Appendix I



April 2004

Property/Building or Site Managers must not allow any property work without first contacting the South Tyneside Council Asbestos Surveyors within Asset Management & Procurement Service (0191 424 7239) or Neighbourhood Services Specialist Services Team (0192 427 2618)




2Roles & Responsibilities

3Asbestos Removal/Repair & Clearance

4Procedure for an Asbestos Incident

6Cyclical & Response Maintenance Works

7Planned Maintenance & Project Works


Appendix 1Asbestos Incident Flowchart

Appendix 2Asbestos Incident Report Form (AS1)

Appendix 3Cyclical/Response Works Flowchart

Appendix 4Planned/Project Works Flowchart

Appendix 5Property Asbestos Information

Appendix 6Contractor Sign-off Form

Asbestos Management

  1. Introduction

New asbestos regulation requirements will be implemented from the 21st May 2004

The broad requirements on employers are to:

• Take reasonable steps to determine the location of materials likely to

contain asbestos:

• Presume materials to contain asbestos, unless there are good reasons not to do so:

• Make and maintain a written record of the location of the asbestos and presumed asbestos materials:

• Monitor the condition of asbestos and presumed asbestos materials:

• Assess the risk of exposure form the asbestos and presumed asbestos materials and document the actions necessary to manage the risk; and

• Take steps to see that the actions above are carried out.

To manage the risk from asbestos-containing materials you will need to:

• Keep and maintain an up-to-date record of the location, condition,

maintenance, and removal of all asbestos-containing material on the


• Repair, seal or remove, if there is a risk of exposure due to its condition or location:

• Maintain it in a good state of repair and regularly monitor the condition:

• Inform anyone who is likely to disturb it about the location and condition of the material:

• Have arrangements and procedures in place, so that work which may

disturb the material complies with CAWR; and

• Review the plan at regular intervals and make changes to the plan and arrangement if circumstances change.



This Management Plan has been prepared to ensure that the Council complies with its asbestos management obligations under The Control of Asbestos At Work Regulations 2002 and the arrangements for the management of Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM’s) as contained in the Corporate Health & Safety Policy. It is intended that this plan will provide advice, information, and specialist support to building managers, supervisors and head teachers to ensure they comply with the regulations.

2Roles and Responsibilities

Property/Building/Site Manager and Head Teacher is responsible for:

2.1Property/Building or Site Managers MUST NOT allow ANY work or activity of any kind that will result in the damage or disturbance of ANY known or suspected ACM.

MUSTensure that all contractors attending to undertake work within the property read this property asbestos management plan and complete the form – Appendix 6

MUST NOT allow ANY property work without first contacting the South Tyneside Council Asbestos Surveyor within Asset Management & Procurement Department (0191 424 7239) or Neighbourhood Services Specialist Services Team (0192 427 2618) or if outside of normal working hours the 24 hour Security Team on 0191 427 2090 or 0191 455 6111

2.2Report any damage or deterioration of any known or suspected ACM to the Asset Management and Procurement Department.

2.3.1Managers must note that Asbestos survey information may not have fully identified all ACM’s within the property.

2.4Refer to Appendix 5 of this document for current property asbestos information.

2.5.1Are responsible for the ACM’s on or within the property and the implementation of the Councils arrangements for the management ACM’s as contained in the Corporate Safety Policy and relevant Management Plan.

2.6Will ensure the reporting of Asbestos Incidents via the Asbestos Reporting Procedure – AS1 (Appendix 2).

The Asbestos Surveyor Asset Management & Procurement Service is to be responsible for:

2.7 Overall responsibility for developing the Councils Management Plan.

2.8Ensuring the free flow of asbestos survey information to managers, tenants, staff, contract administrators, planning supervisors, and members of the public where appropriate.

2.9 Ensuring that asbestos surveys are undertaken and all survey information is captured and an asbestos database is managed and updated.

2.10 Ensuring that risk assessments and plans of work are completed.

2.11Managing budgets that can be used for surveys, emergency, revenue and capital works relating to ACM’s where instructed.

2.12Request procurement for the appointment of approved licensed asbestos removal contractors. Ensuring that asbestos works are carried out in a safe and controlled manner.

2.13Procurement/appointment of UKAS accredited environmental analyst to carry out asbestos surveys, air monitoring and bulk sample identification.

2.14Liaison with Contract Administrator and/ or planning supervisor (CDM) in relation to asbestos works being carried out as part of larger property projects.

2.15Ensuring adequate asbestos survey information is available prior to maintenance, refurbishment and demolition works, and that surveys are undertaken in accordance with HSE guidance MDHS100.

2.16 Responding to asbestos incidents in accordance with procedure.

2.17 Requesting asbestos works services to be undertaken or managed by colleagues in other teams/departments and contractors.

2.18The Department will commission a rolling program of asbestos surveys to comply with the requirements of the legislation, best practice and Council adopted policy.

2.19Properties that have not been surveyed will be linked to surveyed properties in order to identify likely asbestos containing materials prior to any responsive maintenance works.

2.20Surveys will be carried out in accordance with HSE guidance note MDHS100.

A Type 2 survey (non-intrusive) will be commissioned for general survey and inspection. A Type 3 survey (intrusive) will be commissioned where structural alteration is required.

2.21A survey of all new premises will be commissioned as part of standard accommodation procurement procedures where no relevant information can be provided by the vendor. Costs associated should be the responsibility of the vendor.

2.22Asbestos survey information for any estate being disposed of will be provided to the purchaser as part of the sale.

2.23Asbestos records will be held in a database, this will be made available in ‘read only’ format upon shared access drives upon the Council IT system.

The database includes risk assessment and management plan modules.

The Council’s H&S Team is responsible for:

2.24Review the Councils arrangements for the management of ACM’s as contained in the Corporate Health & Safety Policy and the provision of support and technical advice.

2.25Monitoring and auditing of Council asbestos policy and management plan.

2.26Monitoring and auditing of consultants and contractors to ensure compliance with legislation, HSE Guidance and Council policy.

2.27The resourcing of suitable training of Council managers involved in property management, control of contractors, and directly employed maintenance staff.

2.28Assisting Asset Management in the execution of their duties and responsibilities.

Asbestos Removal Contractor will be responsible for:

2.29 The discharge of their duties in full compliance with statutory obligations, official codes of practice and the Councils Asbestos Management Plan while engaged upon Council controlled property.

Environmental Analysts – Surveys and Monitoring Services will be responsible for:

2.30 The discharge of their duties in full compliance with statutory obligations, official codes of practice and the Councils Asbestos Management Plan while engaged upon Council controlled property.

Project: Architect & Designers

2.31Must consider Asbestos Containing Materials in project design and specification.

2.32Must obtain any asbestos reports or information particular to the project and afford design and specification accordingly.

Neighbourhood Services: Specialist Services Team

2.33 Provision of Asbestos information and support assistance.

2.33.1Dissemination of asbestos information to the Neighbourhood Services Directorate and operational teams.

2.33.2Provide Emergency Response

2.33.3Provide updated ACM information to Asset Management and Procurement where new ACM’s are identified or changes have effected recorded ACM’s.

3Asbestos Removal/Repair & Clearance

Asbestos Removal Works

Asbestos removal works may result from an asbestos incident or to enable; capital investment, responsive repairs or planned maintenance works.

Contractors who possess a current and relevant license issued by the HSE will under take all asbestos removal work and repair of Amphibole asbestos containing materials. Works will strictly comply with all relevant legislation and HSE guidance.

Supervision and Monitoring by Environmental/Analytical Consultant

The environmental analyst will normally be required to undertake full technical supervision and monitoring of asbestos removal works.

The analyst may be contracted to ensure that the removal contractor adheres to all relevant legislation, guidance and Council procedure. The analyst will liaise with the contract administrator and all other contractors on site as instructed.

Clearance - An area will not be considered suitable for re occupation or normal until the environmental analyst has provided written assurance that all necessary clearance procedures have been satisfactorily completed.

4 Procedure for an Asbestos Incident

This procedure is illustrated on the flowchart in Appendix 1 – Asbestos Incident Procedure. The Council Asbestos Incident Report Procedure – AS 1 must also be observed (see Appendix 2).

If material known or suspected of containing asbestos, is damaged then the area must be immediately vacated. The windows should be closed and the door locked where possible.

Seek assistance – contact Asbestos Surveyor (Asset Management), Specialist Services Team (Neighbourhood Services) or

The relevant Property Manager or Head of Service must be informed.

The asbestos records will be checked to identify the material.

Where asbestos is identified or the information is inadequate, the Asbestos Surveyor shall engage an environmental analyst to undertake a survey and risk assessment of the area, to include bulk samples and reassurance air tests.

If the material is found to be non-asbestos, the area will be reopened.

Should the material be found to contain asbestos, to correct the situation; a scope of work must be agreed with the appointed environmental analyst, an asbestos removal contractor and Asset Management contract administrator, to repair or remove the material as soon as possible.

The asbestos removal contractor and environmental analyst should be appointed. The removal contractor will submit notification to the HSE where appropriate.

The area will remain closed until the asbestos works are complete and the environmental analyst has issued the relevant clearance certificates.

It may be necessary to programme further asbestos removal works.

All details of an incident must be recorded on an asbestos incident report form, which must be completed on site and returned to the Property Manager or Department Head with a copy being retained by Asset Management.

This will also enable the asbestos records to be updated.

5 Cyclical & Response Maintenance Works

All maintenance and contracting works are required to be undertaken safely and without any unplanned/uncontrolled disturbing Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM’s).

The ‘ordering officer’ must ensure that no ACM will be disturbed both directly and indirectly as a consequence of the work by investigating the asbestos record for the property.

If ACM(s) are to be affected the ordering officer must refer the work to the Asbestos Surveyor/Specialist Services team for further information or specialist contracting.

The work may be ordered or proceed only when the ordering officer is satisfied that no ACM’s will be affected or it is being undertaken by Licensed Asbestos Contractors.

Refer to Appendix 3 – Flowchart.

6 Planned Maintenance & Project Works

All planned maintenance or project (Capital) works are required to be undertaken safely and without any unplanned/uncontrolled disturbing Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM’s).

Those having management responsibilities including ‘project management teams’ must undertake suitable asbestos investigations in advance to inform the ‘scope of works’, particular specifications and controls, and assist in suitable contractor selection.

Relevant asbestos information must be provided to main contractors and by them to any sub-contractors involved.

Where required a project specific Type 3 Asbestos Survey will be commissioned by the Asbestos Surveyor, this will be provided and used to inform the project.

The Project Manager will use the information to prepare relevant specifications for works and selection and appointment of contractors.

An independent UKAS Analytical Consultancy will be appointed to undertake supervision of any relevant licensed asbestos contracting works and issue certificates of compliance, clearance – fibre counting in air, and completion before the main contracting/project works can begin.

The Project Manager will inform the Asbestos Surveyor of any asbestos works undertaken in order to update the relevant property records.

Refer to Appendix 4 - Flowchart

7Identification Labels

Asbestos containing materials in non-domestic locations are to be identified by a standard label following survey report production.

Label Example

APPENDIX 1 Asbestos Incident Procedure


This procedure is to be actioned in the event of a release or exposure to suspected asbestos as a result of work activities.

  1. The employee must immediately inform their supervisor of their suspected exposure.
  1. The supervisor/manager will then arrange for the area to be segregated and the suspect asbestos containing material tested by contacting the Housing & Construction Related Service Specialist Service Section using the appropriate pro forma’s.
  1. The supervisor/manager must then telephone the Corporate Health & Safety Team and receive an asbestos incident number, they will then enter into the box located in the top right hand corner of the Asbestos incident report form.
  1. The employee must then complete the front page of the asbestos incident report form and sign and date it.
  1. The supervisor/manager must then complete the rear of the asbestos incident report form up to the section to be completed by the Corporate Health & Safety Team.
  1. The supervisor/manager must then forward the asbestos incident report form to the Corporate Health & Safety Team.
  1. The Corporate Health & Safety Team will then consider the information detailed on the asbestos report form and comment if deemed necessary.
  1. The Corporate Health & Safety Team will then copy the Asbestos Incident Report form and file it in the asbestos incident file, returning the original copy to the Housing & Construction Related Services Admin Section where it will be entered into the employees’ personal file. The admin section will also copy the completed asbestos incident form and forward the copies to the Insurance section, the appropriate Trade Union representative, the person involved in the incident and the appropriate senior manager.





Property/Building or Site Managers MUST NOT allow ANY work or activity that will result in the damage or disturbance of ANY known or suspected Asbestos Containing Material.

Managers and staff MUST report any damage or deterioration of any known or suspected Asbestos Containing Material.

Managers must seek support or advice where asbestos issues are likely to arise.

Support and Advice will be provided by: South Tyneside Council Asbestos Surveyors within the Asset Management Department (0191 424 7239). Neighbourhood Services Specialist Services Team (0192 427 2618) or 24 hour Number(s) 0191 427 2090 or 0191 455 6111 (Security Team)

Property/Building or Site managers are responsible for the ACM’s on or within the property and the implementation of STC Asbestos Policy and relevant Management Plan.

The Manager will ensure the reporting of Asbestos Incidents via the Asbestos Reporting Procedure (AS1)


Appendix 6



Date / Company Name / I confirm that I have read the property Asbestos Management Plan and we will not interfere with or damage any asbestos containing material: SIGNED:



Incident ref No


This section is to be completed by the person involved in the incident, complete all boxes

Part 1

Mr/Mrs/Ms______Surname ______Christian Names ______
Address ______
Occupation: / Payroll No: / Department:

When and where did the incident occur? (please complete all of the boxes below):

Time: am/pm / Location: (be specific)

When and who did you report the incident to? (Please complete all the boxes below).

Date reported? / Time reported?
am/pm / To whom reported?

What type of work were you doing? (Please give as much detail as possible of how asbestos exposure occurred)

Were you wearing any protective equipment? e.g. Dust mask, respiratory equipment, overalls, protective gloves etc; (please list below).

What information did you receive prior to commencement of the work regarding the presence of any asbestos in the work area? (Please state below).


I hereby declare that the statements and particulars contained in my report (part 1) are true, to the best of my knowledge, and that no material information within my knowledge has been withheld.

Signature: / Date:

To be completed by the immediate manager or responsible person, of the employee involved in the incident (please complete all of the boxes below)


Do you agree with the details provided by the employee overleaf, if no please explain why not in the box provided below.


Have the materials in question ever been analysed for the presence of asbestos? If yes please provide the details:

Name and address of analyser? /

When was the analysis done?

/ What was the result of the analysis?

If the materials in question have not been analysed please arrange for the materials to be immediately sampled and complete the boxes below once the results of analysis have been returned.

Location of and type of material sent for analysis?
Type of material: / When was the sample taken for analysis and by whom
Name: /

Results of analysis

Negative / Positive
Percentage: (if any)
Type: (if any)
Result of Air Test: Positive/Negative (delete as necessary) / Date of Air Test:
Time: am/pm
Action taken following the incident:
Name: / Designation:
Signature: / Date:

This section is to be completed by the Corporate Health & Safety Team (if applicable).

Signature: / Date:

Administration requirements