Board of Selectpersons Minutes July 30, 2007


Board of Selectpersons Meeting

Monday, July 30, 2007


Christine Powers called the Public Hearing to order 7:00 pm. Also present were Dana Watson, Rick Paraschak, Karen Thompson and Town Manager Derik Goodine.

Public Hearing for Liquor License

Liquor License for Roman’s Pizzeria - Mr. Goodine has no violations to report. Mr. Watson made a motion to adjourn the Public Hearing for the Liquor License for Roman’s Pizzeria at 7:08 pm; seconded by Mrs. Thompson. All were in favor.

Mrs. Power called the Public Hearing to order at 7:09 pm.

Zoning Ordinance – Larry Anton questioned specific wording in the ordinance. Different members of the public questioned the proposed zoning of particular parcels of property which they felt were wrongly classified in proper zones. It was answered that the Comprehensive Plan of Naples, which was adopted at the previous Town Meeting, determined which areas of Naples are designated into particular zones based on maps provided by the Lakes Environmental Association and in compliance with State of Maine and Federal regulations. No consideration will be given for residential growth in zones designated as “rural critical” according to the proposed Zoning Ordinance. Skip Meeker noted that any landowner has the right to apply for a zoning change. The definition of “cluster housing” was questioned; condos versus a mobile home park. This will be defined more clearly. Mr. Paraschak stated that the complaints were noted and that the Zoning Ordinance Review Committee would review the wording and make revisions as necessary. Bob Neault noted that there is no language in this Ordinance for an appeals process of a decision made by the Planning Board. Mrs. Powers stated that this item would also be reviewed. Mr. Watson made a motion to close the Public Hearing of the Zoning Ordinance for the Town of Naples at 8:12 pm; seconded by Mrs. Thompson. All were in favor.


Mrs. Powers called the Board of Selectpersons Meeting to order at 8:13 PM.


Mr. Paraschak made a motion to approve the Liquor License for Roman’s Pizzeria; seconded by Mr. Watson. All were in favor.


Mrs. Thompson made a motion to accept the minutes from July 2, 2007, and July 16, 2007; seconded by Mr. Watson. All were in favor.



Sale of Marine Safety Boat – Mr. Goodine knows of a rowboat which was given to the Fire Department by Marine Safety. Members of the public have questioned whether the boat is for sale. Mr. Watson made a motion to authorize Derik Goodine to handle the sale of the other row boat; seconded by Mr. Paraschak. All were in favor.


Street Acceptance Ordinance – Mr. Goodine explained about new language used in the ordinance. A time frame was instituted. Mr. Paraschak questioned the 80% completion rule. Mrs. Powers mentioned a petition that was recently passed. Mr. Goodine stated that the petition would have to be corrected when it is presented to the Town. Mr. Goodine will include the Ordinance on the Town Meeting Warrant.

Town Office Water Problem - Mr. Goodine is still researching those needs to determine the best and most cost effective way to treat the uranium in the water at the Town Office. Liz from Aqua Max is conducting tests this week, after that she will give her recommendation of the best way to treat the problem. Barbara, Town Secretary is also having the State of Maine send additional kits and seeking their advice. Mr. Goodine said he would like to have Liz from Aqua Max make a presentation to the Board of Selectpersons with her finding.

Traffic Ordinance – Mr. Goodine presented the revised version with suggestions from the DOT to prevent people from parking at the end of Thompson Point Road which is commonly used for overflow parking. Mr. Goodine has been in contact with the State Park and has made them aware of this proposed Ordinance. Mrs. Thompson made a motion to accept the amendments of the Traffic Ordinance; seconded by Mr. Watson. All were in favor.

School Consolidation Committee Update – Robert Caron is currently at a meeting for this Committee and will report back to the Selectboard at their next regularly scheduled meeting.

Bulky Waste Coupon System – Mr. Goodine purchased three banners which will be placed at the entrance and exit to the facility and on the lawn at the Town Office. August 20th is the official date for which coupons will need to be used at the Bulky Waste Facility. Coupons will be available at the Town Office on August 7th.


Bay of Naples Bridge Town Obligations – Mr. Goodine spoke to the lead engineer on this project. The proposed bridge operator’s house would be larger than the current one, and would be two stories. Mr. Goodine suggested that they add a lighthouse next to it for aesthetic reasons. Mr. Paraschak expressed concern over their ability to get a Building Permit for such a large facility. Mr. Goodine stated that it could be possible under the current State rules and Town Ordinance. Mr. Paraschak asked if they would be submitting something to the Town. Mr. Goodine has made the suggestion previously. He will keep the Selectboard updated when he has further news.

Dance Policy/Town of Naples Facility Use Policy – As long as the Dance is under the Town programs, including Project Graduation, then the Policy allows for it. Mr. Goodine would like the applications for such a request to be presented to the Selectboard. Mr. Watson made a motion to approve the amendment to the Policy for the Use of Municipal Office Buildings by Project Graduation; seconded by Mr. Paraschak. All were in favor.

Smoking & Drug Use Policy for Municipal Office Buildings – Mr. Goodine felt that this should be a separate from the Facility Use Policy. Mr. Paraschak questioned the legality of enforcing the proposition that smoking not be done within 100 feet of the Town facilities, since they may be off of Town property at that distance. Mr. Goodine feels that it should be included. Mr. Paraschak requested that the language be changed to exclude private property. Mr. Watson made a motion to approve the Town of Naples Tobacco and Alcohol Use on an Athletic or Recreation Facility Policy; seconded by Mrs. Thompson. All were in favor.



SAD 61 Director – Mr. Goodine has not had any interest as of yet.

Bulky Waste Facility Board Position Opening – Mr. Goodine wanted the Selectboard to be aware that this position is also open at this time.


American Legion Survey – Mr. Goodine has the final survey on the American Legion. The survey shows 9.66 acres. The Legion would retain 1.3 acres.

Patriots Day Storm – There is still some work to be completed. Some monies will need to be carried forward to the new fiscal year.

Trickey Pond Gate – Mr. Paraschak questioned who is responsible for his item and who owns it. Mrs. Powers affirmed that we own it and it is on Naples land. Mr. Goodine believes that the Milfoil grant monies that are received is intended to allay the cost of upkeep for this item.


Dog Control Policy - Will be reviewed by the Town Manager and brought back to the Selectboard for review and approval.


Mrs. Thompson made a motion to adjourn at 9:12 pm; seconded by Mr. Watson. All were in favor.

Respectfully Submitted,

Cathy Markavich