UPAKOVKA № 2 – 2013


Future packaging is born today (Ukrplastik)

10 steps to the Ukrainian market («Can-Pack Ukraine»)

Beer in Ukraine (market, packaging, trends)

N.A. Lavrinenko, JSC Ukrpivo, Kiev

The author analyzed the Ukrainian beer market, its production and consumption, export to other countries. He noted the development of the Ukrainian beer market, factors that change it. The author carefully considered all kinds of packaging for beer, made an analysis of the restructuring package in recent years and an outlook for the future, brought advantages and disadvantages of each type of package. He also examined the characteristics of the production of beer in the mini-breweries, the so-called living beer, problems recycling of used packaging.

Innovation in packaging (world of experience)

Paperboard market in Ukraine (status and problems)

I.A. Kolchina, UkrPapir, Kyiv

The author has analyzed the data and the state of production and consumption of paper, cardboard and corrugated packaging in Ukraine in 2012, compared to previous years. She showed that the production of raw materials (cardboard and paper) for the manufacture of corrugated board, as well as production of the corrugated board and boxes, it meets the demand of consumers of these products in Ukraine. However, production and quality paperboard for consumer packaging still lag behind. The author noted that Ukraine has to import pulp, waste paper and high quality coated board. In recent years, Ukraine has increased the production of bags and bags of paper. Success of the industry would have been even greater if the state has created the conditions for their development.

Laminated micro-corrugated cardboard

(market, production, properties)

S.F. Gavenko, Dr., I.I. Regey, Dr., V.V. Bernatsek, Ukrainian Academy of Printing, Lviv

In the article the classification signs of modern equipment are defined for micro-corrugated cardboard gluing on technical and technologic indexes, so as optimization models of micro-corrugated cardboard gluing process is researched on a designed device, the models take into account technical parameters and modes. It is attained maximal durability and firmness of glued micro-corrugated cardboard to deformation.

Solutions "DuPont" for the packaging industry
A.O. Kozlov, "DuPont Ukraine", Kyiv

Smart packaging for food

A.N. Gavva, Dr., S.V. Tokarchuk, Ph.D., E.A. Kohan, Ph.D., National University of Food Technologies, Kyiv

The author presented an analysis of existing systems of «intelligent» and «active» packaging and identified the main trends of development. The «intelligent» packaging provides information about the functions and properties of packaged foods, it confirms the integrity, safety and quality of products. It is used to verify the authenticity of the product. The producers of packaging consciously include auxiliary components in «active» packaging to improve the performance of its function.

Products packaged in retail
S.A. Moiseenko, "Caravan", Kyiv

Packaged foods in flexible packaging materials

V.L. Shreder, PJSC Ukrplastic, A.N. Gavva, Dr., NUFT, V.N. Krivoshey, Ph.D., IAC Upakovka, Kyiv

Piece food products are characterized geometric dimensions and weight. Besides, as object for packaging, there are considered as elastic-plastic bodies, and for packaging operations should not occur deformation of the product. This condition determines the value of the external loads from flexible packaging materials and work of filling and packaging equipment. The authors examined the various types of packaging, wrapping and packing equipment in the flexible packaging piece products (bread, meat, cheese, etc.).

Formation of a tubular polymer film (critical parameters of process)

G.I. Ved, Ph.D., I.O. Mikulenok, Dr., A.D. Petukhov, Dr., V.O. Senatos, Ph.D., NTU KPI, Kyiv

On the basis of the analysis of the forces operating on a site of formation of a tubular polymer film, settlement dependences for some parameters of process of its stable formation are received.

Rational location of weigher capacity in gravimetric dosing units for granular products

O.M. Gavva, Dr., A.V. Derenivska, N.А. Maslo, Ph.D., National university of food technologies, Kyiv

Linear gravimetric dosing units are prevailed at the equipment domestic market for packing granular products into consumer package today. Improvement methodology of dosing units are foresee reduction time for development new dosing units and research their characteristics on the basis of the comprehensive engineering. In this article authors brought research results of determination rational location of weigher capacity in gravimetric dosing units for granular products. Such location will substantially decrease the dynamic dosage error constituent, that will assist the increase dosing units productivity.

The revolution in the field of packaging equipment (Tomchuk AM)
Certification of food packaging (scheme FSSC 22000)
L.S. Shulga, "SGS Ukraine", Odessa
Quality is born in the laboratory
S.D. Petrenko, Ph.D., "Tekhnokom", Kyiv

Plate processes processors of flat offset printing (current state)

B.R. Kushlyk, PPI NTUU KPI, Kyiv

In this article the analysis of the modern offset printing plates technology development is described. Basing on the examination of field articles the nowadays priority technologies are determined. The not-developing technologies are determined, in the key developing technologies the main streams of improvements are defined, which are summarized as algorithms showing the scheme of forming the gap and printing elements.

Productivity, simplicity, efficiency (Mark Andy)

Short message services
Yellow pages