eTable 1 Study Information and Effect Sizes of Coded Studies
Reference / QoL Measure / QoL Category / Psychosocial Variable / Psychosocial Measure / Psychosocial Category / Sample Size / Effect SizeArenas, M. D., Alvarez-Ude, F., Reig-Ferrer, A., Zito, J. P., Gil, M. T., Carreton, M. A., et al. (2007) / COOP-WONCA Charts / HRQoL / Depression / Beck Depression Inventory / A / 75 / -0.64
COOP-WONCA Charts / HRQoL / Depression / Hamilton Scale of Depression / A / 75 / -0.75
COOP-WONCA Charts / HRQoL / Anxiety / Hamilton Scale of Anxiety / A / 75 / -0.52
Berman, E., Merz, J. F., Rudnick, M., Snyder, R. W., Rogers, K. K., Lee, J., et al. (2004) / Satisfaction with Life Scale / GW / Depression / Beck Depression Inventory / A / 74 / -0.41
Satisfaction with Life Scale / GW / Spirituality/Religion / Hoge Intrinsic Religiosity Scale / PA / 74 / 0.36
Satisfaction with Life Scale / GW / Health care satisfaction+ / Researcher's Developed Scale / n/a / 74 / 0.24
Bilgic, A., Akgul, A., Sezer, S., Arat, Z., Ozdemir, F. N., & Haberal, M. (2007) / SF 36 - PCS / HRQoL / Depression / Beck Depression Inventory / A / 67 / -0.34
SF 36 - MCS / HRQoL / Depression / Beck Depression Inventory / A / 67 / -0.39
SF 36 - Total / HRQoL / Depression / Beck Depression Inventory / A / 67 / -0.39
Bilgic, A., Akman, B., Sezer, S., Ozisik, L., Arat, Z., Ozdemir, F. N., et al. (2008) / SF 36 - Total / HRQoL / Depression / Beck Depression Inventory / A / 60 / -0.65
Billington, E., Simpson, J., Unwin, J., Bray, D., Giles, D., Billington, E., et al. (2008) / SF 36 - PCS / HRQoL / Hope / Trait Hope Scale / PA / 97 / 0.20
SF 36 - PCS / HRQoL / Subjective social support – Emotional / Significant Others Scale / SS / 97 / 0.04
SF 36 - PCS / HRQoL / Subjective social support – Physical / Significant Others Scale / SS / 97 / 0.09
SF 36 - PCS / HRQoL / Locus of control (internal) / Multidimensional Health Locus of Control Scale / CA / 97 / 0.17
SF 36 - PCS / HRQoL / Locus of control (chance) / Multidimensional Health Locus of Control Scale / CA / 97 / 0.12
SF 36 - PCS / HRQoL / Locus of control / Multidimensional Health Locus of Control Scale / CA / 97 / 0.02
SF 36 - PCS / HRQoL / Locus of control (external/powerful others) / Multidimensional Health Locus of Control Scale / CA / 97 / -0.17
SF 36 - MCS / HRQoL / Hope / Trait Hope Scale / PA / 97 / 0.41
SF 36 - MCS / HRQoL / Subjective social support- Emotional / Significant Others Scale / SS / 97 / 0.17
SF 36 - MCS / HRQoL / Subjective social support- Physical / Significant Others Scale / SS / 97 / 0.19
SF 36 - MCS / HRQoL / Locus of control (internal) / Multidimensional Health Locus of Control Scale / CA / 97 / 0.19
SF 36 - MCS / HRQoL / Locus of control (chance) / Multidimensional Health Locus of Control Scale / CA / 97 / -0.16
SF 36 - MCS / HRQoL / Locus of control / Multidimensional Health Locus of Control Scale / CA / 97 / 0.22
SF 36 - MCS / HRQoL / Locus of control (external/powerful others) / Multidimensional Health Locus of Control Scale / CA / 97 / 0.04
Covic, A., Seica, A., Gusbeth-Tatomir, P., Gavrilovici, O., & Goldsmith, D. J. A. (2004) / SF 36 - PCS / HRQoL / Illness representation - coherence / Illness Perception Questionnaire / CA / 82 / 0.09*
SF 36 - PCS / HRQoL / Illness representation - emotional responses / Illness Perception Questionnaire / CA / 82 / -0.43
SF 36 - PCS / HRQoL / Illness representation - personal control / Illness Perception Questionnaire / CA / 82 / 0.09*
SF 36 - PCS / HRQoL / Illness representation - timeline / Illness Perception Questionnaire / CA / 82 / 0.40
SF 36 - MCS / HRQoL / Illness representation - coherence / Illness Perception Questionnaire / CA / 82 / 0.42
SF 36 - MCS / HRQoL / Illness representation - emotional responses / Illness Perception Questionnaire / CA / 82 / -0.41
SF 36 - MCS / HRQoL / Illness representation - personal control / Illness Perception Questionnaire / CA / 82 / 0.37
SF 36 - MCS / HRQoL / Illness representation - timeline / Illness Perception Questionnaire / CA / 82 / 0.09*
Cristovao, F. (1999) / Researcher's Developed Scale / HRQoL / Coping - problem - oriented / Researcher's Developed Scale / CP / 75 / 0.35
Researcher's Developed Scale / HRQoL / Coping - emotional - oriented / Researcher's Developed Scale / CP / 75 / 0.03
Researcher's Developed Scale / HRQoL / Stress / Researcher's Developed Scale / S / 75 / -0.38
Cukor, D., Coplan, J., Brown, C., Friedman, S., Newville, H., Safier, M., et al. (2008)a / SF 36 - Total / HRQoL / Depression / Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale - Depression / A / 70 / -0.54
SF 36 - Total / HRQoL / Anxiety / Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale - Anxiety / A / 70 / -0.50
SF 36 - Total / HRQoL / Kidney Disease Impact / Total score of all subscales of KDQoL (excluding SF36 items) / S / 70 / 0.68
Curtin, R. B., Sitter, D. C. B., Schatell, D., & Chewning, B. A. (2004) / SF 36 - PCS / HRQoL / Self-Management / Researcher's Developed Scale / CP / 372 / -0.01
SF 36 - PCS / HRQoL / Knowledge of Illness / Researcher's Developed Scale / CP / 372 / 0.11
SF 36 - MCS / HRQoL / Self-Management / Researcher's Developed Scale / CP / 372 / -0.10
SF 36 - MCS / HRQoL / Knowledge of Illness / Researcher's Developed Scale / CP / 372 / 0.16
Dogan, E., Erkoc, R., Eryonucu, B., Sayarlioglu, H., & Agargun, M. Y. A. (2005) / SF 36 - Total / HRQoL / Depression / Hamilton Scale of Depression / A / 43 / -0.39
Drayer, R. A., Piraino, B., Reynolds, C. F., III, Houck, P. R., Mazumdar, S., Bernardini, J., et al. (2006) / SF 36 PCS / HRQoL / Depression / Primary Care Evaluation of Mental Disorders - Mood Module / A / 49 / -0.20
SF 36 MCS / HRQoL / Depression / Primary Care Evaluation of Mental Disorders - Mood Module / A / 49 / -0.40
Essink-Bot, M. L., Krabbe, P. F., van Agt, H. M., & Bonsel, G. J. (1996) / Nottingham Health Profile / HRQoL / Anxiety / State-Trait Anxiety Inventory / A / 63 / -0.36
Nottingham Health Profile / HRQoL / Depression / Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale / A / 63 / -0.37
Sickness Impact Profile / HRQoL / Anxiety / State-Trait Anxiety Inventory / A / 63 / -0.22
Sickness Impact Profile / HRQoL / Depression / Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale / A / 63 / -0.29
Fowler, C., & Baas, L. S. (2006) / Index of Well-Being / GW / Illness representation - identity / Revised Illness Perception Questionnaire / CA / 42 / -0.20
Index of Well-Being / GW / Illness representation – timeline (acute-chronic) / Revised Illness Perception Questionnaire / CA / 42 / -0.24
Index of Well-Being / GW / Illness representation - timeline(cyclical) / Revised Illness Perception Questionnaire / CA / 42 / -0.23
Index of Well-Being / GW / Illness representation – consequences / Revised Illness Perception Questionnaire / CA / 42 / -0.34
Index of Well-Being / GW / Illness representation - personal control / Revised Illness Perception Questionnaire / CA / 42 / 0.23
Index of Well-Being / GW / Illness representation - coherence / Revised Illness Perception Questionnaire / CA / 42 / -0.29
Index of Well-Being / GW / Illness representation - emotional responses / Revised Illness Perception Questionnaire / CA / 42 / -0.57
Fox, E., McDowall, J., Neale, T. J., Morrison, R. B., & Hatfield, P. J. (1993) / Spitzer Scales of Subjective QoL / HRQoL / Depression / Beck Depression Inventory / A / 20 / -0.24
Spitzer Scales of Subjective QoL / HRQoL / Depression / Beck Depression Inventory / A / 20 / -0.73
Frimat, L., Durand, P.-Y., Loos-Ayav, C., Villar, E., Panescu, V., Briancon, S., et al. (2006) / SF 36 - PCS / HRQoL / Effects of Kidney Disease / Effects of Kidney Disease Subscale of KDQoL / S / 293 / 0.28
SF 36 - PCS / HRQoL / Burden of kidney disease / Burden of Kidney Disease Subscale of KDQoL / S / 296 / 0.29
SF 36 - PCS / HRQoL / Social interaction / Quality of Social Interaction of KDQoL / SS / 295 / 0.07
SF 36 - PCS / HRQoL / Subjective social support / Social Support of KDQoL / SS / 291 / 0.04
SF 36 - MCS / HRQoL / Effects of Kidney Disease / Effects of Kidney Disease Subscale of KDQoL / S / 293 / 0.37
SF 36 - MCS / HRQoL / Burden of kidney disease / Burden of Kidney Disease Subscale of KDQoL / S / 296 / 0.43
SF 36 - MCS / HRQoL / Social interaction / Quality of Social Interaction of KDQoL / SS / 295 / 0.33
SF 36 - MCS / HRQoL / Subjective social support / Social Support of KDQoL / SS / 291 / 0.16
Guney, I., Biyik, M., Yeksan, M., Biyik, Z., Atalay, H., Solak, Y., et al. (2008) / SF 36 - PCS / HRQoL / Depression / Beck Depression Inventory / A / 124 / -0.67
SF 36 - MCS / HRQoL / Depression / Beck Depression Inventory / A / 124 / -0.70
Hong, E., Bernardini, J., Fried, L., Samsonov, M., & Pirain, B. (2006) / Single Item Measure / GW / Depression / Primary Care Evaluation of Mental Disorders - Mood Module / A / 64 / -0.51
Hsieh, R. L., Lee, W. C., Huang, H. Y., & Chang, C. H. (2007) / WHOQOL BREF / S / Mental Health / General Health Questionnaire / A / 27 / -0.44
WHOQOL BREF / S / Present satisfaction with personal health+ / Researcher's Developed Scale / n/a / 27 / 0.46
WHOQOL BREF / S / Premorbid satisfaction with personal health+ / Researcher's Developed Scale / n/a / 27 / 0.39
Ibrahim, S., El Salamony, O., Ibrahim, S., & El Salamony, O. (2008) / SF 36 - PCS / HRQoL / Depression / Beck Depression Inventory / A / 60 / -0.55
SF 36 - MCS / HRQoL / Depression / Beck Depression Inventory / A / 60 / -0.66
Kao, T.-W., Tsai, D.-M., Wu, K.-D., Shiah, C.-J., Hsieh, B.-S., & Chen, W.-Y. (2003) / SF 36 - PCS / HRQoL / Religion / Researcher's Developed Scale / PA / 71 / 0.12*
SF 36 - MCS / HRQoL / Religion / Researcher's Developed Scale / PA / 71 / 0.17*
Kimmel, P. L., Emont, S. L., Newmann, J. M., Danko, H., & Moss, A. H. (2003) / McGill QoL Questionnaire / S / Spirituality/Religion / Researcher's Developed Scale / PA / 165 / 0.24
Satisfaction with Life Scale / GW / Spirituality/Religion / Researcher's Developed Scale / PA / 165 / 0.20
Single Item from McGill QoL Questionnaire / GW / Spirituality/Religion / Researcher's Developed Scale / PA / 165 / 0.18
Kimmel, P. L., Peterson, R. A., Weihs, K. L., Simmens, S. J., Boyle, D. H., Cruz, I., et al. (1995) / Satisfaction with Life Scale / GW / Perception of Illness / Illness Effects Questionnaire / CA / 149 / -0.37
Satisfaction with Life Scale / GW / Depression / Cognitive Depression Index / A / 149 / -0.33
Satisfaction with Life Scale / GW / Subjective social support / Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support / SS / 149 / 0.33
Satisfaction with Life Scale / GW / Illness adjustment / Psychosocial Adjustment to Illness Scale / CP / 149 / -0.12
Satisfaction with Life Scale / GW / Illness adjustment / Psychosocial Adjustment to Illness Scale / CP / 149 / 0.003
Satisfaction with Life Scale / GW / Illness adjustment / Psychosocial Adjustment to Illness Scale / CP / 149 / -0.21
Satisfaction with Life Scale / GW / Disease severity / ESRD Severity Coefficient / S / 149 / -0.29
Satisfaction with Life Scale / GW / Marital satisfaction / Dyadic Adjustment Scale / SS / 149 / 0.15
Kimmel, P. L., Peterson, R. A., Weihs, K. L., Simmens, S. J., Boyle, D. H., Umana, W. O., et al. (1996) / Satisfaction with Life Scale / GW / Perception of Illness / Illness Effects Questionnaire / CA / 99 / -0.57
Satisfaction with Life Scale / GW / Depression / Cognitive Depression Index / A / 99 / -0.52
Satisfaction with Life Scale / GW / Subjective social support / Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support / SS / 99 / 0.30
Satisfaction with Life Scale / GW / Illness adjustment / Psychosocial Adjustment to Illness Scale / CP / 99 / -0.28
Satisfaction with Life Scale / GW / Illness adjustment / Psychosocial Adjustment to Illness Scale / CP / 99 / -0.26
Satisfaction with Life Scale / GW / Illness adjustment / Psychosocial Adjustment to Illness Scale / CP / 99 / -0.39
Satisfaction with Life Scale / GW / Disease severity / ESRD Severity Coefficient / S / 99 / -0.25
Satisfaction with Life Scale / GW / Marital satisfaction / Dyadic Adjustment Scale / SS / 99 / 0.32
Satisfaction with Life Scale / GW / Depression / Beck Depression Inventory / A / 99 / -0.56
Ko, B., Khurana, A., Spencer, J., Scott, B., Hahn, M., & Hammes, M. (2007) / SF36 – PCS (KDQoL) / HRQoL / Spirituality/Religion / Royal Free Interview for Spiritual and Religious Beliefs Scale / PA / 112 / 0.21
SF36 – MCS (KDQoL) / HRQoL / Spirituality/Religion / Royal Free Interview for Spiritual and Religious Beliefs Scale / PA / 112 / 0.10
Kouidi, E., Iacovides, A., Iordanidis, P., Vassiliou, S., Deligiannis, A., Ierodiakonou, C., et al. (1997). / Spitzer Scales of Subjective QoL / HRQoL / Depression / Beck Depression Inventory / A / 36 / 0.47*
Spitzer Scales of Subjective QoL / HRQoL / Personality - psychoticism / Eysenck Personality Questionnaire / PA / 36 / 0.14*
Spitzer Scales of Subjective QoL / HRQoL / Personality - neuroticism / Eysenck Personality Questionnaire / PA / 36 / 0.14*
Spitzer Scales of Subjective QoL / HRQoL / Personality - extroversion / Eysenck Personality Questionnaire / PA / 36 / 0.14*
Kutner, N. G., Brogan, D., Hall, W. D., Haber, M., & Daniels, D. S. (2000) / Life Satisfaction Rating / GW / Depression / Centre for Epidemiologic Studies Depression / A / 113 / 0.43*
Lev, E. L., & Owen, S. V. (1998) / Sickness Impact Profile / HRQoL / Self-care self-efficacy / Strategies Used by People to Promote Health / CA / 36 / -0.25
Lindqvist, R., Carlsson, M., & Sjoden, P. O. (1998)b / SWED-QUAL / HRQoL / Coping - physical / Researcher's Developed Scale / CP / 30 / 0.21
SWED-QUAL / HRQoL / Coping - psychological / Researcher's Developed Scale / CP / 30 / 0.23
SWED-QUAL / HRQoL / Coping - social / Researcher's Developed Scale / CP / 30 / 0.23
SWED-QUAL / HRQoL / Coping - existential / Researcher's Developed Scale / CP / 30 / 0.30
Lok, P. (1996) / Researcher's Developed Scale / HRQoL / Stress / Researcher's Developed Scale / S / 56 / -0.42
Researcher's Developed Scale / HRQoL / Coping - emotional - oriented / Researcher's Developed Scale / CP / 56 / 0.37
Researcher's Developed Scale / HRQoL / Coping - problem - oriented / Researcher's Developed Scale / CP / 56 / 0.19
Researcher's Developed Scale / HRQoL / Stress / Researcher's Developed Scale / S / 8 / -0.29
Researcher's Developed Scale / HRQoL / Coping - emotional - oriented / Researcher's Developed Scale / CP / 8 / 0.33
Researcher's Developed Scale / HRQoL / Coping - problem - oriented / Researcher's Developed Scale / CP / 8 / 0.11
Majkowicz, M., Afeltowicz, Z., Lichodziejewska-Niemierko, M., Debska-Slizien, A., & Rutkowski, B. (2000) / EORTC QoL Questionnaire / HRQoL / Anxiety / Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale - Anxiety / A / 87 / -0.28
EORTC QoL Questionnaire / HRQoL / Depression / Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale - Depression / A / 87 / -0.39
Maor, Y., King, M., Olmer, L., & Mozes, B. (2001) / SF 36 - PCS / HRQoL / Disease severity / End Stage Renal Disease Severity Index / S / 56 / -0.60
SF 36 - PCS / HRQoL / Depression / Centre for Epidemiologic Studies Depression / A / 56 / -0.67
SF 36 - PCS / HRQoL / Subjective Social Support / Apgar Social Support Scale / SS / 56 / 0.22
SF 36 - PCS / HRQoL / Subjective Social Support / Apgar Social Support Scale / SS / 56 / 0.52
SF 36 - MCS / HRQoL / Disease severity / End Stage Renal Disease Severity Index / S / 56 / -0.39
SF 36 - MCS / HRQoL / Depression / Centre for Epidemiologic Studies Depression / A / 56 / -0.69
SF 36 - MCS / HRQoL / Subjective Social Support / Apgar Social Support Scale / SS / 56 / 0.31
SF 36 - MCS / HRQoL / Subjective Social Support / Apgar Social Support Scale / SS / 56 / 0.49
Martin, C. R., & Thompson, D. R. (2000) / SF 36 - PCS / HRQoL / Depression / Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale / A / 72 / -0.41
SF 36 - PCS / HRQoL / Anxiety / Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale / A / 72 / -0.34
SF 36 - PCS / HRQoL / Locus of Control / Locus of Control of Behaviour / CA / 72 / 0.21
SF 36 - MCS / HRQoL / Depression / Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale / A / 72 / -0.59
SF 36 - MCS / HRQoL / Anxiety / Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale / A / 72 / -0.63
SF 36 - MCS / HRQoL / Locus of Control / Locus of Control of Behaviour / CA / 72 / 0.30
Mucsi, I., Molnar, M. Z., Rethelyi, J., Vamos, E., Csepanyi, G., Tompa, G., et al. (2004) / EuroQoL Instrument / HRQoL / Disease severity / End Stage Renal Disease Severity Index / S / 78 / -0.47
Patel, S. S., Shah, V. S., Peterson, R. A., & Kimmel, P. L. (2002) / Single Item from McGill QoL Questionnaire / GW / Perception of Illness / Illness Effects Questionnaire / CA / 53 / -0.56
Single Item from McGill QoL Questionnaire / GW / Depression / Beck Depression Inventory / A / 53 / -0.66
Single Item from McGill QoL Questionnaire / GW / Depression / Cognitive Depression Index / A / 53 / -0.68
Single Item from McGill QoL Questionnaire / GW / Subjective Social Support / Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support / SS / 53 / 0.54
Single Item from McGill QoL Questionnaire / GW / Patient-staff relationship / Researcher's Developed Scale / SS / 53 / 0.34
Single Item from McGill QoL Questionnaire / GW / Patient-staff relationship / Researcher's Developed Scale / SS / 53 / 0.13
Single Item from McGill QoL Questionnaire / GW / Spirituality/Religion / Researcher's Developed Scale / PA / 53 / 0.27
Single Item from McGill QoL Questionnaire / GW / Spirituality/Religion / Researcher's Developed Scale / PA / 53 / 0.40
Single Item from McGill QoL Questionnaire / GW / Coping Religion / Researcher's Developed Scale / CP / 53 / 0.37
Satisfaction with Life Scale / GW / Spirituality/Religion / Researcher's Developed Scale / PA / 53 / 0.26
Satisfaction with Life Scale / GW / Spirituality/Religion / Researcher's Developed Scale / PA / 53 / 0.38
Satisfaction with Life Scale / GW / Self-care self-efficacy / Researcher's Developed Scale / CP / 53 / 0.34
Satisfaction with Life Scale / GW / Patient-staff relationship / Researcher's Developed Scale / SS / 53 / 0.41
Satisfaction with Life Scale / GW / Patient-staff relationship / Researcher's Developed Scale / SS / 53 / 0.37
Perneger, T. V., Leski, M., Chopard-Stoermann, C., & Martin, P.-Y. (2003) / SF 36 - PCS / HRQoL / Effects of Kidney Disease / Effects of Kidney Disease Subscale of KDQoL / S / 83 / 0.40
SF 36 - PCS / HRQoL / Burden of kidney disease / Burden of Kidney Disease Subscale of KDQoL / S / 83 / 0.33
SF 36 - PCS / HRQoL / Social interaction / Quality of Social Interaction of KDQoL / SS / 83 / 0.23
SF 36 - PCS / HRQoL / Subjective Social Support / Social Support of KDQoL / SS / 83 / 0.10
SF 36 - PCS / HRQoL / Patient-staff relationship / Dialysis Staff Encouragement of KDQoL / SS / 83 / -0.12
SF 36 - PCS / HRQoL / Health care satisfaction+ / Patient Satisfaction of KDQoL / n/a / 83 / -0.06
SF 36 - MCS / HRQoL / Effects of Kidney Disease / Effects of Kidney Disease Subscale of KDQoL / S / 83 / 0.53
SF 36 - MCS / HRQoL / Burden of kidney disease / Burden of Kidney Disease Subscale of KDQoL / S / 83 / 0.46
SF 36 - MCS / HRQoL / Social interaction / Quality of Social Interaction of KDQoL / SS / 83 / 0.49
SF 36 - MCS / HRQoL / Subjective Social Support / Social Support of KDQoL / SS / 83 / 0.47
SF 36 - MCS / HRQoL / Patient-staff relationship / Dialysis Staff Encouragement of KDQoL / SS / 83 / 0.29
SF 36 - MCS / HRQoL / Health care satisfaction+ / Patient Satisfaction of KDQoL / n/a / 83 / 0.35
Pucheu, S., Consoli, S. M., D'Auzac, C., Francais, P., & Issad, B. (2004) / SF 36 – PCS (KDQoL) / HRQoL / Locus of control (internal) / Multidimensional Health Locus of Control Scale / CA / 46 / 0.35
SF 36 – PCS (KDQoL) / HRQoL / Locus of control (chance) / Multidimensional Health Locus of Control Scale / CA / 46 / -0.05
SF 36 – PCS (KDQoL) / HRQoL / Locus of control (powerful others) / Multidimensional Health Locus of Control Scale / CA / 46 / 0.36
SF 36 – PCS (KDQoL) / HRQoL / Coping - problem-oriented / Ways of Coping Checklist / CP / 47 / 0.05
SF 36 – PCS (KDQoL) / HRQoL / Coping - emotional - oriented / Ways of Coping Checklist / CP / 47 / -0.10
SF 36 – PCS (KDQoL) / HRQoL / Coping - social support / Ways of Coping Checklist / CP / 47 / -0.07
SF 36 – MCS (KDQoL) / HRQoL / Locus of control (internal) / Multidimensional Health Locus of Control Scale / CA / 46 / 0.06
SF 36 – MCS (KDQoL) / HRQoL / Locus of control (chance) / Multidimensional Health Locus of Control Scale / CA / 46 / -0.16
SF 36 – MCS (KDQoL) / HRQoL / Locus of control (powerful others) / Multidimensional Health Locus of Control Scale / CA / 46 / 0.08
SF 36 – MCS (KDQoL) / HRQoL / Coping - problem-oriented / Ways of Coping Checklist / CP / 47 / 0.00
SF 36 – MCS (KDQoL) / HRQoL / Coping - emotional - oriented / Ways of Coping Checklist / CP / 47 / -0.45
SF 36 – MCS (KDQoL) / HRQoL / Coping - social support / Ways of Coping Checklist / CP / 47 / -0.30
Pucheu, S., Consoli, S. M., Francais, P., Issad, B., & D'Auzac, C. (2004) / SF 36 - PCS / HRQoL / Alexithymia / Toronto Alexithymia Scale - Total / PA / 46 / -0.16
SF 36 - MCS / HRQoL / Alexithymia / Toronto Alexithymia Scale - Total / PA / 46 / -0.41
SF 36 - PCS / HRQoL / Burden of kidney disease / Burden of Kidney Disease Subscale of KDQoL / S / 47 / 0.33
SF 36 - PCS / HRQoL / Subjective Social Support / Social Support of KDQoL / SS / 47 / 0.03
SF 36 - PCS / HRQoL / Health care satisfaction+ / Patient Satisfaction of KDQoL / n/a / 47 / 0.05
SF 36 - MCS / HRQoL / Burden of kidney disease / Burden of Kidney Disease Subscale of KDQoL / CP / 47 / 0.35
SF 36 - MCS / HRQoL / Subjective Social Support / Social Support of KDQoL / SS / 47 / 0.01
SF 36 - MCS / HRQoL / Health care satisfaction+ / Patient Satisfaction of KDQoL / n/a / 47 / 0.09
Saban, K. L., Stroupe, K. T., Bryant, F. B., Reda, D. J., Browning, M. M., Hynes, D. M., et al. (2008) / Quality of Well-Being / HRQoL / Effects of Kidney Disease / Researcher's Developed Scale / S / 322 / 0.47
SF 36 - Total / HRQoL / Effects of Kidney Disease / Researcher's Developed Scale / S / 322 / 0.72
Sayin, A., Mutluay, R., & Sindel, S. (2007) / SF 36 - PCS / HRQoL / Depression / Beck Depression Inventory / A / 75 / -0.48
SF 36 - PCS / HRQoL / Depression / Beck Depression Inventory / A / 41 / -0.41
SF 36 - PCS / HRQoL / Anxiety / State-Trait Anxiety Inventory / A / 75 / -0.26
SF 36 - PCS / HRQoL / Anxiety / State-Trait Anxiety Inventory / A / 41 / -0.25
SF 36 - PCS / HRQoL / Anxiety / State-Trait Anxiety Inventory / A / 75 / -0.20
SF 36 - PCS / HRQoL / Anxiety / State-Trait Anxiety Inventory / A / 41 / -0.36
SF 36 - MCS / HRQoL / Depression / Beck Depression Inventory / A / 75 / -0.50
SF 36 - MCS / HRQoL / Depression / Beck Depression Inventory / A / 41 / -0.73
SF 36 - MCS / HRQoL / Anxiety / State-Trait Anxiety Inventory / A / 75 / -0.41
SF 36 - MCS / HRQoL / Anxiety / State-Trait Anxiety Inventory / A / 41 / -0.69
SF 36 - MCS / HRQoL / Anxiety / State-Trait Anxiety Inventory / A / 75 / -0.49
SF 36 - MCS / HRQoL / Anxiety / State-Trait Anxiety Inventory / A / 41 / -0.69
Steele, T. E., Baltimore, D., Finkelstein, S. H., Juergensen, P., Kliger, A. S., & Finkelstein, F. O. (1996) / Single Item from Patient Assessed Quality of Life / GW / Depression / Beck Depression Inventory / A / 49 / -0.58
Single Item from Patient Assessed Quality of Life / GW / Anxiety / Patient Rated Anxiety Scale / A / 49 / -0.38
Tagay, S., Kribben, A., Hohenstein, A., Mewes, R., & Senf, W. (2007) / SF 36 - PCS / HRQoL / PTSD / Impact of Event Scale - Revised / A / 144 / -0.19
SF 36 - MCS / HRQoL / PTSD / Impact of Event Scale - Revised / A / 144 / -0.46
SF 36 - PCS / HRQoL / Depression / Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale / A / 144 / -0.36
SF 36 - MCS / HRQoL / Depression / Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale / A / 144 / -0.60
SF 36 - PCS / HRQoL / Anxiety / Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale / A / 144 / -0.14
SF 36 - MCS / HRQoL / Anxiety / Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale / A / 144 / -0.60
Tell, G. S., Mittelmark, M. B., Hylander, B., Shumaker, S. A., Russell, G., & Burkart, J. M. (1995) / Life Satisfaction Rating / GW / Subjective social support / Interpersonal Support Evaluation List / SS / 256 / 0.34
Life Satisfaction Rating / GW / Objective social support / Cuben Social Network Scale / SS / 256 / 0.21
Tovbin, D., Gidron, Y., Jean, T., Granovsky, R., & Schnieder, A. (2003) / SEIQoL / S / Hostility / Researcher's Developed Scale / PA / 48 / -0.31
SEIQoL / S / Subjective social support / Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support / SS / 48 / 0.38
Tsay, S.-L., & Healstead, M. (2002) / Quality of Life Index - Dialysis Version / S / Depression / Geriatric Depression Scale / A / 160 / -0.59
Quality of Life Index - Dialysis Version / S / Self-efficacy / Strategies Used by People to Promote Health / CA / 160 / 0.68
Turk, S., Atalay, H., Altintepe, L., Guney, I., Okudan, N., Tonbul, H. Z., et al. (2006) / SF 36 - PCS / HRQoL / Depression / Beck Depression Inventory / A / 97 / -0.49
SF 36 - MCS / HRQoL / Depression / Beck Depression Inventory / A / 97 / -0.44
Tyrrell, J., Paturel, L., Cadec, B., Capezzali, E., & Poussin, G. (2005) / Nottingham Health Profile / HRQoL / Depression / Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale / A / 51 / -0.56
Vasilieva, I. A. (2006) / SF 36 - PCS / HRQoL / Depression / Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale / A / 1047 / 0.21*
SF 36 - MCS / HRQoL / Depression / Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale / A / 1047 / 0.14*
SF 36 - MCS / HRQoL / Anxiety / State-Trait Anxiety Inventory / A / 1047 / 0.17*
Wolcott, D. L., Nissenson, A. R., & Landsverk, J. (1988)c / Single Item Measure / GW / Self-esteem / Simmons Scale / PA / 66 / 0.46
Single Item Measure / GW / Locus of control (internal) / Multidimensional Health Locus of Control Scale / CA / 66 / -0.16
Single Item Measure / GW / Locus of control (chance) / Multidimensional Health Locus of Control Scale / CA / 66 / -0.67
Single Item Measure / GW / Locus of control (external/powerful others) / Multidimensional Health Locus of Control Scale / CA / 66 / -0.4
Single Item Measure / GW / Mental Health / Profile of Mood States / A / 66 / -0.43