Lloyds Banking Group Guide to Receiving Orders and Getting Paid

The purpose of this short guide is to:

·  Explain how Lloyds Banking Group uses Purchase Orders (POs) for goods and services.

·  Help you ensure payments can be made to you in a timely manner.

Purchase orders

Purchase Orders are issued to commission the supply of goods and services from suppliers. Each PO has a unique number. A sample PO is included towards the end of this guide for reference.

The use of POs ensures that orders you receive have been pre-authorised, and provides you with improved visibility of our business requirements, contractual terms and price. It also simplifies our approval, invoice, and payment processes by automatically matching Invoice to PO details.

Our preferred transmission method for POs is e-POs through our Supplier Hub and submission of e-invoices through the Ariba Network, but we may also send POs by email to a nominated supplier inbox for those suppliers who chose not to transact through Ariba.

PO Revisions

There may be occasions when we will amend the details of a Purchase Order and send you a revised order. If this happens, please take care that these amendments are not mistaken as new orders. Any duplicate deliveries would be at the supplier’s cost.


Sample invoices are included towards the end of this guide for reference. To ensure trouble free payment your invoice must include:

·  The LBG PO number (and PO line item number if applicable).

o  If you have not received a Purchase Order number, you must print the Control Centre code which has been provided by the requester prefixed by “CC”, for example, “CC123456”

·  The correct company name, e.g. Lloyds Bank plc, HBOS plc. You can identify this by the company logo on the purchase order.

·  Your vendor name and address.

·  The word Invoice (or if a credit, the words Credit Note).

·  A unique invoice number.

·  The invoice date.

·  The value and currency

o  To comply with HMRC guidelines, the invoice should show the VAT breakdown, i.e. the net value of goods and services, the rate and amount of VAT, and the gross (total) value of the invoice.

·  The VAT Registration Number

·  The description of goods and/or services supplied

·  Any unique reference number or information requested by your LBG business contact.

We create a scanned image of all paper invoices we receive, so it is important that the invoice is clearly typed and easy to read and not defaced with handwritten annotations. Ideally the invoice should be on white A4 paper and clearly printed. Highlighter pens should not be used.


1.  Invoices that do not bear a PO number or a Control Centre code cannot be processed and will be returned to you. You must ask the individual who requested the goods/service to supply this for you to put on your invoice.

2.  TSB invoices should not be submitted mixed with Lloyds/Halifax/BoS invoices

3.  Any change to details for your business (example –bank account change) should be submitted separately from invoices. These should be sent on letter headed paper to the Accounts Payable address below. It will not be possible to act on changes noted on the face of invoices, or emailed instructions.

Format for emailed invoices/credit notes

NOTE: If you send a digital invoice, do not send a paper version as well.

·  Required file format is PDF.

·  Invoices must be in a consistent orientation portrait/landscape so that the text is always displayed horizontally.

·  Only one invoice per PDF file is allowed.

·  Any supporting information to the invoice must be included within the same invoice PDF file (other document types are not supported).

·  One email can contain several PDF files, maximum 20 files per email. Email cannot be larger than 9MB

·  Invoice files compressed in zip format are not supported.

To avoid delays in payment

·  Ensure that all the information listed above has been included and is correct. This may seem obvious, but common reasons for invoice payment being delayed include:

o  VAT errors

§  Calculation/totalling

§  Missing VAT registration number

o  Address discrepancies between the PO and invoice

§  Please remember to advise us of any change to your company name or address, so we can ensure our records are updated. This needs to be submitted separately from invoices, by letter on headed paper. It will not be possible to act on changes noted on the face of invoices.

o  Missing/incorrect PO/line item/revision numbers

§  If you are providing a continuing service and have more than one PO number relating to specific dates of supply, please ensure that the PO number quoted on the invoice relates to the correct time period

§  If your invoice refers to more than one PO, please state clearly what amount is payable against each PO / line item number


·  Invoices, and any supporting information, should be sent to the Accounts Payable address (not the contact name on the PO, or other business contact).

·  You may also need to send supporting information to your LBG business contact (if this has been agreed with them). Your business contact may need this to approve the invoice for payment.

·  If you need to send us a copy invoice, it must be a “True and Certified” copy

o  by having the word ‘copy’ actually printed in the body of the invoice;

o  or by you, the supplier, having written the following statement on it, “I certify that this is a true and certified copy of the original invoice” and signed it.


Lloyds Banking Group’s standard payment method to suppliers is BACS.

If you have a query regarding an outstanding payment please contact Accounts Payable:

Email /
Telephone / 0845 8355648

If you have already submitted invoice(s) to the total value of the PO you received, i.e. the PO has already been fully invoiced, Accounts Payable will not be able to process any further invoices for that PO. Please do not continue to submit invoices; refer first to your business contact.

Example Purchase Order

(NB There are variations which may apply)

Sample Lloyds Banking Group Compliant Invoice

Internal Catalogue Vendor
Dummy Street, Dummy, BS1 1BS
Tel: 01223 666555
Lloyds Banking Group / Invoice No: / ABC12345
Accounts Payable / Invoice Date: / DD/MM/YYYY
BX1 1LT / Our Ref: / LTSBINV0023
Your Ref: / ATM2009
PO No: / 7000016396
Description / £
Line 1 – ATM Machines
Partner Code RRPB / 10 @ £150.00 / £1,500.00
Line 2 – Delivery charge / 1 @ £25.00 / £25.00
Line 3 – Installation / 10 @ £18.00 / £180.00
In the event of queries, please contact A.N. Other, ext 12345
Net Total / £1,705.00
VAT @ 15.00% / £255.75
Invoice Total / £1,960.75
VAT REG No: GB 123 4567 89
Internal Catalogue Vendor (an ABC Inc. company)
Company Registered in England & Wales No: 12345678
Registered Office: 1 The Street, London W1A 2DD

All paper invoices/credit notes* to: All PDF invoice/credit notes* to :


Accounts Payable


* Exceptions:

·  Group Property Orders – If you receive Purchase Orders starting with “1xxxx” or are directed to invoice to , then theseorders /payments will continue unaffected.

·  Council – If you are a council invoicing business rates please do not amend the current invoicing address.

·  E-Billing and AP Batch – For suppliers that also transact using the Lloyds Banking Group e-billing and AP Batch processes for invoice payment, then these files should continue to be sent to be same addresses

·  LEX Autolease orders/invoicing remains unaffected and should continue as per current process

·  General Insurance claims orders/invoicing remains unaffected and should continue as per current process

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