The Maria Grzegorzewska Pedagogical University


Courses in foreign languages

Academic year / 2018-2019
Area subject code / -
Title of course / Psychological aspects of field research - theory and practice workshop
Psychologiczne aspekty badań terenowych - teoria i warsztaty praktyczne
Level / Suitable for all levels
(please check √)
of implementation / 1st semester 2nd semester 1st or 2nd semester√ (please check √)
Number of hours / 20
ECTS / 4
(name and last name) / Anna Odrowaz-Coates
Title/position / Professor
(Institute, division) / Institute of Pedagogy, Social Pedagogy Department
Course description
(up to 600 words) / The main focus of the course will be on unintended consequences and common psychological aspects of field research situations. The effects of field research situations on both the field researchers and the research participants will be analyzed. Ethical issues, adjustment to the field, return from the field and breaking with the field will be discussed.
The course will enrich students understanding and use of social science methodology in practice. It will also enhance the knowledge of relevant vocabulary. Students will become more familiar with research tools used by ethnographers, anthropologists, sociologists and other social researchers. Tools and techniques of data collection:
– participant and non participant
– hidden and not hidden
– methods of recording data (diary, field notes, coding, modern IT)
– benefits and drawbacks
Interviews: in-depth, casual, structured, unstructured
Interviewee – Interviewer dilemma
Choice of respondents
Observing and reading of cultural artifacts
The course will be a useful source of information for students who wish to plan their own field research or to improve their knowledge of preparatory research,research planning, data collection process, the analysis and the framing of the findings. Participants will actively engage with provided literature. They will have an opportunity to discuss practical issues of field research obstacles and dilemmas.
The lecturer is an experienced, cross-cultural field researcher who wishes to share her knowledge and experience with student passionate to take their own journey into field research.
Required readings / Clifford Geertz (1973) The Interpretation of Cultures.
Parts of E. Durkheim (1912) The elementary forms of religiouslife.
Odrowąż-Coates A. (2015) A gated community as a 'soft' and gendered total institution, International Sociology, 30(3), pp. 233-249,Sage. doi: 10.1177/0268580915578759.
Odrowąż-Coates, Autobiographical experience as a tool of ethnographic study into the hidden world of Saudi women, kwartalnik Pedagogika Społeczna 2014, 1(51), pp. 45-56.
Odrowąż-Coates A. (2017) An ethnographic study about women
- The female researcher’s experience In: U. Markowska-Manista, J. Pilarska (eds.) An Introspective Approach to Women's Intercultural Fieldwork, pp. 13-51.
Urszula Markowska-Manista (2017) The dilemmas and passions in intercultural field research – a female pedagogue’s ethnographic notes In: U. Markowska-Manista, J. Pilarska (eds.) An Introspective Approach to Women's Intercultural Fieldwork, pp. 126
Justyna Pilarska (2017) Culturally sensitive research – on theory and some good examples, In: U. Markowska-Manista, J. Pilarska (eds.) An Introspective Approach to Women's Intercultural Fieldwork, pp. 148.
Chang, Heewon (2007). Autoethnography as Method (Developing Qualitative Inquiry). Walnut Creek: LeftCoast Press.
Clifford Christians G. (2005). Ethics and politics in qualitative research. In The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research, edited by Denzin N.K. and Y.S. Lincoln (pp. 139– 164). London: Thousand Oaks.
Egharevba, Itohan (2001). Researching another minority ethnic community: reflections of a black female researcher on the intersections of race, gender and other power positions on the research process. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 4(3), 225–241.
Rittner, Carol and John Roth (2016). Teaching about rape in war and genocide. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan.
1 to choose from:
Whyte W (1943) Street Corner Society.
B.Ehrenreich’s (2001) Nickel and Dimed.
B.Thorne (1993) Gender play.
R. King (1979) All Things Bright and Beautiful?
H. F. Wolcott (1973) The Man in the Principles Office.
Shorter texts will be provided in a PDF. format and will include a wide selection of texts on methodology and research techniques.
Teaching methods / Introductory Lecture, interactive workshop, discussion, brain mapping,
Prerequisites / At lease intermediate level of English, student must also have some basic idea of research methods
Assessment / Combination of: Participation rate, engagement, which will be graded, one paper and one project analysis to write
Teaching language / English
Contact person for further information
(name, e-mail, phone) / Anna Odrowąż-Coates, tel.: +48 604 876 686