European Human Genetics Conference 2013
June 8-11 - Paris, France
Invitation to ParisDear colleagues,
Dear Colleagues, Dear Friends, For the third time in the 46 years of existence of the ESHG, in June 2013, the European Human Genetics Conference will return to Paris.
On behalf of the French and the European Societies of Human Genetics I am honoured to invite you to join us in our city of lights. The history of Paris dates back to more than 2000 years ago when it was a small village on the islands of the river Seine. The river is indeed the mother of Paris and Parisians, and has witnessed their glorious history and culture. Paris, now a city of world importance as the historical, political, intellectual and artistic centre of France, also has long-standing scientific and educational traditions. This is why Paris is proud to host a conference that, I am confident, will continue in the successful series of excellent ESHG meetings covering the latest developments in the field of human genetics.
Since we are witnessing an unprecedented time of technological and scientific evolutions, I am sure that the sessions and symposia will be filled with exciting and up-to-date talks, educational lectures and distinguished speakers, hopefully making the conference a success from both the scientific as well as the social points of view.
I sincerely hope that you will seize the opportunity to have a memorable visit to Paris for a meeting that we wish to be of interest for both clinicians and research scientists, and I look forward to seeing you in June 2013.
With my best regards, season's greetings… et toutemonamitié !
President of the ESHG
ESHG Scientific Programme
Dear Colleagues,
The Scientific Programme Committee has again endeavoured to set up an exciting programme at the cutting-edge of current human genetics research.
The programme includes Plenary Sessions, Concurrent Symposia, Concurrent Sessions from submitted abstracts, Workshops, Educational Sessions (more education-focussed, broader-view-type of sessions, scheduled throughout the meeting in parallel to the Symposia) and Poster Sessions with ample viewing time.
With best regards and season's greetings,
Brunhilde Wirth
Chair of the ESHG Scientific Programme Committe / Plenary Lectures include:
P1 Opening Plenary Session (E. Heard, A. Prochiantz, J.L. Casanova)
P2 What's New? (from submitted abstracts)
P3 Large Scale Cohorts Studies to Identify Novel Highly Penetrant Genetic Disease Causing Variants (M. Hurles, N. Katsanis, J. Kaye)
P4 Mendel Lecture (HoudaZoghbi)
P5 ESHG Award Lecture (Felix Mitelman)
Concurrent Symposia include:
S01. Chromatin organisation and gene expression (Y. Gilad, A. Reymond, M. Snyder)
S02. From genes to treatment in multifactorial diseases (A.G. Uitterlinden, S. Vermeire, R. Graham)
S03. Gene regulation in cancer (P. Peltomäki, J.P. Issa , N. Rahman)
S04. Emerging topics in neurobiology (C. Gross, D. Cleveland, M. Coleman)
S05. Interpreting NGS data (M. Daly, L. Vissers, Y. Moreau)
S06. Cancer genetics (I. Tomlinson, J. TabordaBarata, C. Swanton)
S07. Genetics of skin diseases and new therapies (D. Roop, A, Hovnanian, M. del Rio,)
S08. Evolution of organs (L. Quintana-Murci, A. McLysaght, D. Arendt)
S09. New therapeutic highlights in rare diseases (A. Fischer, A. Krainer, C. Klein)
S10. Reproductive genetics and newborn screening (S. Quake, D. Wells, B. Wilcken)
S11. Animal Models for Human Diseases (Y Hérault, T. Hoppe, B. Hassan)
S12. Judging our genes (M. Levitt, A. Santosuosso, A. Read)
S13. Stem cells and IPS cells in genetic diseases (O. Brüstle, C. Martinat, L. Valor)
S14. The interrelated world of drugs and genes (A. Daly, J. McCluskey, L. Fugger)
S15. The expanding world of the primary cilia (T. Attie, T. Benzing, M. Nachury)
S16. Chromosomal (in)stability (M. O’Driscoll, C. Morton, J. Dumanski)
Details on the programme can be found at
Abstracts can be submitted only online via the website
Deadline for submission: Friday February 15, 2013, 24.00 hrs Central European Time
All available information can be found on the regularly updated website
European Human Genetics Conference 2013:
ESHG Conference Flashletter by the European Society of Human Genetics 6/2012 - All rights reserved
Conference Organisation & Abstract Management: ESHG 2013 c/o Vienna Medical Academy, Alserstrasse 4,1090 Vienna, Austria. T: +43 1 405 13 83 16, F: +43 1 407 82 74, E:
Exhibition, Sponsoring and Commercial Satellites: Rose International, P.O. Box 93260, NL-2509 AG The Hague, The Netherlands. T: +31 70 383 8901, F: +31 70 381 8936, E: