1
Corporate SecretaryshipLabour RelationsPurchasing Materials Mgt2
Corporate Social ResponsibilitylogisticsPurchasing Materials Mgt3
Cost & Mgt Accounting1 logisticsSupply chain MgtSecretarial OfficeTech 1
Cost & Mgt Accounting2logistics & Trans PlanningSecretarial OfficeTech 2
Cost & Mgt Accounting3Management1Secretarial OfficeTech 3
EconomicsManagement 2Shipping Forwarding &Trans
Employment lawManagement 3Strategic Management
EntrepreneurshipDevelopmentMarketing CommunicationStatistics
Financial ManagementMarketing Mgt 1Total Quality Mgt
Financial Accounting 1Marketing Mgt2Transformational leadership
Financial Accounting 2Marketing Mgt3Transport Costing Mgt
Financial Accounting 3Marketing ResearchWarehouse & Retail Logistic
STATE THE DIPLOMA YOU ARE DOING………………………………………………………………………………..
SECTION 3: DETAILS OF PAYMENTBANKCash Total amount $………………….
SECTION: STUDENT DECLARATIONI have familiarized myself with theI.A.C examination policy procedures as setout in the Prospectusand l agree to abide by the rules and regulations for the examination DATE……...... /…...... /……..... SIGNATURE……………………………………......
Note: An examination admission form will be mailed to all students whose entries have been accepted, giving the address of examination venue and the dates and times of the subjects for which you have been entered. This form will be posted to the address you have given on this form approximately two weeks before the examinations. If you have not received your admission form seven days before exam, please contact the office using the detailsoverleaf.