College of Public Programs
School of Social Work
Student Feedback of Field Experience
Please circle the responses that best describe your field experience using the scales provided.
1.My field agency … / Strongly Disagree / Disagree / Agree / Strongly Agree- provided a work environment that accepted and supported my field placement.
- provided adequate resources for good learning (space, supplies, telephone, access to agency records).
- provided orientation to the agency’s mission, philosophy and goals.
- provided orientation to my assigned unit or department
- reflected the values of social work.
- provided my field instructor adequate release time for my field instruction.
2.My field instructor …
- facilitated an open learning environment.
- introduced me to agency staff.
- took the time to inquire about my learning needs and learning style.
- encouraged and listened to student feedback.
- was accessible for discussion, questions, etc.
- allotted sufficient time for supervision and honored scheduled meetings: 1 hour per week.
- kept me sufficiently informed of case(s), agency policy and procedures.
- informed me of expectations regarding my performance.
- demonstrated good professional social work knowledge.
- assisted me in becoming part of the agency culture/team.
- provided adequate training in order for me to carry out assignments.
- honored my role as a student and supported the completion of my learning contract.
- provided diverse and challenging assignments.
- assigned tasks appropriate for my level of practice.
- was effective in providing training on the NASW Code of Ethics.
- was effective in providing information on cultural competency issues.
- was fair in his or her evaluation of my field performance.
- maintained professional boundaries (avoided dual relationships).
- was effective as a supervisor.
3.Student Self-Rating: Overall, I developed my capacity for professional social work at this placement. / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
4.Overall field experience: / Poor / Fair / Good / Excellent
Overall, how would you rate your field experience at this agency? / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
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5.Would you recommend this agency to another social work intern? / Yes / No
6. Describe your field instructor’s supervision style.
7. Were the following methods used in supervision?
- Face-to-face 1:1 supervision
- Self-report by student regarding specific learning activities
- Direct observation by field instructor of specific skill development
- Co-facilitation with other field or task instructors
- Process recording or journaling
- Group supervision
- Critical incident debriefing
- Online / e-mail communication
- Telephonic communication
8.My field liaison … / Strongly Disagree / Disagree / Agree / Strongly Agree
- explained his or her role and responsibilities as a field liaison.
- provided me with his or her contact information.
- was accessible when I requested consultation or assistance.
- was knowledgeable about how to prepare a learning contract.
- was knowledgeable about the student field evaluation process.
- provided my field instructor and me with information/clarification on ASU’s field policies.
- was fair in his or her intervention and mediation when there were issues between my field instructor and me. N/A
- was an effective field liaison.
- Comments: No comment
9. Should other students be placed here? / Yes / No
10.A copy of this evaluation may be released to my field supervisor. / Yes / No
Student’s Signature: ______Date: ___ / ___ / ___
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Revised 04/21/10
I:\Evaluation Forms\Student Feedback of Field Experience