WHYSC Board Meeting 1/18/17

Meeting started at 6:00pm

Present were Heather Milton, Kenina Espina, Heber Espina, Kristina Wetterauer, Cherie Reeves, and Kristina Spoor.

Kristina Wetterauer explains she wishes to resign her position of Vice President for personal reasons.

Vice President position is now available on the board.

Kristina give the Fall season report and reported updates from Taz (Greg Hinz).

Her most difficult problem was dealing with referee’s not showing up for the games.

She was in touch with Taz frequently during fall season.

Taz brought up he was not paid for fall season refereeing he did, although if he was to be paid for it, he would prefer the money to be put into a fund for kids who can’t afford to pay for the registration fee.

Taz had contacted Stacie Stuck to see about him taking over refereeing a game, and Stacie said that he is not interested in refereeing anymore.

Taz said he is willing to continue field maintenance this year if it is needed.

Kristina says she had trouble getting a hold of Alfie from GHFYSA in regards to finding fall referees.

Taz says this has been the smoothest and most relaxing year in a while and he really appreciated it.

During fall Taz refereed for U12 and U15 teams and did well about not having favorites within the teams.

Kristina says her husband Travis is willing to assist us airing up soccer balls again this season, however a Saturday will work best for him as last season was too rushed. Kristina said that she would still be more than willing to help out, just she can’t hold a formal position at this time.

Cherie says her husband, Travis, is willing to take over the Field Maintenance position to keep things running smoother with maintenance. Heather says she’ll talk to Taz to see about the position.

Treasurer Report from Kenina– review from 2016

1st meeting in 2016 $15,230

Now $13,877

June $20,437

August $18,219


-$1,108 covers up to 220 kids

-$350 General liability for the board

$4,005 SCORE order for Summer uniforms

$1,135 SCORE order for Summer equipment

$2,139 SCORE order for Fall uniforms and equipment

Summer referee’s $591

Cherie updates a few more numbers

Teamsideline yearly fee $500

Porta Pottys $95 each per month

Background checks $5 each. Ran 43 background checks in 2016

Two board positions open – Vice President and Registrar

Kristina Spoor is here to take over a position and join the board and says she’d like the registrar position.

Heater nominates Kristina for the Registrar position, Kenina second’s the motion. All board members vote for it and Kristina is now a board member.

Talking over registration and waiting list

Board was talking over no refunds for players once they are paid with a medical exception. Current practice was no refunds after player participates in a practice or a game.

Heather addresses the board regarding Taz and how the previous board may have tainted our opinions of him. She encourages the board to give him a fresh start and to not let their opinions taint our opinion of Taz. Taz knows the game well and is very passionate about the players and seeing them learn and have fun. He’s a great coach and wants every kid to be able to play. Heber agrees that Taz is a good guy and is involved for the kids.

Heather says we need to get the Fall equipment put away – the goals, the nets, and the backdrop.

We need to get the shed inventoried and gone through before summer season.

Board will meet at the shed to inventory it on Saturday, January 28th at 10am.

Board discussed scholarships and if we need to put a limit on how many we will pay out each year. 2 scholarships were given out to families last year. The board decided we will not put a limit on scholarships at this time. We do not forsee having too many to handle at this point in time.

Heather informed the board that we had an issue with an older player last fall season who was 18 and texting a 13 year old player on the team saying she was ‘cute’ and things like that. The mom addressed the situation and handled it, but informed Heather of the situation. This was just brought up to make the board aware of the situation and for the future to not have such a large age span on the same team.

Board talked about referee’s and Heather says she will be getting certified this year. Kristina Spoor says she would be interested in becoming certified also. Heber suggested the entire board is certified so the board has more knowledge of the soccer rules and every member can take over refereeing if needed.

Next meeting will be February 15th at 6pm at CrossRoads church.

The board discussed summer season and if we wanted to keep 13 as the oldest age allowed to participate. The board discussed ages and decided that we would bump up the age to 14, making the oldest age bracket U14 instead of U13 as in the past.

Meeting adjourned at 7:45pm