Airlie Primary School
May 2013
As always this is a busy term so we will give you much information as the diary allows now and do our best to keep you updated.
Spring at last seems to be arriving, the white stuff has finally left and the grass is going green and daffodils are coming through.
Health Group: this term the Health Group will be organising activities and events for Health Week. Health week this year is week starting June 3rd
Eco Group: The Eco Group are planning to create a small vegetable plot. They will be looking for keen volunteers to help with the preparation of the vegetable plot, this would involve digging and ground preparation. If any parents, grandparents or friends would be willing to help out please contact the school.
Literacy Group: Book week was a great success and the Literacy Group would like to thank everyone for donating and buying books. The total raised was approx £25.00 which will be put towards books for the library or for class topics. A selection of adult fiction and non-fiction books are available outside the office. Books are £1 each or you may swop for one of your own.
Pupil Council: The Pupil council have been collecting evidence of our school improvements and investigating the impact. See our display at the main entrance.
School Parking
Thank you to Parents who use the school car park and not driving into the staff parking area, a point raised in an earlier Newsletter. Please take care in the Car Park when parking or leaving, space is so limited and there have been one or two near misses with parents cars being bumped or scratched.
School Trip
The school trip this year will be to St Andrews. The cost will be £5 per child. We have arranged to visit the in the Aquarium in the morning and then to St Andrews Castle after lunch. A separate letter with more details will follow in due course once we have confirmed transport arrangements.
Swimming has started well with nearly everyone remembering their swimming things on the first day, well done. The swimming sessions will continue to be Mondays and Fridays. The last Monday swimming session will be 20th May. The sessions will then continue to be on Fridays only until the last session on June 21st
Fun Club
Kirsty Ramsay (Libby’s Mum) has restarted the Fun club for P1-3 on Thursdays after school until 4:15pm.
Julie Sutcliffe – (Euan, Ellie and Lewis’ Mum) has now kindly volunteered to set up an after school Multi Activitiy Club on Tuesdays for P4-7.
We are very grateful to both parents for giving up their time to run these clubs. Both clubs are supported by Gavin Forrester, Active Schools Co-ordinator, who is available to help out or stand in if required depending on his availability and commitments to other schools.
Isla Parishes Plant Sale 18th May
at Airlie Hall
10am – 12pm
This year it is has been suggested that a School Uniform Nearly New Rail be set up at the plant sale. Donations can be sent into school. Please can any clothes be clean and in good condition.
Forthcoming Events and Activities.
24th April – Home Link Jotters sent home. Returned to school by Monday 29th April
1st May – Safe Angus Event
The P6 pupils will be attending the Safe Angus event which is held at the Jock Neish centre at Tannadice. Letters went out to the P6 Parents this week.
3rd May – PC Bell in school to give the P6-7 pupils talk on Drugs
6th May – Holiday
9th May- Parent Council meeting 6:30pm at Airlie School
14th May – P3 Sports Festival 10am – 12:pm
17th May – School Trip
18th May – Isla Parishes Plant Sale at Airlie Hall
27th May In – service. Staff only in school.
28th May – P7 first induction day at Websters
3rd June – Health Week
4th June – Sports Day
15th June – Archery Festival P6-7 at Airlie
12th/13th June – P7 Induction Day
25th June – Nursery Graduation / Prize Giving
26th June – End of term Disco
27th June – End of term 12:00