Archdiocese of Milwaukee Integrated Curriculum Template
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Archdiocese of Milwaukee 6th - 8th GradeIntegrated NETS Curriculum
1. Technology Basics: / NETS / Specific Skills / Notes:
- Understand and comply with school AUP(Acceptable Use Policy)
- Practice proper ergonomics (sit up straight, use both hands) at computer.
- Learn how to trouble shoot problems with computer before asking for help. (Problem Solving and Critical Thinking)
- Cords plugged in?
- Internet Connection?
- Restart with teacher permission
- Develop a positive disposition towards being a 21st century life-long learner who uses technology to: self-direct learning; create and publish original content; collaborate and communicate with others; and think critically.
- Practices safe, legal and responsible use of information and technology
2. Technology Vocabulary: / NETS: / Specific Skills / Notes:
- Advanced Search
- Bandwidth
- Blog Post
- Channels
- Citation Protocol
- Cloud Computing
- Cookie
- Creative Commons
- Cross Platform
- Cyberbulling
- Digital and Mobile
- Download
- Dropbox
- Emoticon
- Export
- Flash
- File Sharing
- File Storage
- Firewall
- Freeware
- Hits
- Import
- Individualized Learning Plan
- IP Address
- Mashup
- MP3
- MP4
- Multimedia
- Open Source
- Operating System
- Pinch
- Personal Learning Network
- Pixel
- Publishing Options
- Quicktime
- Search Strategies
- Streaming Video
- Swipe
- Social Networking
- Upload
- Virus
3. Technology Skills - Spiraling / NETS: / Specific Skills / Notes:
a. Keyboarding / Formatting:
- Begin basic - advanced formatting skills
- Group and Layer objects in Word / Pages
- Understand ‘layering objects’ in mobile device apps
- Word Art / create Jpg
- Take Screenshots
- Understand file formats (.docx., .jpg, .pptx)
- Convert documents to different file types doc > pdf
- Attain 30 - 40 WPM typing speed
b. Understand file maintenance for naming and saving documents – rename documents / 6
c. Can find and share documents on computer / network / online file storage application / 6
d. Can create a new folder / rename a folder / 6
e. Start, restart and correctly shut down the computer / 6
f. Open, close and exit programs correctly / 6
g. Advanced Keyboard shortcuts / 6
h. Can manipulate files between personal documents folder, desktop and student shared folder, online file storage or sharing application / 6
i. Interact with teacher created lessons using SMART board and/or Smart Response. / 6
4. Technology Projects / NETS: / Specific Skills / Notes:
- A. Use a Web 2.0 Tool (or hardware-based application) that is used to communicate comprehension of a content-based curriculum unit.
- B. Publish the results of using a Web 2.0 Tool on a wiki page or Google Site or other online website creator
- Use a wiki widget
- Google Site Gadget
- Embed code
C. Use an online graphic organizer to plan a report or show relationships between elements, (ie, Bubble-Us, Webspiration) / 3 /
- Open / launch application
- Use ‘Bubbles’ to enter text
- Connect ‘Bubbles’
- Share data
E. Create and interact with a simple spreadsheet. Use basic formulas to add, subtract and multiply. Graph data for PE activity / 3 /
- Cell
- Formula
- Graph
- Enter data
F.Establish procedures for students to regularly Create and PUBLISH new content using various sources. Develop real-world, authentic products for learning target.
(i.e., Podcast, Blog, eBooks, video or screencast presentation, Wiki or Google webpage) / 1,2
G. Students collaborate and communicate comprehension of topic or unit of study. Use iPhoto or GarageBand or online Web 2.0 Tool (Mixbook, SlideShare). / 1,2
H. Interact with ‘Expert’ in the community or World to learn more about topic using Skype / 2
I. Use Google Apps to collaborate with classmates, others, teachers to coordinate learning / 1,2,3
J. Begin interacting with a classroom or school wiki or Google Site. Get username and password and learn web basics:
- Edit a page
- Save a page
- Change / edit font color
- Insert an image
- Use ‘Discussion’ Tab
- Create own page and enter content
- Collaborate with others
K. Applications for this grade level (s):
- PowerPoint / Pages
- Excel
- iMovie / Splice
- Inspiration / Webspiration
- iPhoto
- Wiki’s and Blogs
- Mobile Device apps suitable for Creating and Publishing
- Google Apps
- Web 2.0 Tools
L. Integrate Blogging
Promote more writing opportunities and creative expression by implementing blogging across all content areas in 6th – 8th. / 1,2,3,5,6
5. Research – Information Literacy / NETS: / Specific Skills / Notes:
- Respect copyright / intellectual property rights of creators and producers (begin discussion of attribution)
- Define format for attribution of sources for students using library books, fiction / nonfiction, internet images, websites, etc.
- Follow ethical and legal guidelines in gathering and using information
- Discuss Creative Commons as a new way (compared to standard copyright laws) for authors to share and distribute their work
- How to Search
- Evaluate different search engines
- Key Word Search
- Internet Scavenger Hunt to use key word searching
- Website Evaluation (Evaluate information found in selected sources on the basis of accuracy, validity, appropriateness for needs, importance, and social and cultural context)
- Who is the author?
- What is the date of the content?
- When was the site created?
- Is it reliable?
- Is it accurate?
- What is the difference between a .com, .edu, .gov,
- Make sense of information gathered from diverse sources by identifying misconceptions, main and supporting ideas, conflicting information, and point of view or bias.
- Demonstrate mastery of technology tools for accessing information and pursuing inquiry
- Collaborate with others to broaden and deepen understanding
- Demonstrate confidence and self-direction by making independent choices in the selection of resources and information
- Demonstrate creativity by using multiple resources and formats
- Display emotional resilience by persisting in information searching despite challenges.
- Discuss attribution (author-ship) for images / videos / websites used in lessons and units and Smartboard files (whole class)
6. Ethics (see Cybersmart matrix for detailed info) / NETS: / Specific Skills / Notes:
- Safety and Security Online
- Private Information
- Online Talk and Messaging
- Safe, SMART and Secure Online
- Strong Passwords
- Check the Privacy Policy
- Manners, Bullying and Ethics
- Cyberbullying
- Cyberbullying: Who, Me?
- Cyberbullying: Crossing the Line
- Power and Responsibility
- Considering Copyrighting
- Can you Hack it?
- Good Messaging Manners
- Authentic Learning and Creativity
- Using Real-Time Data
- Research and Information Fluency
- Search Engines and Directories
- Smart Keyword Search
- Making Search Decisions
- Identifying High-Quality Sites
- How to Cite a Site
- Online @the Library
- Sticky Sites
- Twenty-First Century Challenges
- Great Moments in Communications
- Cyberspace World
- Information Highways?
- Debating the Future
NETS-S Standards Key: For more information review
- Creativity and Innovation
- Communication and Collaboration
- Research and Information Fluency
- Critical thinking, Problem Solving and Decision Making
- Digital Citizenship
- Technology Operations and Concepts
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