1. Three annual scholarships will be awarded in JUNE 2013 as follows:
  • The Foundation will award two $1000-and one $ 500- competitive scholarships to children, grandchildrenor other descendantsof Essex Catholic HS or Bishop Francis Essex Catholic HS alumni who are accepted and will be entering grades 9 through 12 in any Roman Catholic HS in September 2013.
  • The Foundation will also donate $2500 to the Christ the King Preparatory School, Newark, NJto providescholarships to accepted students entering grade 9 through 12 in September 2013.
  1. All studentswho received an ECHS Foundation scholarship for the academic year 2012-13 or prior years will receive anotification to reapplyfor a scholarship. (see item 9, below)
  2. Applicants must provide proof of acceptance to a Catholic high school. Attach an original or copy of the letter of acceptance from the entering high school principal or counselor.
  3. Submit two letters of recommendation with the application, one letter written by any of the following: the applicant’s current school principal, a current teacher or a school counselor. The second letter written by anyone who has knowledge of the applicant from non- school related activities such as, participation in church, scouting, sports, recreation, volunteering, etc.
  4. The applicant must complete part one of the application and the parent(s) can assist as necessary. The parent(s) must complete part two of the application and sign in the appropriate area.
  5. The completed, signed application and letters of recommendation must arrive no later thanApril 26, 2013, 4:00 PM.Theletter writer maymail the letters of recommendation directly to the ECHS Foundation or the applicantmay attach the letter to his/her application.
  6. Mail applications and/or letters to:

Essex Catholic High School Foundation Scholarship

271 Route 46 West –Suite B101

Fairfield, New Jersey 07004-2458

  1. Application for applicantsentering Grade 9 through 12 in 2013follows on the pages.
  2. A completed application is required for students who received scholarship in 2011 or 2012 and wish to compete for ascholarship in 2013.
  3. The Scholarship Committee panel’s will recommend the award a scholarship on several factor, including but not limited to the student’s goals, school achievement/potential, non-school activities and, if necessary,financial need will be a factor.

IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS: please call the ECHS Foundation Scholarship at (973) 882-8275.


Scholarship Applicationfor Current 8th Grade Student

NOTE: We cannot accept applicationsreceived after thedeadline, April 26, 2013, 4:00 PM.

Part I- The applicant student will complete part 1 and the parent(s) orlegal guardian must approve the content.

Applicant’s Name:______

Home/Residence Address:______

City, State, Zip Code: ______

Parent(s) Full Name: Mother: ______

Father: ______

Name of Elementary School Attending: ______

Will you graduate from 8th grade this year? Mark with X Yes_____ NO_____

Name of the Catholic high school you will attend in September (attach letter of acceptance):

Q 1 - In 200 words or less: Is there someone in your life that you look up to as a role model?______
______(continue on the back or add a page)

Q 2 – In 200 words or less: Why do you want to attend the Catholic high school of your choice? ______(continue on the back or add a page)

Q 3 – In 100 words or less: How attending the Catholic HS of your choice help you decide what kind of work you will do as an adult?______

______(continue on the back or add a page)

Signature of Applicant; ______Age______Date______

Part II- Parent(s) or legal guardian(s) must complete this section:

Because the child is a minor,a parent or a legal guardian must review and approve part one of the application. One or both parents or legal guardiansmust complete Part II andmust sign at the end of the application. If a legal guardian is completing Part II, please attach a copy of any legal document authorizing your guardianship of the minor applying for the scholarship.

Mother’s Name or Legal Guardian: ______

Home Address: ______

Town/State/Zip code: ______

Daytime Telephone Number: ______

Evening Telephone Number: ______

E-mail Address: ______

Father’s Name or Legal Guardian: ______

Enter below home address only if different from the contact information above:

Home Address: ______

Town/State/Zip code: ______

Daytime Telephone Number: ______

Evening Telephone Number: ______

E-mail Address: ______

Combined gross family income from last year’s Federal Income Tax Form (Circle closest range)

Under $25K $26K to $50K $51K to $75K $76K to $100K $101K and above

Estimate the yearly tuition charged by the Catholic HS your child will attend: $______

Number of children in your family and living with you: ______

Information you would like to add to enhance your child’s scholarship application: ______

I (we) have reviewed and approve the content of Part I of the scholarship application completed by my (our) child and I (we) assure the ECHS Foundation that all the information I (we) entered in Part II is true and accurate to the best of my (our) ability. I (we)) have read the Privacy Policy and understand that applications, letters of recommendation, and all other supporting documents will become the property of the ECHS Foundation and will not be returned. By signing this application, the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) also agree to allow the ECHS Foundation to utilize the image and name in publicity, videos, newsletters, letters, electronic transmissions and news releases related to the scholarship award. Winning applicants agree to have their photograph taken with ECHS foundation representatives and agree to release all rights to the photo to the ECHS Foundation for its promotional activities.I also confirm that I read the Privacy Policy Statement sent with the scholarship application.

Mother or Guardian’s Signature: ______Date______

Father or Guardian’s Signature: ______Date______

Application must be received no later than April 26, 2013, 4:00 PM.

Mail applications and all letters to:

Essex Catholic High School Foundation

Scholarship Application

271 Route 46 West – Suite B101

Fairfield, New Jersey 07004-2458


Please read the Privacy Policy Statement on a separate sheet in the ECHSF Scholarship information you received.