3:00-4:35, McGowan 1059

Senators present: Phil Jenkins, Tom Kent, Bill Conlogue, Alex Vari, Agnes Cardoni, Sr. Mary Ann Zimmer, Shelby Yeager, Lori Swanchak, Anita Gadberry, Linda Partridge, Sue Jenkins, Annette Fisher, Frank DeMatteo, Kerri Tobin, Jennifer Barna

Excused: Alex Dawoody, Rick Hoffenberg, Stephanie Wise

Others present: Pat Seffrin, Brian Monahan, Amanda Metro, Andrea Novak, Marla Kavatch, Charles Truitt, Bruce Wisenburn, Maria Montoro Edwards

Minutes submitted by: Linda Partridge, Frank DeMatteo, Agnes Cardoni

REVIEW OF MINUTES FROM MAY 8, 2013 MEETING / Correction in spelling Kerri Tobin’s name / Minutes approved with correction
REVIEW OF MINUTES FROM SEPTEMBER 20, 2013 MEETING / Addition of senators present: Alex Vari, Tom Kent / Minutes approved with correction
FACULTY SENATE REPRESENTATIVE TO UNIVERSITY BENEFITS COMMITTEE / Bill Conlogue as, as a tenured senator, accepted nomination; write-ins also solicited. Paper ballots were distributed. / Bill Conlogue was elected unanimously to the University Benefits Committee.
INSTRUCTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS COMMITTEE / Instructional Effectiveness Committee. Bruce Wisenburn presented a revised mission statement for the Instructional Effectiveness Committee and requested its Senate endorsement as a permanent university committee. Questions were raised whether meetings are open (they are, to all faculty); its relation with the Process Education Committee (there is dialogue between the two); and its connection, if any, with the student evaluation committee (their topics differ, and Instructional Effectiveness is concerned with teaching improvements and initiatives like classroom visits). Minor changes to the mission statement were recommended. / The mission statement was amended to clarify that meetings are open to all faculty and that the meeting schedule include the wording “as needed.” The Senate voted unanimously to endorse the Instructional Effectiveness Committee in its intent to become a standing university committee.
POLICIES ON RESEARCH RECORDS: SHARING, RETENTION, AND OWNERSHIP; AND SUBVENTION FEES / Maria Montoro Edwards gave an overview of these two policies and asked for a team of faculty to work with her on fine-tuning the drafts. The subvention fee policy relates to the university’s financial support of faculty publications. There was discussion on royalties and the possibility of repaying the university; on fees required by open-access journals; and on the question of vanity presses and e-mail solicitations to publish. Criteria need to be established for requesting fees and support, as currently there is no central method or policy in place. The policy on Research Records addresses the disposition of research files if a faculty researcher leaves the institution, and Maria is currently left to house and destroy research records when appropriate time elapses. / Mike Mirabito had agreed to work on the policies prior to the meeting, as had Ed O’Brien; at the meeting, senators Kerri Tobin and Mary Ann Zimmer also volunteered for the team.
Chairs Committee / Phil Jenkins announced the formation of a new committee comprised of all chairs and directors. The committee is still determining their mission, but their intent is to serve as a voice between the deans and faculty. Phil will report back at the next Senate meeting on the question of whether meetings are open to all faculty. / No formal action needed
University Bookstore / The problematic nature of the university bookstore was raised by a number of senators who itemized specific instances where its practices impact teaching. Issues include overpricing; students paying for books that remain undelivered for weeks; untimely book deliveries; under-ordering stock; attempts to talk faculty into specific editions, or personnel won’t order editions requested; art supplies are “awful,” and personnel won’t order supplies deemed necessary by faculty; and the faculty publication shelf is obscured. A question also arose whether or not we are aware of the labor practices of the manufacturers supplying university clothing and gear. Senators are not aware of the nature of the university’s contract with the bookstore. / It was determined that we need to gather information: senators should solicit input from faculty constituents; Linda Partridge will be in touch with Dr. Amy Paciej-Woodruff, Dean of Students, to ascertain whether students feel poorly served; and Joseph Garvey, Vice President for Business Affairs and Treasurer, is the contact for answering questions and hearing complaints.
Student Meal Pricing / It was noted that students’ increased meal costs this year far surpass prices at nearby universities. It was noted that there is a lack of competition from nearby restaurants or local businesses. / Tom Kent is in touch with student government, deans, and the administration on the issue and will keep the Senate apprised.
Learning Commons / Concern was expressed at the perceived lack of communication and dialogue with faculty on the designs and plans for the Learning Commons. / No action taken
ADJOURNMENT / Meeting adjourned at 4:35